GROW News Mar/2009

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GROW News Mar/2009

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Vol. 4, No. 03, Mar. 2009


In this issue:

1. Publications

2. Conferences & Seminars

3. Projects

4. Training Courses




1. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.


Daniel Sebastião, Carla Oliveira, Gonçalo Carpinteiro, Diana Ladeira, Mónica Antunes, Luís M. Correia, Carlos Fernandes, “Electromagnetic Fields Radiated by Fluorescent and Compact Fluorescent Lamps”, accepted to Conftele’2009 – 7th Conference on Telecommunications, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal, May 2009.


Armando J. Marques, Luís M. Correia and Sérgio Pires, “Modelling of Building Height Interference Dependence in UMTS”, accepted to Conftele’2009 – 7th Conference on Telecommunications, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal, May 2009.


Ricardo Preguiça, Luís. M. Correia and Carlos Caseiro, “Comparison between UMTS/HSPA+ and WiMAX/IEEE 802.16e in Mobility Scenarios”, accepted to Conftele’2009 – 7th Conference on Telecommunications, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal, May 2009.


Sara Duarte, Luís M. Correia and Luís Santo, “Analysis of Technologies for Long Term Evolution in UMTS”, accepted to Conftele’2009 – 7th Conference on Telecommunications, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal, May 2009.


Vikash M. Laxmidas, Luís M. Correia and Sérgio Pires, “Modelling of Linear Coverage in UMTS Applied to Tunnels and Bridges”, accepted to Conftele’2009 – 7th Conference on Telecommunications, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal, May 2009.


Daniel Sebastião, Carla Oliveira, Gonçalo Carpinteiro, Diana Ladeira, Mónica Antunes, Luís M. Correia, Carlos Fernandes, “Electromagnetic Field Radiated by Compact Fluorescent Lamps”, accepted to Bioelectromagnetics Society Meeting 2009, Davos, Switzerland, June 2009.



2. Conferences and Seminars

List of Conferences, Seminars, meetings, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.



Luis M. Correia

eMobility Steering Board meeting and review, Brussels, Belgium



Carla Oliveira, Cesaltina Ricardo, Michal Mackowiak

COST 2100 Training School, Paris, France.



Lúcio Ferreira, “Radio Resource Management in Wireless Mesh Networks”

GROWing meeting



Luis M. Correia, “A View of the COST 231-Bertoni-Ikegami Model”

EuCAP’2009 – 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Berlin, Germany



Luis M. Correia

4WARD Steering Board meeting, Paris, France



António Serrador

NEWCOM++ Workshop and WP R.09 meeting, Barcelona, Spain



Luis M. Correia

NEWCOM++ review, Barcelona, Spain



Luisa Caeiro, “Cooperative Radio Resource Management in Virtual Networks”

GROWing meeting



Daniel Sebastião, “Towards an Optimisation of Parameters Setting in WLANs”

GROWing meeting



Carla Oliveira, Michal Mackowiak

Course on “Antennas and Propagation for Body-Centric Wireless Communications”, European School of Antennas, London, UK.



Luis M. Correia, Daniel Sebastião

4WARD WP1 meeting, Helsinki, Finland



Luis M. Correia

PRESTO meeting, Turin, Italy



Daniel Sebastião, “Towards an Optimisation of Parameters Setting in WLANs”

João Lopes, “Performance Analysis of UMTS/HSPA at the Cellular Level”,

Luis M. Correia

VTC’2009 Spring – IEEE 69th Vehicular Technology Conference, Barcelona, Spain



Mónica Antunes, “Electromagnetic Fields Radiated by Fluorescent and Compact Fluorescent Lamps”,

Armando J. Marques, “Modelling of Building Height Interference Dependence in UMTS”,

Ricardo Preguiça, “Comparison between UMTS/HSPA+ and WiMAX/IEEE 802.16e in Mobility Scenarios”,

Sara Duarte, “Analysis of Technologies for Long Term Evolution in UMTS”,

Vikash M. Laxmidas, “Modelling of Linear Coverage in UMTS Applied to Tunnels and Bridges”,

GROWing meeting



3. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.



Daniel Sebastião continued the work on the use-cases and for new ideas of dissemination. António Serrador and Luisa Caeiro attended the WP3 T3.3 meeting held at TELECOM-ParisTech in Paris, where handling mobility, dynamic aspects and providing intra- and inter-VNet RRM issues were presented and discussed. Luisa Caeiro and António Serrador have issued an initial document concerning Cooperative Virtual Resource Management concepts and algorithms. Filipe Cardoso is preparing the document on Physical Layer Awareness. Within WP5, Lucio Ferreira is currently working on Wireless Mesh Networks, having contributed to deliverable D5.1.0.


COST2100 –

Contributions to the next meeting are being prepared by Carla Oliveira.


eMobility –

Work on the organisation of the next Workshop is ongoing.



monIT –

The team continued the information activities, with several actions being held in schools and universities. The preparation of the next years activities has already started.



António Serrador had a Skype meeting with Prof. Marco Moreti from Pisa University, Italy, where joint work and a short term mission by António Serrador to Pisa University was discussed. António Serrador and Nuno Cota attended the WP R.9 meeting and the N++ Dissemination Day event, in Barcelona, Spain where António Serrador presented the WG1 activity plan for the second year; they had also a few technical meetings with Bologna and Pisa Universities concerning Joint Radio Resource Management issues.



The project review was successful, and results were considered very good. All technical activities concerning the project are then closed.



4. Training Courses

News about training courses organised and attended by people from GROW


Luis M. Correia will be lecturing a course for judges, medical doctors and environmental technicians on “Exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation from Mobile Communications Systems”, on 2009-04-17 and 2009-04-24.




GROW News Feb/2009

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Vol. 4, No. 02, Feb. 2009


In this issue:

1. Publications

2. Conferences & Seminars

3. Projects



1. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.


António Serrador and Luís M. Correia, “A Cost Function Model for CRRM over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks”, submitted to Wireless Personal Communications.



2. Conferences and Seminars

List of Conferences, Seminars, meetings, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held next month.



Luis M. Correia, “What the Internet Needs Now and in the Future?”

GROWing meeting



Lucio Ferreira, WIP General Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal



Daniel Sebastião, Mónica Antunes, Diana Ladeira, Luís M. Correia

Workshop on EMF and Health: Science and Policy to address public concerns, Brussels, Belgium.



Carla Oliveira, Luís M. Correia, Michal Mackowiak

COST 2100 7th Management Committee Meeting, Braunschweig, Germany.



Carla Oliveira, Cesaltina Ricardo, Luís M. Correia, Michal Mackowiak

NEWCOM++ WPR.1 meeting, Lisboa, Portugal.



Luis M. Correia

eMobility Steering Board meeting and review, Brussels, Belgium



Carla Oliveira, Cesaltina Ricardo, Michal Mackowiak

COST 2100 Training School, Paris, France.



Lúcio Ferreira, “Radio Resource Management in Wireless Mesh Networks”

GROWing meeting



Luis M. Correia, “A View of the COST 231-Bertoni-Ikegami Model”

EuCAP’2009 – 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Berlin, Germany



Luis M. Correia

4WARD Steering Board meeting, Paris, France



António Serrador

NEWCOM++ Workshop and WP R.09 meeting, Barcelona, Spain.



3. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.



Daniel Sebastião continued the work on the use-cases and on the project newsletter. António Serrador and Luisa Caeiro have contributed to the WP3 Integrate Scenario, which will be used to check the Future Internet Virtualisation architecture framework. Filipe Cardoso continued the work on the document on Physical Layer Awareness. Within WP5, Lucio Ferreira is currently working on Wireless Mesh Networks.


COST2100 –

Contributions to the meeting by Carla Oliveira and Michal Mackowiak.


eMobility –

Work on the organisation of the next Workshop is ongoing. The next issue of the Newsletter is being devoted to the Strategic Applications Agenda, and GROW is actively involved in its preparation.



monIT –

The team continued the information activities, with several actions being held in schools and in a hospital. The team was present at a workshop on EMF held by the European Commission. A new continuous monitoring network will be installed in Lisbon in the next weeks.



Carla Oliveira and Michal Mackowiak presented contributions to meeting of WP R.01. António Serrador has promote a coordination meeting on 2009-02-12 within WG1 of WP R.09 to prepare activities for the second year.



The project has finished in December, and the final review is under preparation. Lúcio Ferreira is contributing to the relevant documents.



GROW News Jan/2009

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Vol. 4, No. 01, Jan. 2009


In this issue:

1. Publications

2. Conferences & Seminars

3. Projects



1. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.


Daniel Sebastião, Carla Oliveira, Gonçalo Carpinteiro, Diana Ladeira, Mónica Antunes, Luís M. Correia and Carlos Fernandes, “Electromagnetic Fields Radiated by Fluorescent and Compact Fluorescent Lamps”, submitted to Conftele’2009 – 7th Conference on Telecommunications, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal, May 2009.


Armando J. Marques, Luís M. Correia and Sérgio Pires, “Modelling of Building Height Interference Dependence in UMTS”, submitted to Conftele’2009 – 7th Conference on Telecommunications, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal, May 2009.


Filipe Leonardo and Luís M. Correia, “A Statistical 3D MIMO Radio Channel Model for UMTS”, submitted to Conftele’2009 – 7th Conference on Telecommunications, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal, May 2009.


Ricardo Preguiça, Luís. M. Correia and Carlos Caseiro, “Comparison between UMTS/HSPA+ and WiMAX/IEEE 802.16e in Mobility Scenarios”, submitted to Conftele’2009 – 7th Conference on Telecommunications, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal, May 2009.


Sara Duarte, Luís M. Correia and Luís Santo, “Analysis of Technologies for Long Term Evolution in UMTS”, submitted to Conftele’2009 – 7th Conference on Telecommunications, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal, May 2009.


Vikash M. Laxmidas, Luís M. Correia and Sérgio Pires, “Modelling of Linear Coverage in UMTS Applied to Tunnels and Bridges”, submitted to Conftele’2009 – 7th Conference on Telecommunications, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal, May 2009.



2. Conferences and Seminars

List of Conferences, Seminars, meetings, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held next month.



Rebecca Mayer, “A Spatial Approach to Costing ICT Infrastructure Investment in Africa”

Patrick Agyapong, “Interference Tolerance Signalling Using TDD Busy Tone Concept”

GROWing meeting



Luis M. Correia, Ph.D. Jury of Mario Garcia Lozano, “Contribution to Wireless Access Optimisation and Dynamic Enhancement of WCDMA Networks”, Polytechnic University of Catalonia,

Barcelona, Spain



Carla Oliveira and Ana Fred, “ECG-based authentication: Bayesian vs. Nearest Neighbour Classifiers”

Biosignals 2009, Porto, Portugal



Luís M. Correia, Daniel Sebastião, Filipe Cardoso, António Serrador, Luísa Caeiro, Lúcio Ferreira

4WARD General Meeting, Lisboa, Portugal.



Luis M. Correia, “”What the Internet Needs Now and in the Future?”

GROWing meeting



Lucio Ferreira, WIP General Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal



Daniel Sebastião, Mónica Antunes, Diana Ladeira, Luís M. Correia

Workshop on EMF and Health: Science and Policy to address public concerns, Brussels, Belgium.



Carla Oliveira, Luís M. Correia, Michal Mackowiak

COST 2100 7th Management Committee Meeting, Braunschweig, Germany.



Carla Oliveira, Cesaltina Ricardo, Luís M. Correia, Michal Mackowiak

NEWCOM++ WPR.1 meeting, Lisboa, Portugal.



3. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.



Daniel Sebastião contributed to the use-cases work. António Serrador and Luisa Caeiro continue the work on virtualisation. Filipe Cardoso has circulated a new version of the document on Physical Layer Awareness. Within WP5, Lucio Ferreira is currently working on Wireless Mesh Networks.


COST2100 –

The preparation for the next meeting in February is finished.


eMobility –

Work on the organisation of the next Workshop is ongoing


monIT –

The team continued with the information activities with several actions being held in schools and in a hospital.



Carla Oliveira and Michal Mackowiak are preparing the contribution to the incoming meeting of WP R.01. António Serrador and Nuno Cota have proposed the IST-TUL WP R.09 Activities Plan.



The project has finished in December, and the final review is under preparation. Lúcio Ferreira is contributing to the relevant documents.




GROW News Dec/2008

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Vol. 3, No. 14, Dec. 2008


In this issue:

1. People

2. Publications

3. Conferences & Seminars

4. Projects



1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.


Martijn Kuipers has left us, after a few years with GROW. We wish him good luck to his professional career.


GROW has one more members on board, in the pursuit of the M.Sc. thesis: Gonçalo Carvalho.



2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.


Luis M. Correia, “What the Internet Needs now and in the Future?”, ServiceWave, Madrid, Spain, Dec. 2008


Luis M. Correia, “Future Telecommunications Networks and EMF exposure”, 15th FTRD Seminar on Interactions of RF with the Human Being, Paris, France, Dec. 2008


Daniel Sebastião and Luís M. Correia, “Towards an Optimisation of Parameters Setting in WLANs”, accepted to VTC’2009 Spring – IEEE 69th Vehicular Technology Conference, Barcelona, Spain, Apr. 2009.


João Lopes, Luís M. Correia and Luis Santo, “Performance Analysis of UMTS/HSPA at the Cellular Level”, accepted to VTC’2009 Spring – IEEE 69th Vehicular Technology Conference, Barcelona, Spain, Apr. 2009.



3. Conferences and Seminars

List of Conferences, Seminars, meetings, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held next month.



Luis M. Correia

eMobility Steering Board Meeting, Brussels, Belgium



Carla Oliveira, “Characterizing On-Body Wireless Sensor Networks”

Carla Oliveira, “Modelling Body Area Networks”

Micha? Ma?kowiak, “Building a Statistical Model for MIMO in Body Area Networks”

Jörgen Nordberg, “Signalling and Detection of UWB Signals based on a Dual-doublet Transmitted Reference Scheme”

GROW Meeting



António Serrador, Luísa Caeiro

4WARD WP3 Meeting, Paris, France



Luis M. Correia, “What the Internet Needs Now and in the Future?”

ServiceWave, Madrid, Spain



Luis M. Correia, “Future Telecommunications Networks and EMF exposure”

15th FTRD Seminar on Interactions of RF with the Human Being, Paris, France



Rebecca Mayer, “A Spatial Approach to Costing ICT Infrastructure Investment in Africa”

Patrick Agyapong, “Interference Tolerance Signalling Using TDD Busy Tone Concept”

GROWing meeting



Luis M. Correia, Ph.D. Jury of Mario Garcia Lozano, “Contribution to Wireless Access Optimisation and Dynamic Enhancement of WCDMA Networks”, Polytechnic University of Catalonia,

Barcelona, Spain



Carla Oliveira and Ana Fred, “ECG-based authentication: Bayesian vs. Nearest Neighbour Classifiers”

Biosignals 2009, Porto, Portugal



Luís M. Correia, Daniel Sebastião, Filipe Cardoso, António Serrador, Luísa Caeiro, Lúcio Ferreira

4WARD General Meeting, Lisboa, Portugal.




4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.



Daniel Sebastião contributed to the use-cases work. António Serrador and Luisa Caeiro have attended the WP3 meeting in Paris, devoted to the finalisation of Deliverable D3.1 “Virtualisation Approach: Concept”, and to the preparation of a demo. Filipe Cardoso is working on a new version of the document on Physical Layer Awareness, which will be will be presented and discussed during the next Lisbon meeting in January. Within WP5, Lucio Ferreira is currently working on Wireless Mesh Networks.


COST2100 –

The preparation for the next meeting in February has started.


eMobility –

Diana Ladeira has circulated the first version of the Deliverable 1.2 “SAA – Strategic Applications Agenda”.


monIT –

The team was present in the Futurália exhibition, where it had a stand presenting the project, and was available to talk with the visitors and measure their mobile phones radiation. Also, information activities continued with several actions being held in schools.



António Serrador has issued the WPR9 Deliverable DR.9.1 “Identification of relevant scenarios, use cases and initial studies on JRRM and ASM strategies” final version. The report has been sent to the NEWCOM++ Executive Board for reviewing, and then delivered to the Project Officer.



Lúcio Ferreira issued a final technical report of the work developed in WIP during the three years of duration. The project has finished this month.



GROW News Nov/2008

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Vol. 3, No. 9, Nov. 2008

In this issue:
1. People
2. Theses
3. Publications
4. Conferences & Seminars
5. Projects


1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.

This month has witnessed the end of the discussions of the M.Sc. theses of the previous academic year. Telmo Batista, Armando Marques, Vikash Laxmidas, Ricardo Preguiça, Sara Duarte, and Filipe Leonardo, have all graduated. Congratulations to all of them, and good luck to their professional career, which has already started for all of them.

GROW has two more members on board, in the pursuit of the M.Sc. theses: Nuno Rapaz e Pedro Tareco.

Christmas and New Year are approaching. Season’s Greetings to all the readers of this Newsletter.


2. Theses

Information about M.Sc. and Ph.D. theses, submitted or published in the period, or to be defended in the next month.

M.Sc. theses defended in November:
— Armando Marques, “Modelling of Building Height Interference Dependence in UMTS”, M.Sc., Nov. 03
— Vikash Laxmidas, “Modelling of linear coverage in UMTS, applied to tunnels and bridges”, M.Sc., Nov. 03
— Ricardo Preguiça, “Comparison between UMTS/HSPA+ and WiMax/IEEE 802.16e in mobility scenarios”, M.Sc., Nov. 10
— Sara Duarte, “Analysis of technologies for Long Term Evolution in UMTS”, M.Sc., Nov. 12
— Filipe Leonardo, “Statistical radio channel model for MIMO systems”, M.Sc., Nov. 14


3. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.

Luis M. Correia, “AROMA – Advanced Resource Management Solutions for Future All IP Heterogeneous Mobile Radio Environments”, Proc. of 2º Congresso do Comité Português da URSI, Lisboa, Portugal, Nov. 2008

Carla Oliveira, Daniel Sebastião, Diana Ladeira, Gonçalo Carpinteiro, Mónica Antunes, Luis M. Correia, Carlos Fernandes, “Study on Electromagnetic Fields emitted by Fluorescent and Compact Fluorescent Lamps” (in Portuguese), Proc. of 1º Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Protecção contra Radiações, Lisboa, Portugal, Nov. 2008

Daniel Sebastião, Diana Ladeira, Mónica Antunes, Luis M. Correia, “Influence of Temporal and Spatial Sampling Parameters on Electromagnetic Field Measurements” (in Portuguese), Proc. of 1º Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Protecção contra Radiações, Lisboa, Portugal, Nov. 2008

Luis M. Correia, “Electromagnetic Radiation in Mobile Communications” (in Portuguese), Seminários do Instituto Nacional de Saúde Dr. Ricardo Jorge, Lisboa, Portugal, Nov. 2008

Carla Oliveira, Luís Pedrosa, Rui Rocha, “Characterizing On-Body Wireless Sensor Networks”, Proc. of NTMS’2008 – Wireless Sensor Networks Workshop, Tangier, Morocco, Nov. 2008

Luis M. Correia, “What the Internet Needs now and in the Future?”, ServiceWave, Madrid, Spain, Dec. 2008

Luis M. Correia, “Future Telecommunications Networks and EMF exposure”, 15th FTRD Seminar on Interactions of RF with the Human Being, Paris, France, Dec. 2008


4. Conferences and Seminars

List of Conferences, Seminars, meetings, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held next month.

Ricardo Preguiça, “Comparison between UMTS/HSPA+ and WiMax/IEEE 802.16e in mobility scenarios”,
Sara Duarte, “Analysis of technologies for Long Term Evolution in UMTS”,
Filipe Leonardo, “Statistical radio channel model for MIMO systems”
GROW Meeting

Diana Ladeira
COST BM0704 Meeting, Dubrovnik, Croatia

Carla Oliveira
NTMS’2008 – Wireless Sensor Networks Workshop, Tangier, Morocco

Daniel Sebastião, Diana Ladeira, Carla Oliveira, Mónica Antunes, Luís M. Correia
XVIII Congresso das Comunicações 2008, Lisboa, Portugal

Martijn Kuipers, Lúcio Ferreira
NEWCOM++ WP R.11 Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal

João Araújo, “Analysis of Radio Repeaters in UMTS”
Nuno Jacinto, “Data Rate Performance Gains in UMTS Evolution at the Radio Network Level”
GROW Meeting

Luis M. Correia, “AROMA – Advanced Resource Management Solutions for Future All IP
Heterogeneous Mobile Radio Environments”
2º Congresso do Comité Português da URSI, Lisboa, Portugal

Daniel Sebastião, Diana Ladeira, Mónica Antunes
Fórum Ciência Viva 2008, Lisboa, Portugal

Diana Ladeira, “Study on Electromagnetic Fields emitted by Fluorescent and Compact Fluorescent Lamps” (in Portuguese),
Mónica Antunes, “Influence of Temporal and Spatial Sampling Parameters on Electromagnetic Field Measurements” (in Portuguese),
1º Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Protecção contra Radiações, Lisboa, Portugal

Luís M. Correia, “Electromagnetic Radiation in Mobile Communications” (in Portuguese),
Seminários do Instituto Nacional de Saúde Dr. Ricardo Jorge, Lisboa, Portugal

Daniel Sebastião and Diana Ladeira
Semana da Cultura Cientifica, Centro de Ciência Viva de Tavira, Tavira, Portugal

Luis M. Correia
eMobility Steering Board Meeting, Brussels, Belgium

Carla Oliveira, “Characterizing On-Body Wireless Sensor Networks”
Carla Oliveira, “Modelling Body Area Networks”
Micha? Ma?kowiak, “Building a Statistical Model for MIMO in Body Area Networks”
Jörgen Nordberg, “Signalling and Detection of UWB Signals based on a Dual-doublet Transmitted Reference Scheme”
GROW Meeting

António Serrador, Luísa Caeiro
4WARD WP3 Meeting, Paris, France

Luis M. Correia, “What the Internet Needs Now and in the Future?”
ServiceWave, Madrid, Spain

Luis M. Correia, “Future Telecommunications Networks and EMF exposure”
15th FTRD Seminar on Interactions of RF with the Human Being, Paris, France


5. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.

Daniel Sebastião contributed to the Deliverable D1.1 “First project-wide assessment on the nontechnical drivers”. Filipe Cardoso issued a PLA contribution for D2.2 “Draft Architectural Framework”. He also contributed for the definition on what will be the PLA contribution for the 4WARD book. António Serrador and Luisa Caeiro have contributed to D3.1 “Virtualisation Approach: Concept”, and reviewed some of its chapters. Martijn Kuipers worked on refining the Generic Resource Management Framework, which is now starting to play an important role in the isolation of resources between the compartments running on the same nodes. Lúcio Ferreira is continuing the work on Wireless Mesh Networks.

COST2100 –
The Newsletter have been circulated.

eMobility –
Deliverable D1.1 “Proceedings of Workshop on Applications” was finished by Diana Ladeira. The first version of the SAA is being edited by Diana Ladeira.

monIT –
A report prepared by the monIT team on interference and compatibility issues between mobile phones and other devices was issued this month, being available at the project website (only Portuguese version). The final reports on Entroncamento and Portalegre continuous monitoring networks are also available at the website. The team was present in several events during November, where it has talked to the visitors, presented the project, measured mobile phones radiation and so on. Also, information activities continued with several actions held in schools and hospitals during the months of November and December.

Martijn Kuipers has proposed a Joint Research Activity on the Resource Description Language, which already has some support from the University of Bologna, Italy. He is now working on a proof-of-concept implementation of the use of the RDL. António Serrador has issued the second draft version of WP R.9 Deliverable DR.9.1 “Identification of relevant scenarios, use cases and initial studies on JRRM and ASM strategies”, including all the comments collected in Rennes, France, and new contributions/comments received from partners.

Contributions have been sent to Deliverable D5.3 “Final report on dissemination and contributions to industry fora and standardization”. The project will finish next month.



GROW News Oct/2008

Posted by


Vol. 3, No. 8, Oct. 2008


In this issue:

1. People

2. Theses

3. Publications

4. Conferences & Seminars

5. Projects



1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.


Gonçalo Carpinteiro wan the Best Paper Award for the paper he presented at VTC’2008 Fall – IEEE 68th Vehicular Technology Conference, Calgary, Canada, Sep. 2008, entitled “Performance Evaluation in All-Wireless Wi-Fi Networks”. Congratulations to him.



2. Theses

Information about M.Sc. and Ph.D. theses, submitted or published in the period, or to be defended in the next month.


The rest of defences of the M.Sc. theses developed during the last academic year will be done in November:

— Armando Marques, “Modelling of Building Height Interference Dependence in UMTS”, M.Sc., Nov. 03

— Vikash Laxmidas, “Modelling of linear coverage in UMTS, applied to tunnels and bridges”, M.Sc., Nov. 03

— Ricardo Preguiça, “Comparison between UMTS/HSPA+ and WiMax/IEEE 802.16e in mobility scenarios”, M.Sc., Nov. 10

— Sara Duarte, “Analysis of technologies for Long Term Evolution in UMTS”, M.Sc., Nov. 12

— Filipe Leonardo, “Statistical radio channel model for MIMO systems”, M.Sc., Nov. 14



3. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.


Luis M. Correia, “An Academic View on Business and Regulatory Issues on the Future Internet”, Proc. of 4WARD Workshop on Business Innovation and Regulation Challenges 2008, Brussels, Belgium, Oct. 2008.


Daniel Sebastião, Diana Ladeira, Mónica Antunes, Luís M. Correia, “Results from Electromagnetic Fields Continuous Measurements by the monIT Project”, 6th ICNIRP International Non-Ionizing Radiation Workshop, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Oct. 2008


Luis M. Correia, “AROMA – Advanced Resource Management Solutions for Future All IP Heterogeneous Mobile Radio Environments”, Proc. of 2º Congresso do Comité Português da URSI, Lisboa, Portugal, Nov. 2008


Carla Oliveira, Daniel Sebastião, Diana Ladeira, Gonçalo Carpinteiro, Mónica Antunes, Luís M. Correia, Carlos Fernandes, “Study on Electromagnetic Fields emitted by Fluorescent and Compact Fluorescent Lamps” (in Portuguese), Proc. of 1º Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Protecção contra Radiações, Lisboa, Portugal, Nov. 2008


Daniel Sebastião, Diana Ladeira, Mónica Antunes, Luís M. Correia, “Influence of Temporal and Spatial Sampling Parameters on Electromagnetic Field Measurements” (in Portuguese), Proc. of 1º Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Protecção contra Radiações, Lisboa, Portugal, Nov. 2008


Luís M. Correia, “Electromagnetic Radiation in Mobile Communications” (in Portuguese), Seminários do Instituto Nacional de Saúde Dr. Ricardo Jorge, Lisboa, Portugal




4. Conferences and Seminars

List of Conferences, Seminars, meetings, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held next month.



Luis M. Correia

ICT Mobile Summit 2009 TPC Meeting, Brussels, Belgium.



Luis M. Correia, “An Academic View on Business and Regulatory Issues on the Future Internet”,

Daniel Sebastião

4WARD Workshop on Business Innovation and Regulation Challenges 2008, Brussels, Belgium.



Lúcio Ferreira, Luis M. Correia

COST 2100 6th MCM, Lille, France



António Serrador

NEWCOM++ WP R.9 Meeting, Rennes, France



Daniel Sebastião, “Results from Electromagnetic Fields Continuous Measurements by the monIT Project”,

Mónica Antunes,

6th ICNIRP International Non-Ionizing Radiation Workshop, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil



Luís M. Correia and Diana Ladeira

eMobility Applications Workshop, WG meeting, and General Assembly, Stockholm, Sweden



Daniel Sebastião, Filipe Cardoso, Luísa Caeiro, António Serrador, Lúcio Ferreira, Martijn Kuipers, Luis M. Correia

4WARD Meeting, Bilbao, Spain



Armando Marques, “Modelling of Building Height Interference Dependence in UMTS”,

Vikash Laxmidas, “Modelling of linear coverage in UMTS, applied to tunnels and bridges”,

GROW Meeting



Daniel Sebastião, “Campos Electromagnéticos”,

Mónica Antunes

Seminário “Olhares Integradores Sobre a Saúde” do Instituto Politécnico de Beja, Beja, Portugal.



Carla Oliveira e Diana Ladeira

Workshop “SRM-3000: Monitor de Radiação Selectivo Narda STS”, Lisboa, Portugal.



Luis M. Correia

NEWCOM++ Executive Board Meeting, Vienna, Austria



Ricardo Preguiça, “Comparison between UMTS/HSPA+ and WiMax/IEEE 802.16e in mobility scenarios”,

Sara Duarte, “Analysis of technologies for Long Term Evolution in UMTS”,

Filipe Leonardo, “Statistical radio channel model for MIMO systems”

GROW Meeting



Diana Ladeira

COST BM0704 Meeting, Dubrovnik, Croatia



Carla Oliveira

NTMS’2008 – Wireless Sensor Networks Workshop, Tangier, Morocco



Daniel Sebastião, Diana Ladeira, Carla Oliveira, Mónica Antunes, Luís M. Correia

Congresso das Comunicações 2008, Lisboa, Portugal



Martijn Kuipers, Lúcio Ferreira

NEWCOM++ WP R.11 Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal



João Araújo, “Analysis of Radio Repeaters in UMTS”

Nuno Jacinto, “Data Rate Performance Gains in UMTS Evolution at the Radio Network Level”

GROW Meeting



Luis M. Correia, “AROMA – Advanced Resource Management Solutions for Future All IP
Heterogeneous Mobile Radio Environments”

2º Congresso do Comité Português da URSI, Lisboa, Portugal



Daniel Sebastião, Diana Ladeira, Mónica Antunes

Fórum Ciência Viva 2008, Lisboa, Portugal



Diana Ladeira, “Study on Electromagnetic Fields emitted by Fluorescent and Compact Fluorescent Lamps” (in Portuguese),

Mónica Antunes, “Influence of Temporal and Spatial Sampling Parameters on Electromagnetic Field Measurements” (in Portuguese),

1º Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Protecção contra Radiações, Lisboa, Portugal



Luís M. Correia, “Electromagnetic Radiation in Mobile Communications” (in Portuguese),

Seminários do Instituto Nacional de Saúde Dr. Ricardo Jorge, Lisboa, Portugal



Daniel Sebastião and Diana Ladeira

Semana da Cultura Cientifica, Centro de Ciência Viva de Tavira, Tavira, Portugal



5. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.



Daniel Sebastião contributed to the Deliverable D1.1. Filipe Cardoso issued a new version of the IST document on the Physical Layer Awareness (PLA) Theme; this document was discussed in the Bilbao meeting. He has also contributed to a document issued by Antonio Serrador with the PLA WP3 contribution for D3.1. António Serrador and Luisa Caeiro have participated in the WP3 meetings in Bilbao, discussing the future Virtual Networks architecture, D3.1 contributions and also on themes meetings; they will also prepare a new contribution update to D3.1. Martijn Kuipers and Lúcio Ferreira attended the WP5 meetings, where there work on the topics of resource management and Wireless Mesh Networks was discussed.


COST2100 –

Contributions to the Newsletter have been provided.


eMobility –

Deliverable D1.1 “Proceedings of Workshop on Applications” is being finalised. Work on the Strategic Applications Agenda is ongoing, and members’ lists are being updated.


monIT –

In October the continuous monitoring network in Entroncamento and Portalegre were removed, and the final report on these networks is currently being prepared. The projec’s team also participated in the ICNIRP workshop, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where it presented a poster regarding “Results from Electromagnetic Fields Continuous Measurements by the monIT Project”. Also, the team is preparing the information actions in schools and hospitals, which will start by the end of October.



António Serrador attended the WPR9 meeting, where different partners’ activities and Deliverable D R.9.1, entitled “Identification of relevant scenarios, use cases and initial studies on JRRM and ASM strategies”, for which he is the editor, were discussed. António Serrador has circulated within the NEWCOM++ WPR9, the draft version of this deliverable, and updated IST-TUL’s contribution. Martijn Kuipers, together with Luis Pedrosa, have edited a document describing the Resource Description Language, which is a specification to uniformly describe resources, such as networking resources, services and communities.



Martijn Kuipers, Lúcio Ferreira and Gonçalo Carpinteiro have contributed to Deliverable D2.3 “Integration of lower layer techniques into the WIP global architecture”, namely with the “Relative MIMO Gain” and “Link Limitations using IEEE 802.11 Technology for MESH”. Martijn Kuipers and Lúcio Ferreira also made a contribution to D1.3 “Solutions: mesh networking, multi-hop relaying, cross-layer design, communities, operator/cellular assistance”, describing the “Impact of the community on the Relative MIMO Gain and cooperative MIMO concepts” from D2.3.






GROW News Jul.Sep/2008

Posted by


Vol. 3, No. 7, July/Sep. 2008


In this issue:

1. People

2. Theses

3. Publications

4. Conferences & Seminars

5. Projects



1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.


GROW has two more members, to do their M.Sc. thesis:

— João Araújo

— Nuno Jacinto


Additionally, one member has come back: Micha? Ma?kowiak, which has done his M.Sc. Thesis in GROW, came back to do his Ph.D. within GROW, in the area of MIMO channels and Body Area Networks. He’s most welcome back.




2. Theses

Information about M.Sc. and Ph.D. theses, submitted or published in the period, or to be defended in the next month.


A defence was held in July:

— Telmo Batista, “Capacity Increase in UMTS/HSPA+ Through the Use of MIMO Systems”, M.Sc., July 25


Telmo’s colleagues have delivered their M.Sc. theses by Sep. 30, and their defences have been scheduled to the beginning of November:

— Armando Marques, “Modelling of Building Height Interference Dependence in UMTS”, M.Sc.

— Ricardo Preguiça, “Comparison between UMTS/HSPA+ and WiMax/IEEE 802.16e in mobility scenarios”, M.Sc.

— Sara Duarte, “Analysis of technologies for Long Term Evolution in UMTS”, M.Sc.

— Filipe Leonardo, “Statistical radio channel model for MIMO systems”, M.Sc.

— Vikash Laxmidas, “Modelling of linear coverage in UMTS, applied to tunnels and bridges”, M.Sc.



3. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.


Luis M. Correia, “Road to Unknown – Introducing the SRA and SAA of eMobility”, Proc. of International Conference on the Platforms for Future ICT, Budapest, Hungary, Sep. 2008.


Martijn Kuipers, Michal Mackowiak and Luís M. Correia, “Geometrically Based Multiple Bounce Channel Models”, Proc. of WPMC’08 – 11th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, Ivalo, Finland, Sep. 2008.


Antonio Serrador, Martijn Kuipers and Luís M. Correia, “MIMO Capacity Influence on JRRM Performance”, Proc. of WPMC’08 – 11th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, Ivalo, Finland, Sep. 2008.


Martijn Kuipers and Luís M. Correia, “Modelling the Relative MIMO Gain”, Proc. of PIMRC’2008 – IEEE 19th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Cannes, France, Sep. 2008.


Norbert Niebert, Stephan Baucke, Ibtissam El-Khayat, Martin Johnsson, Börje Ohlman, Henrik Abramowicz, Klaus Wuenstel, Hagen Woesner, Jürgen Quittek and Luis M. Correia, “The way 4WARD to the creation of a Future Internet”, Proc. of PIMRC’2008 – IEEE 19th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Cannes, France, Sep. 2008.


Luis M. Correia, “The eMobility SAA for Environmental Issues”, Proc. of PIMRC’2008 – IEEE 19th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Cannes, France, Sep. 2008.


Gonçalo Carpinteiro and Luis M. Correia, “Performance Evaluation in All-Wireless Wi-Fi Networks”, Proc. of VTC’2008 Fall – IEEE 68th Vehicular Technology Conference, Calgary, Canada, Sep. 2008.


Daniel Sebastião, Diana Ladeira, Mónica Antunes and Luis M. Correia, “Influence of Temporal and Spatial Sampling Parameters on Electromagnetic Field Measurements”, Proc. of VTC’2008 Fall – IEEE 68th Vehicular Technology Conference, Cargary, Canada, Sep. 2008.


Luis M. Correia, “Electromagnetic Radiation in Mobile Communications” (in Portuguese), Seminário da Ordem dos Engenheiros sobre “Perspectivas sobre as Radiações Electromagnéticas”, Lisboa, Sep. 2008.


Luis M. Correia, “An Academic View on Business and Regulatory Issues on the Future Internet”, Proc. of 4WARD Workshop on Business Innovation and Regulation Challenges 2008, Brussels, Belgium, Oct. 2008.


Daniel Sebastião, Diana Ladeira, Mónica Antunes, Luís M. Correia, “Results from Electromagnetic Fields Continuous Measurements by the monIT Project”, 6th ICNIRP International Non-Ionizing Radiation Workshop, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Oct. 2008



4. Conferences and Seminars

List of Conferences, Seminars, meetings, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held next month.



António Serrador, Luisa Caeiro

4WARD WP3 Meeting, Bremen, Germany



Martijn Kuipers, “Beyond 2020 Content Centric Networking”

Luis Correia, “Mobile & Wireless Communications: Trying to see what’s next”

GROWing meeting



Luis M. Correia

eMobility InterPlatform Meeting, Madrid, Spain



Martijn Kuipers, “Modelling the Relative MIMO Gain”

Martijn Kuipers, “Evaluating Geometrically Based Multiple Bounce Channel Models”

Telmo Batista, “Capacity Increase in UMTS/HSPA+ Through the Use of MIMO Systems”

GROWing meeting



Telmo Batista

M.Sc. Thesis’ defence.



Luis M. Correia

eMobility Steering Board Meeting, Brussels, Belgium



Luis M. Correia, “Road to Unknown – Introducing the SRA and SAA of eMobility”,

International Conference on the Platforms for Future ICT, Budapest, Hungary



Martijn Kuipers, “Geometrically Based Multiple Bounce Channel Models”

Antonio Serrador, “MIMO Capacity Influence on JRRM Performance”

Luis M. Correia

WPMC’08 – 11th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, Ivalo, Finland



Carla Oliveira

NEWCOM++ meeting, Sophia-Antipolis, France.



Daniel Sebastião, “Influence of Temporal and Spatial Sampling Parameters on Electromagnetic Field Measurements”

Gonçalo Carpinteiro, “Performance Evaluation in All-Wireless Wi-Fi Networks”

GROW Meeting



Martijn Kuipers “Modelling the Relative MIMO Gain”

Luis M. Correia, “The way 4WARD to the creation of a Future Internet”, “The eMobility SAA for Environmental Issues”,

PIMRC’2008 – IEEE 19th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Cannes, France



Luis M. Correia

4WARD PMT Meeting, Paris, France



Gonçalo Carpinteiro, “Performance Evaluation in All-Wireless Wi-Fi Networks”,

Daniel Sebastião, “Influence of Temporal and Spatial Sampling Parameters on Electromagnetic Field Measurements”,

VTC’2008 Fall – IEEE 68th Vehicular Technology Conference, Calgary, Canada



Luis M. Correia, “Electromagnetic Radiation in Mobile Communications” (in Portuguese),

Diana Ladeira, Mónica Antunes

Seminário da Ordem dos Engenheiros sobre “Perspectivas sobre as Radiações Electromagnéticas”, Lisboa



Luis M. Correia

ICT Mobile Summit 2009 TPC Meeting, Brussels, Belgium.



Luis M. Correia, “An Academic View on Business and Regulatory Issues on the Future Internet”,

Daniel Sebastião

4WARD Workshop on Business Innovation and Regulation Challenges 2008, Brussels, Belgium.



Lúcio Ferreira, Luis M. Correia

COST 2100 6th MCM, Lille, France



Daniel Sebastião, “Results from Electromagnetic Fields Continuous Measurements by the monIT Project”,

Mónica Antunes,

6th ICNIRP International Non-Ionizing Radiation Workshop, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil



Luís M. Correia and Diana Ladeira

eMobility Applications Workshop, WG meeting, and General Assembly, Stockholm, Sweden



Daniel Sebastião, Filipe Cardoso, Luísa Caeiro, António Serrador, Lúcio Ferreira, Martijn Kuipers, Luis M. Correia

4WARD Meeting, Bilbao, Spain



Armando Marques, “Modelling of Building Height Interference Dependence in UMTS”,

Vikash Laxmidas, “Modelling of linear coverage in UMTS, applied to tunnels and bridges”,

GROW Meeting



Luis M. Correia

NEWCOM++ Executive Board Meeting, Vienna, Austria



5. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.



Daniel Sebastião contributed to the business use cases being developed, and to the first issue of the newsletter. Filipe Cardoso has finished the contribution on Physical Layer Awareness (PLA) and Terminology for Deliverable D2.1. He also updated the document on PLA by including all contributions from different WPs, as well as new contents on the relation between channel impairments and system/network parameters, and looking for future project contributions. This document will be discussed during Bilbao meeting in Oct.. António Serrador and Luisa Caeiro participated in the WP3 meeting in Bremen on July 7th and 8th; a new version of the work on Cooperative Radio Resource Management in future virtual networks framework has been presented. A contribution to VNet architecture workshop held in August, in Berlin, has been distributed. A contribution to “An Architecture for Network Virtualisation” paper initiated by Mehrdad Dianati, and Rahim Tafazolli from University of Surrey, has been sent. A contribution to R-3.1 concerning Radio Resource Management in a Virtual Network Environment has been included in this report. Furthermore, contributions to D-3.1, related of Wireless Scenarios and Inter-Vnet (Virtual Networks) RRM have been sent. António Serrador has prepared a contribution to WP3 concerning the Physical Layer Awareness in the WP3 context. Martijn Kuipers and Lúcio Ferreira reviewed the first WP5 deliverable, which describes the Generic Path architecture. They are also involved in Task 5.4 on resource sharing, where a Generic Resource Management Framework (GRMF) has been proposed, and have circulated a document on that.


COST2100 –

Lúcio Ferreira will attend the COST 2100 meeting in Lille in Oct., to continue with the work of SIG A on reference scenarios.


eMobility –

Work on service description is progressing. A first version of the Strategic Applications Agenda has been finalised. The preparation of the workshop in Oct. is finished.


monIT –

The monIT Project, in cooperation with the “Ciência Viva” scientific program, has been participating in several actions in the “Engenharia no Verão” theme. These public actions are held in the local “Ciência Viva” science centres, and the team is available to talk to the population and to clear any doubts regarding exposure to EMFs. Also, the equipment used in the measurements is available there, and people can measure the radiation emitted by their own mobile phones. These actions continued in September in several locations across the country. The project team was also present at the “Noite dos Investigadores”, an action held in Centro Cultural de Belém, organised by Instituto Gulbenkian Ciência. There was also a presentation by the monIT Project in the seminar entitled: “Perspectivas sobre as Radiações Electromagnéticas”, organised by the Portuguese engineers association.



Carla Oliveira has contributed to the WPI.6 Innovative ICT Concepts Survey and has made a presentation on the topic of Body Area Networks to the IST WPR.1 working group. Concerning WPR1, the Sophia-Antipolis meeting has reinforced the need for joint collaboration among different partners. For the IST team, collaborations with Université de Louvain (Belgium) and Bilkent University (Turkey) are foreseen. António Serrador has collect WPR9 partner’s contributions and edited the Deliverable DR.9.1 first version, entitled “Identification of relevant scenarios, use cases and initial studies on JRRM and ASM strategies”; he has circulated within the NEWCOM++ WPR9, the DR.9.1 draft version. GROW is preparing a document on the Resource Description Language (RDL), which is to be circulated among partners in WPR.11 in Oct. 2008.



Martijn Kuipers and Lúcio Ferreira are editors of Chapter 2 of the upcoming Deliverable D2.3, entitled “Performance evaluation of the low layer techniques and itegration in the WIP global architecture”. Contributions were delivered on “WIP architecture and the lower layers”, “Relative MIMO Gain” and “Reference performance evaluation in WMNs”. Martijn Kuipers was supposed to attend the one-day meeting of WIP to be held in Cannes on Sep. 15, 2008.




GROW News Jun/2008

Posted by


Vol. 3, No. 6, June 2008


In this issue:

1. Theses

2. Publications

3. Conferences & Seminars

4. Projects




1. Theses

Information about M.Sc. and Ph.D. theses, submitted or published in the period, or to be defended in the next month.


António Serrador has presented to the CAT Jury, on 2008-06-17, last year’s activities on the PhD thesis. The Jury was pleased with the progress.


A defence is scheduled for the next month:

— Telmo Batista, “Capacity Increase in UMTS/HSPA+ Through the Use of MIMO Systems”, M.Sc., July 25



2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.


António Serrador, Martijn Kuipers and Luis M. Correia, “MIMO Capacity Influence on JRRM Performance”, RTMC 8th Seminar, Almada, Portugal, June 2008



3. Conferences and Seminars

List of Conferences, Seminars and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held next month.



Lúcio Ferreira, coordination of SIG A

Carla Oliveira, “Exploiting the use of MIMO in Body Area Networks”

Luis M. Correia

COST 2100 5th MCM, Trondheim, Norway



Martijn Kuipers, “Body Shadowing in a Multipath Environment in Wireless Sensor Networks”

Luís M. Correia, moderator on Panel on “Application Requirements for Mobile Broadband”

ICT Mobile Summit, Stockholm, Sweden



Daniel Sebastião, “Electromagnetic Field Measurements in Schools and Hospitals”

Diana Ladeira, Mónica Antunes

Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) 30th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA; USA



António Serrador, “MIMO Capacity Influence on JRRM Performance”

RTCM 8th seminar, Almada, Portugal



Mónica Antunes, “Impact of HSDPA Implementation on UMTS Capacity and Cell Coverage”

GROWing meeting



Mónica Antunes, “Impact of HSDPA Implementation on UMTS Capacity and Cell Coverage”

European Wireless 2008, Prague, Czech Republic



António Serrador, Luisa Caeiro

4WARD WP3 Meeting, Bremen, Germany



Martijn Kuipers, “Beyond 2020 Content Centric Networking”

Luis Correia, “Mobile & Wireless Communications: Trying to see what’s next”

GROWing meeting



Martijn Kuipers, “Modelling the Relative MIMO Gain”

Martijn Kuipers, “Evaluating Geometrically Based Multiple Bounce Channel Models”

Telmo Batista, “Capacity Increase in UMTS/HSPA+ Through the Use of MIMO Systems”

GROWing meeting



Telmo Batista

M.Sc. Thesis’ defence.



4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.



Daniel Sebastião continued the work Deliverable D2.1. Filipe Cardoso has updated the contribution to D2.1, on Requirements for the PLA Theme; he has also delivered a document with the IST-TUL contribution on Terminology for D2.1. António Serrador has prepared a contribution to WP3 scenarios on virtualisation architecture. Luisa Caeiro is preparing a new version of the work on Cooperative Radio Resource Management in future virtual networks framework. Martijn Kuipers and Lúcio Ferreira are working on a document on the description of the Generic Path Framework.


COST2100 –

Lucio Ferreira presented the ongoing work of SIG A on reference scenarios at the meeting in Trondheim, Norway, on 2008-06-03/06. Four canonical scenarios have been defined, to be finalised by the end of July. Carla Oliveira gave a presentation on “Exploiting the use of MIMO in Body Area Networks” at the meeting in Trondheim, Norway.


eMobility –

Work on service description is progressing. The preparation of the workshop in October is going well.


monIT –

monIT continued to perform several public actions, this time in the Odemira municipal health centre and also in Entroncamento and Ourém municipalities. These public actions will continue through July, in several locations across the country in cooperation with the “Ciência Viva” national program, mainly with the “Engenharia no Verão” action. Three continuous monitoring stations were installed in Entroncamento and two localised measurements were performed there as well. Additionally, the monIT team made an oral presentation in the BEMS annual meeting in San Diego, CA, USA (



António Serrador has circulated within the WPR9 IST group, the DR.9.1 Deliverable ToC and Deliverable administrative issues. António Serrador has presented the DR9.1 ToC, schedule and the IST-TUL contribution on JRRM SoTA.



Martijn Kuipers and Lúcio Ferreira have contributed a document on the RMG to be included in the WP2 deliverable.




GROW News May/2008

Posted by


Vol. 3, No. 5, May 2008


In this issue:

1. Theses

2. Publications

3. Conferences & Seminars

4. Projects

5. Training Courses



1. Theses

Information about M.Sc. and Ph.D. theses, submitted or published in the period, or to be defended in the next month.


This month, some more GROWers graduated:

— David Antunes, “WiMAX 802.16e Network Performance Analysis for Different Radio Resource Management Algorithms”, M.Sc., May 05

— Daniel Sebastião, “Algorithms for Quality of Service in a WiFi Network”, M.Sc., May 09

— Luis Pires, “Optimisation of UMTS-TDD Base Stations Location for Non-Uniform Traffic Distributions”, M.Sc., May 15

Congratulations to them. We wish all the best for their professional careers.



2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.


António Serrador, Martijn Kuipers and Luis M. Correia, “MIMO Capacity Influence on JRRM Performance”, invited to WPMC 08 – 11th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, Lapland, Finland, Sep. 2008



3. Conferences and Seminars

List of Conferences, Seminars and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held next month.



David Antunes

M.Sc. Thesis defence



Ricardo Preguiça, “Comparison between UMTS/HSPA+ and WiMax/IEEE 802.16e in mobility scenarios”

Sara Duarte, “Analysis of technologies for Long Term Evolution in UMTS”

Filipe Leonardo, “Statistical radio channel model for MIMO systems”

Vikash Laxmidas, “Modelling of linear coverage in UMTS, applied to tunnels and bridges”

GROWing meeting



Daniel Sebastião

M.Sc. Thesis defence



Luís Pires, “Optimisation of UMTS-TDD Base Stations Location for Non-Uniform Traffic Distributions”

GROWing meeting



Luis Pires

M.Sc. Thesis defence



Diana Ladeira, Luís M. Correia

COST BM0704 meeting, Brussels, Belgium



Martijn Kuipers, Lúcio Ferreira

WIP meeting, Berne, Switzerland



Daniel Sebastião, Luís M. Correia, Filipe Cardoso, Luísa Caeiro, Martijn Kuipers

4WARD meeting, Helsinki, Finland



Diana Ladeira

eMobility Steering Board meeting, Brussels, Belgium



16ª Palestras sobre Comunicações Móveis



Martijn Kuipers, “Body Shadowing in a Multipath Environment in Wireless Sensor Networks”

Daniel Sebastião, “Electromagnetic Field Measurements in Schools and Hospitals”

Carla Oliveira, “Exploiting the use of MIMO in Body Area Networks”

GROWing meeting




Lúcio Ferreira, coordination of SIG A

Carla Oliveira, “Exploiting the use of MIMO in Body Area Networks”

Luis M. Correia

COST 2100 5th MCM, Trondheim, Norway




Martijn Kuipers, “Body Shadowing in a Multipath Environment in Wireless Sensor Networks”

Luís M. Correia, moderator on Panel on “Application Requirements for Mobile Broadband”

ICT Mobile Summit, Stockholm, Sweden



Daniel Sebastião, “Electromagnetic Field Measurements in Schools and Hospitals”

Diana Ladeira, Mónica Antunes

Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) 30th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA; USA



Mónica Antunes, “Impact of HSDPA Implementation on UMTS Capacity and Cell Coverage”

GROWing meeting



4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.



Daniel Sebastião continued the work on usage & scenarios definition and on the Deliverable D2.1. Filipe Cardoso has finalised the document on the impairments associated to the Physical Layer Awareness (PLA) and has elaborated the contribution to D2.1, on Requirements for the PLA Theme. Luisa Caeiro and António Serrador have prepared a couple of presentations to be presented in the WP3 meeting in Helsinki, related to the future virtual networks framework and the Physical Layer Awareness, and Luisa Caeiro prepared a presentation on Cooperative Radio Resource Management. Martijn Kuipers and Lúcio Ferreira are working on a description of the Generic Path Framework, and on an overview of the Generic Resource Description Framework proposal; they have also been actively involved in defining and describing the innovations in WP5.


COST2100 –

Lucio Ferreira will present the ongoing work of SIG A on reference scenarios at the meeting in Trondheim, Norway, on 2008-06-03/06. Four canonical scenarios have been defined, to be finalised by the end of July.Carla Oliveira is preparing a presentation on “Exploiting the use of MIMO in Body Area Networks” for the next meeting in Trondheim, Norway.


eMobility –

Work on service description is progressing.


monIT –

monIT continued to perform several public actions, in schools (Faro, Lagos, Torres Novas, Entroncamento and Portalegre), in Faros’ Hospital and in Taviras’ Municipal Library. A continuous monitoring station was installed in a school at Portalegre and 3 other in Entroncamento. These public actions will continue through June, being scheduled in Ourém and Entroncamento.



António Serrador, together with Nuno Cota, have circulated within the NEWCOM++ WPR.9 IST group, two documents: one related with JRRM State of the Art, and the other with a contribution to the WG1 Reference Scenario. Lúcio Ferreira and Martijn Kuipers have contributed to the WPR.11 deliverable with a description of the Resource Description Language.



Lúcio Ferreira and Martijn Kuipers presented the ongoing work on All-Wireless Networks at the meeting in Bern, Switzerland, on 2008-May-21/22.



5. Training Courses

News about training courses organised and attended by people from GROW


Luis M. Correia lectured a course for medical doctors and environmental technicians on “Exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation from Mobile Communications Systems”, on 2008-05-16.



GROW News Apr/2008

Posted by


Vol. 3, No. 4, Apr. 2008


In this issue:

1. People

2. Theses

3. Publications

4. Conferences & Seminars

5. Projects



1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.


GROW has one more member: Cesaltina Ricardo is starting her Ph.D. within GROW, in the area of MIMO channels. She’s most welcome.



2. Theses

Information about M.Sc. and Ph.D. theses, submitted or published in the period, or to be defended in the next month.


This month, some more GROWers graduated:

— Gonçalo Carpinteiro, “Performance Analysis of Fully Wireless WiFi Networks”, M.Sc., Apr. 11

— Luis Gonçalves, “Influence on capacity of interference in UMTS under simultaneous FDD and TDD”, M.Sc., Apr. 18

Congratulations to them. We wish all the best for their professional careers.


Some more defences are already scheduled for the next month:

— David Antunes, “WiMAX 802.16e Network Performance Analysis for Different Radio Resource Management Algorithms”, M.Sc., May 05

— Daniel Sebastião, “Algorithms for Quality of Service in a WiFi Network”, M.Sc., May 09

— Luis Pires, “Optimisation of UMTS-TDD Base Stations Location for Non-Uniform Traffic Distributions”, M.Sc., May 15



3. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.


Mónica Antunes, Luís M. Correia and Carlos Caseiro, “Impact of HSDPA Implementation on UMTS Capacity and Cell Coverage”, accepted to European Wireless 2008, Prague, Czech Republic.


Martijn Kuipers and Luis M. Correia, “Influence of Scenarios on MIMO Capacity”, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.



4. Conferences and Seminars

List of Conferences, Seminars and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held next month.



António Serrador, “Impact of MIMO Systems on CRRM in Heterogeneous Networks”

Luis M. Correia

IEEE WCNC’08, Las Vegas, NV, USA



Gonçalo Carpinteiro, “Performance Evaluation in All-Wireless Wi-Fi Networks”

GROWing meeting



António Serrador, “A Cost Function for Heterogeneous Networks Performance Evaluation”

IEEE NOMS’08, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.



Gonçalo Carpinteiro

M.Sc. Thesis defence



Luis M. Correia

NEWCOM++ Executive Board meeting, Lisbon, Portugal



Luís Gonçalves, “Influence of Interference in UMTS Capacity for Simultaneous Operation of TDD and FDD Modes”

GROWing meeting



Luis Gonçalves

M.Sc. Thesis defence



Luis M. Correia

4WARD PMT meeting, Kista, Sweden



Daniel Sebastião, “Algorithms for QoS in WiFi Networks”

David Antunes, “Performance Analysis of WiMax 802.16e Networks for Different RRM Algorithms”

GROWing meeting



David Antunes

M.Sc. Thesis defence



Ricardo Preguiça, “Comparison between UMTS/HSPA+ and WiMax/IEEE 802.16e in mobility scenarios”

Sara Duarte, “Analysis of technologies for Long Term Evolution in UMTS”

Filipe Leonardo, “Statistical radio channel model for MIMO systems”

Vikash Laxmidas, “Modelling of linear coverage in UMTS, applied to tunnels and bridges”

GROWing meeting



Daniel Sebastião

M.Sc. Thesis defence



Luís Pires, “Optimisation of UMTS-TDD Base Stations Location for Non-Uniform Traffic Distributions”

GROWing meeting



Luis Pires

M.Sc. Thesis defence



Diana Ladeira, Luís M. Correia

COST BM0704 meeting, Brussels, Belgium



Daniel Sebastião, Luís M. Correia, Filipe Cardoso, Luísa Caeiro, Martijn Kuipers

4WARD meeting, Helsinki, Finland



Diana Ladeira

eMobility Steering Board meeting, Brussels, Belgium



16ª Palestras sobre Comunicações Móveis



Martijn Kuipers, “Body Shadowing in a Multipath Environment in Wireless Sensor Networks”

Daniel Sebastião, “Electromagnetic Field Measurements in Schools and Hospitals”

Carla Oliveira, “Exploiting the use of MIMO in Body Area Networks”

GROWing meeting



5. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.



Daniel Sebastião is continuing the work on scenarios/usage and services, and prepared contributions to project public webpage. Filipe Cardoso is preparing a document on the impairments associated to the physical layer awareness. Luisa Caeiro and António Serrador have circulated a document proposing a new feature in future virtual networks framework; this proposal will be discussed in the next meetings. Martijn Kuipers and Lúcio Ferreira have created a State-of-the-Art document related to the wireless medium, and also document with a small description of “Content Centric Networking” and how it is related to Formux; furthermore, they circulated a document containing the IST/TUL view of Generic Paths.


COST2100 –

Reference scenarios based on the city of Vienna for SIGA “Reference scenarios for COST 2100” are under preparation. Carla Oliveira is preparing a presentation on “Exploiting the use of MIMO in Body Area Networks” for the next meeting in Trondheim, Norway.


eMobility –

Work on service description is progressing.


monIT –

monIT continued to perform several public actions, in schools (Torres Vedras) and in the IST Alameda campus (Pav. Central and Pav. Matemática). The project team has also attended a public action held in the Portuguese Parliament, regarding electromagnetic fields (Café de Ciência no Parlamento). These public actions will continue through May, being scheduled in Faro, Tavira and Lagos.



António Serrador has circulated within the WP R.9 IST group, a presentation related to further research topics. Additionally, also present two initial documents: the IST scenario proposal and the State of the Art, regarding JRRM. Lúcio Ferreira contributed to the WP R.11 meeting in Catania, with a description of our activity. Lúcio Ferreira and Martijn Kuipers are creating a document on the RDL (Research Description Language) and how it can be used within WP R.11.



Lucio Ferreira and Martijn Kuipers will be attending the WIP meeting in Bern, Switzerland on 2008 May 20-22, where they will present the ongoing work on Wireless Mesh Networks.