Senior researcher at INOV-INESC and IST-University of Lisbon, working in FP7 European and national research projects. Areas of interest are Wireless and Mobile communications, involving radio channel modelling, EMF measurements, and body communications.
From 2001 to 2015
Currently involved in the following EU funded research projects:
> COST IC 1004 – Cooperative Radio Communications for Green Smart Environments, 2011-2015
> LEXNET – Low EMF Exposure Future Networks, 2012-2015
> NEWCOM# – Network of Excellence in Wireless Communications, 2012-2015.
Also involved in the following national project:
> FAQtos – Information on Electromagnetic Radiation in Mobile Communications.
Participated in the following EU funded research projects:
> COST BM0704 – Emerging EMF Technologies and Health Risk Management, 2008-2012.
> COST 2100 – Pervasive Mobile & Ambient Wireless Communications, 2006-2011.
> NEWCOM++ – Network of Excellence in Wireless Communications, 2008-2010.
> COST 281 – Potential Health Implications from Mobile Communication Systems, 2001-2006.
Also participated in the following national projects:
> MONIT – Monitoring of Electromagnetic Radiation in Mobile Communications, 2004-2012.
> ITEM – Technical Information About Exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation in Mobile Communications, 2002-2004.
> ImpAnt – Study of the impact of an urbanisation onto ANACOM’s spectrum monitoring system, namely on its antennas, 2005.
Senior researcher in the area of mobile and wireless communication networks, having worked for IST-TUL (Instituto Superior Técnico – Technical University of Lisbon), IT (Instituto de Telecomunicações) and INOV-INESC Inovação. International expertise working within consortia of European leading mobile operators, manufacturers, vendors and research institutions in European Commission funded research projects. She is author and editor of technical reports, and of national and international publications. She has also been consultant for ANACOM portuguese regulator, Optimus, TMN and Vodafone mobile operators.
> 3D electromagnetic simulation software, focused on antenna and microwave components simulation.
> Inter-disciplinary technology trends in the field of Wireless Body Area Networks and their potential in supporting healthcare applications.
> Emerging technology challenges for the Internet of Things, including low power and integrated devices, energy harvesting.
> Theoretical aspects of MIMO technology and implementation issues.
> Engineering, Ethics at Work, Professional Deontology.
> Ordem dos Engenheiros - Colégio de Engenharia Electrotécnica
Honors & Awards
> Oliveira, C.; "Estimação de Zonas de Exclusão para Antenas de Estação Base em Sistemas de Comunicação sem Fios", Prémio Inovação Jovem Engenheiro 2006 - Menção Honrosa, 01-10-2007