– Alexandre Vieira, “Analysis of 5G Cellular Radio Network Deployment over Several Scenarios“, M.Sc. Thesis, Nov. 2018
– André Ribeiro, “Analysis of Antennas’ Locations on Trains for Mobile Communications“, M.Sc. Thesis, Nov. 2018
– Anna Agamyrzyansc, “Análise dos limites de capacidade e cobertura em redes ad-hoc de UAVs“, M.Sc. Thesis, Nov. 2018
– Ismael Belchior, “Evaluation of 5G Cellular Network Implementation Over an Existing LTE One“, M.Sc. Thesis, Nov. 2018
– Pedro Delgado, “Electrical and Computer Engineering“, M.Sc. Thesis, Nov. 2018
Workshop on “Bluetooth: Current and Future Perspectives”, Talk by Tomás O’Raghallaigh and Mário S. Nunes, 2018-10-30
GROW has 3 more members, which will work on their Master theses. Two of them to be developed jointly with industry (Thales, NOS):
– Magali Correia, “Analysis of the Influence of Pantographs in Railway Communications”
– Sérgio Domingues, “Analysis of the Performance of Multi-Access Edge Computing Network Slicing in 5G”
– Tomás Duarte, “Evaluation of Antennas Location on Trains for Mobile Communications”
Talk by Prof. Pawel Kulakowski, on “Nanoscale Communications”, 2018-05-07