Ph.D. Student
From 2011 to 2016
Lisboa, Portugal
Tehran, Iran
Currently involved in the following EU funded research projects:
Attended Meetings
MobileCloud Networking, "General Assembly Meeting", Berlin, Germany, Nov. 2013
MobileCloud Networking, "General Assembly Meeting", Palermo, Italy, Feb. 2013
MobileCloud Networking, "WP2 and WP4 Meeting", Aveiro, Portugal, Apr. 2013
MobileCloud Networking, "WP2 and T3.5 Meeting", Lisbon, Portugal, May. 2013
MobileCloud Meeting, "WP4 Technical Meeting" , Berlin, Germany, Dec. 2012
OpenStack Meeting, "1st Swiss OpenStack user group meeting", Zurich, Switzerland, Nov. 2012
MobileCloud Networking, " Kick Off Meeting", Zurich, Switzerland, Nov. 2012
SAIL Summer School, "Future of Internet explained – today!", Santander, Spain, June 2012
COST IC1004, "2nd Management Committee and Scientific Meeting", Lisbon, Portugal, Oct. 2011.
IST'2010 - 5th International Symposium on Telecommunication, Tehran, Iran, Dec. 2010.
PIMRC’2010 - 21st IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Istanbul, Turkey, Sep. 2010.