GROW News May/2015

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GROW News May/2015

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Vol. 10, No. 4, May 2015


In this issue:

1. Under the spotlight

2. People

3. Publications

4. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

5. Projects


1. Under the spotlight

Bringing your attention to a matter in this issue of the Newsletter

Network virtualisation has been introduced as a tool for large scale experimental networks, but it is also proposed as an approach for a future Internet architecture. The definition and benefits of network virtualisation is a common understanding among all architecture proposals. The main goals to achieve through virtualisation are the isolation of physical network resources, and the holding of multiple independent and programmable logical networks. Implementing multiple network architectures on top of the isolated logical networks allows for a meta architecture, where multiple architectures and testbeds for experimenting new architectures are enabled. The operation of such multiple networks leads to user and application specific logical networks, as well as to new business models for operators.

Several strategies for the provision of physical capacity to multiple Virtual Base Stations (VBSs) with different type of requirements have been presented and evaluated. The management of radio resource sharing is based on the perspective of Virtual Base Stations as an aggregated connectivity resource abstracted from a group of Radio resource Units of different Radio Access Technologies, allowing to benefit from Cooperative Radio Resource Management strategies. Instead of looking at wireless virtualisation from the perspective of the instantiation of virtual machines in the wireless nodes, our view is the virtualisation of the wireless access to provide a contracted capacity to the Virtual Network Operator, in order to serve its end-users. Three situations have been explored: the number of VBSs is increasing for all services in the same way, one VBS per service (Harmonised case); the number of guaranteed bit rate (GRT) VBSs increases by one for each GRT service, while the number of best effort (BE) VBSs is maintained with two VBSs for each service (GRT case); the number of GRT VBSs is maintained with two VBSs for each service, and the number of BE VBSs increases by one for each BE service (BE case). As an overall conclusion, one can say that the percentage of leased GRT capacity over the physical one is the main factor to take into account for physical capacity sharing, superseding the number of created VBSs. This analysis confirms the need for establishing a limit for the data rate contracted by GRT VBSs, independently of the number of VBSs, in order to allow an efficient use of Radio resource Units among all the VBSs deployed within a cluster.

Luisa CaeiroPicture4


2. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.

GROW will have, in June, once more, the visit of Slawomir Ambroziak (Gdansk Tech. Univ., Gdansk, Poland), following an existing collaboration in between the two research groups. The aim of the visit is to work on the development of model for channel characterisation for dynamic Body Area Networks.



3. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.

Carla Oliveira, Michal Mackowiak and Luis M. Correia, “Uplink Exposure Assessment of 3G/4G Wireless Devices”, submitted to Workshop on Low‐EMF Radio‐link Technologies and Wireless Networks Management, at ISWCS’2015 — International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, Brussels, Belgium, Aug. 2015.

Daniel Sebastião, B.W. Martijn Kuipers and Luis M. Correia, “Exposure Assessment in Heterogeneous Networks Accounting for Up- and Downlinks”, submitted to Workshop on Low‐EMF Radio‐link Technologies and Wireless Networks Management, at ISWCS’2015 — International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, Brussels, Belgium, Aug. 2015.

Luisa Caeiro, Sina Khatibi, Lúcio Ferreira and Luis M. Correia, “A Perspective on Virtual Radio Access Networks”, Proc. of COST IC1004 Workshop on Evolution of Radio Access Network Technologies towards 5G, Valencia, Spain, May 2015.

Sławomir J. Ambroziak, Luis M. Correia, Ryszard J. Katulski and Michał Maćkowiak, “Measurements of Path Loss in Off-Body Channels in Indoor Environments”, Proc. of AT-RASC’2015 – 1st URSI Atlantic Radio Science Conference, Gran Canaria, Spain, May 2015.



4. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.


Luís M. Correia, “A Perspective on Virtual Radio Access Networks”

COST IC1004 Workshop on Evolution of Radio Access Network Technologies towards 5G, Valencia, Spain



Luís M. Correia

COST IC1004 meeting, Valencia, Spain



Andrea Marotta, “Optimisation of Radio Access Network Cloud Architectures Deployment in LTE-Advanced”

Cláudia Castro, “Optimisation of Ground Stations Location in Aeronautical Multilateration Systems”

GROWing meeting



Lúcio Ferreira,

Ph.D. Jury of María Angel Lema Rosas, “Contribution to the optimization of 4G mobile communications by means of advanced carrier aggregation strategies”

UPC, Barcelona



Luís M. Correia

23rd Seminar on Mobile Communications Systems, Lisbon, Portugal



Luís M. Correia

Visit to Gdansk Tech. Univ., Gdansk, Poland



Luís M. Correia

IEEE ICC’2015, London, UK



Luís M. Correia

“A Perspective on Virtual Radio Access Networks”,

1st FEUP Doctoral Congress in Engineering, Porto, Portugal, June 2015.



Luís M. Correia

NEWCOM# Executive Board meeting, Bologna, Italy



Luísa Caeiro, “Addressing Multiple Virtual Resources in the Same Geographical Area”

Carla Oliveira, “Capacity Analysis for On-Body Communications in an Indoor Environment”

Sina Khatibi, “Modelling Virtual Radio Resource Management with Traffic Offloading Support”

GROWing meeting



Luís M. Correia, Luisa Caeiro, Sina Khatibi, Daniel Sebastião, Mónica Branco

EuCNC’2015, Paris, France



5. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.

COST IC1004 –

A joint work in off-body channel models for Body Area Networks with Gdansk University of Technology is progressing.



Based on the work done so far in WP5, two papers were submitted to a Special Session on Low-EMF Radio-Link Technologies and Wireless Networks Management on the ISWCS2015 conference. This work was also inserted in D5.2 “Smart low-EMF architectures: results and recommendations”, the final deliverable of WP5, and will be into WP2 report as well.


 MCN –

The work on the implementation of VRRM in OAI LTE base station emulator, as well as integrating traffic scenarios, has been concluded. It is currently being evaluated for various scenarios.



A book with the key results of the project is being prepared.


FAQtos –

27 groups have delivered their project on the 2015 edition of Prémio FAQtos. The selection jury is now evaluating all the material delivered, and the 10 finalists will be announced on June 12th. The final Ceremony of this contest will be hosted at IST on July 11th. Continuous monitoring of EMFs is still ongoing in Valongo, with 5 monitoring stations, and 1 further station is installed in Felgueiras, with the removal already planned for mid June.



GROW News Mar-Apr/2015

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Vol. 10, No. 3, Mar-Apr 2015


In this issue:

1. Under the spotlight

2. People

3. Publications

4. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

5. Projects


1. Under the spotlight

Bringing your attention to a matter in this issue of the Newsletter

Body Area Networks (BANs) will be strategic actors of the next generation of wireless systems beyond the fourth generation, supporting the world of everything for connected devices and objects. Potential scenarios include monitoring of biological signals in healthcare care units, as well as elderly people monitoring in home environments. The data collected by the wearable sensors can be used either in the network itself or forwarded to any appropriated external one (e.g., emergency services). A novel model is proposed using a smart and cooperative configuration of the wearable nodes, i.e., using clusters of nodes and combining multiple independent paths to behave like multi-antennas systems (i.e., Virtual MIMO). The aim is to enhance the reliability of communications and to overcome the effects of deep fading, which can be critical for some applications (e.g., life support decisions). Different metrics are proposed for the selection of the best wearable nodes, namely, the relative MIMO capacity gain (ratio between the MIMO capacity and the maximum throughput from the SISO branches), and the configuration score (relative capacity of a selected 2×2 configuration in relation to the maximum theoretical capacity of a particular BAN).

This approach is supported by a channel model that considers the received signal composed of an on-body component (obtained from full wave simulations) and of several multipath components present in the environment (obtained from a geometrically based statistical channel model adapted to BANs). The model includes realistic body dynamics (taken from motion capture analysis). The case studies of the data sensors on the head (front and back), on the ears or on the arms, while the sink is on the front of the body (e.g., belt) are analysed. In case of the head-belt connection the signals are balanced, but, being highly correlated due to the short distances and similar propagation conditions and relative MIMO gains are small (1.57). If the data sensors are moved to the ears, higher relative MIMO gains are achieved (1.81). The trend of the average capacity over time when the sensors are on the arms exhibits higher fluctuations when compared to the placements on the head/ears, corresponding to the arms swinging, leading to an average gain of 1.73. Nevertheless, the performance of the selected virtual MIMO case studies (with relative MIMO capacity gains ranging in [1.57, 1.81]) is always enhanced when compared to the best SISO scenario, even for line-of-sight branches.

The selection of the optimum placements should be done according to the specific system under study. The best performance for the analysed case studies corresponds to the sensors on the ears, reaching a configuration score of 0.76.

Carla Oliveira




2. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.

The whole GROW team, as well as many other colleagues from IST and ISCTE, were involved in the organisation of EuCAP’2015 (The 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation —, held in Lisbon, on April 12th-17th. The conference reached almost 1 300 participants, from 55 countries around the whole world, presenting more than 1 000 papers. We dare to say that the conference was a success, since most of the feedback we got from participants was very positive. It was pleasure to host all our colleagues.



3. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.

Sławomir J. Ambroziak, Luis M. Correia, Ryszard J. Katulski and Michał Maćkowiak, “Impact of radio wave polarisation on off-body communications in indoor environments”, Proc. of EuCAP’2015 – 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Lisbon, Portugal, Apr. 2015.

Carla Oliveira and Luis M. Correia, “MIMO Capacity for On-Body Communications in Scattered Environments”, accepted for publication at Wireless Personal Communications.

Luisa Caeiro, Filipe D. Cardoso and Luis M. Correia, “Addressing Multiple Virtual Resources in the Same Geographical Area”, accepted to EuCNC2015—European Conference on Networks and Communications, Paris, France, June 2015.

Sina Khatibi and Luis M. Correia, “Modelling Virtual Radio Resource Management with Traffic Offloading Support”, accepted to EuCNC’2015 – 24th European Conference on Networks and Communications, Paris, France, June 2015.

Carla Oliveira and Luis M. Correia, “Capacity Analysis for On-body Communications in an Indoor Environment”, accepted to PIERS’2015 – 36th Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2015.

Luisa Caeiro, Sina Khatibi, Lúcio Ferreira and Luis M. Correia, “A Perspective on Virtual Radio Access Networks”, accepted to COST IC1004 Workshop on Evolution of Radio Access Network Technologies towards 5G, Valencia, Spain, May 2015.



4. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.


Luis M. Correia, Luísa Caeiro, Lúcio Ferreira

MCN Meeting, Zurich, Switzerland



Luis M. Correia

EuCNC Steering Committee meeting, Brussels, Belgium



Luis M. Correia

NETFUTURES, Brussels, Belgium



Daniel Sebastião, Mónica Branco

FAQtos Seminar, Escola Secundária Mouzinho de Albuquerque, Portalegre, Portugal



Carla Oliveira, Daniel Sebastião, Lucio Ferreira, Mónica Branco, Kenan Turbic, Vera Almeida, Ema Catarré, Luis M. Correia

EuCAP’2015, Lisbon, Portugal



Daniel Sebastião

FAQtos Seminar, Escola Secundária Rodrigues de Freitas, Porto, Portugal



Carla Oliveira, Filipe Cardoso, Luís M. Correia

LEXNET Meeting, Santander, Spain



Luís M. Correia, “Virtualisation of Radio Resources”

Lúcio Ferreira, Behnam Rouzbehani, Mojgan Barahman

8th IC1004 Training School “From HetNets to cloud radio access networks”, Luxembourg, Luxembourg



Daniel Sebastião, Mónica Branco

FAQtos Seminar, ES/3 de Porto de Mós, Porto de Mós, Portugal



Luís M. Correia, “A Perspective on Virtual Radio Access Networks”

COST IC1004 Workshop on Evolution of Radio Access Network Technologies towards 5G, Valencia, Spain



Luís M. Correia

COST IC1004 meeting, Valencia, Spain



Andrea Marotta, “Optimisation of Radio Access Network Cloud Architectures Deployment in LTE-Advanced”

Cláudia Castro, “Optimisation of Ground Stations Location in Aeronautical Multilateration Systems”

GROWing meeting



Luís M. Correia

23rd Seminar on Mobile Communications Systems, Lisbon, Portugal



5. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.

COST IC1004 –

The contribution to the COST book has been updated by Lúcio Ferreira and Sina Khatibi. Another contribution has been updated by Carla Oliveira.



The definition of a cost function taking into account EMF as a KPI for network management/performance analysis was done in WP5, and now a paper is being prepared, together with the contribution to the next deliverable of WP5. In WP7, the document with a general description of LEXNET and its main results that will be made available at the website was translated to Portuguese.

 MCN –

The work on the implementation of VRRM in OAI LTE base station emulator, as well as integrating traffic scenarios, performed by Luisa Caeiro and Sina Khatibi is progressing.



Sina Khatibi and Luisa Caeiro with collaboration of Eurecom are working on the modification of the MAC scheduler of OAI to support grouping and virtualisation.


FAQtos –

The 2015 edition of Prémio FAQtos is ongoing and the countdown to the delivery of the final projects has started. In the meanwhile, some of the groups are having training in EMF measurement equipment. Continuous monitoring of EMFs continues to be done in Valongo, with 5 monitoring stations, with 1 further station installed in Felgueiras. Some seminars were held on various schools during March and April.




GROW News Feb/2015

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Vol. 10, No. 2, Feb 2015


In this issue:

1. Under the spotlight

2. People

3. Publications

4. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

5. Projects


1. Under the spotlight

Bringing your attention to a matter in this issue of the Newsletter

I was invited to be part of the team evaluating a Collaborative Research Centre at the Technical University of Dresden, Dresden, Germany, working on a project, Highly Adaptive Energy-Efficient Computing (HAEC). Given its very interesting goals, I dare to copy some information from their website (

“The way we use the Internet today has an enormous ecological impact on the increasing energy demand of modern society. For example, the electricity required by the servers that make up the Internet relates to about 2% of the overall electricity consumption in the US and to about 26% of the overall energy consumption in Germany. Certainly a straightforward way for improving energy efficiency would be to reduce the energy consumption of every individual hardware component involved. However, for many components the optimal energy performance point has already been reached. More important is an understanding of how software can adapt to hardware components and vice versa to address the computational problems of modern society in an energy efficient way. This requires new methods and tools to write energy-aware programs, new ways of interaction between the individual pieces that collaborate to solve a problem, new communication technologies to enable this interaction between pieces that are spread across highly scalable parallel systems, and a new multi-layer coordination infrastructure to bring together these technologies. In other words, we need an integrated approach for highly adaptive energy-efficient computing to approach energy-efficient computing at all involved technology levels. the circuit level, we focus on innovative ideas for optical and wireless chip-to-chip communication. At the network level, we research secure, high performance network coding schemes for wired and wireless board-to-board communication. Innovative results at the hardware/software interface level will include energy control loops, which allow hardware to adapt to varying software requirements and vice versa. Software development in general is supported by energy-aware runtimes, energy-aware resource, stream and configuration management schemes and by an analysis framework for high performance/low energy applications. New internet applications are supported by innovations in energy-aware service execution. And, last but not least, formal methods are developed to offer a new quality of assurance in our systems of tomorrow. Demonstrating our results in a joint prototype – the HAEC Box – our goal is to become a pace setter for industry and academia on the design of future energy efficient-computing systems.”

Luis M. CorreiaPicture2


2. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.

This month witnessed the graduation of 7 M.Sc. students, i.e., Bruno Pires, David Doutor, Gonçalo Fernandes, Marco Castanho, Pedro Ganço, Rodrigo Santos, and Vasco Oliveira. We congratulate them, and wish them luck in their professional career.


3. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.

Carla Oliveira, Michal Mackowiak and Luis M. Correia, “Uplink Exposure Assessment of 3G/4G Wireless Devices”, submitted to EuCNC2015 — European Conference on Networks and Communications, Paris, France, June 2015.

Sina Khatibi and Luís M. Correia, “A Model for Virtual Radio Resource Management in Virtual RAN”, accepted for publication at EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking.

Sławomir J. Ambroziak, Luis M. Correia, Ryszard J. Katulski and Michał Maćkowiak, “Measurements of Path Loss in Off-Body Channels in Indoor Environments”, accepted to AT-RASC’2015 – 1st URSI Atlantic Radio Science Conference, Gran Canaria, Spain, May 2015.

Luis M. Correia, “A Perspective of the Networks of the Future and their Application to Smart Cities”, Proc. of IMTIC’2015 – International Multi Topic Conference, Jamshoro, Pakistan, Feb. 2015 (keynote speaker).


4. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.


Luis M. Correia

DFG HEAC @ T.U. Dresden review, Dresden, Germany



Carla Oliveira

FAQtos Seminar, DEEC, IST—University of Lisbon



Rodrigo Santos, “Impact of FM Broadcasting Signals on Aeronautical Radionavigation”

Marco Castanho, “Analysis and optimisation of video transmission in LTE networks”

Pedro Ganço, “Load Balancing in Heterogeneous Networks with LTE”

Duarte Doutor, “Load Balancing between LTE and WiFi”

Gonçalo Fernandes, “Load Balancing via inter-frequency handovers in LTE networks”

GROWing meeting



Daniel Sebastião, Mónica Branco

FAQtos Seminar at Escola Profissional de Pombal, Pombal, Portugal



Luis M. Correia

LEXNET project review, Brussels, Belgium



Carla Oliveira

FAQtos Seminar, DEEC, IST—University of Lisbon



Luis M. Correia, “A Perspective of the Networks of the Future and their Application to Smart Cities”

IMTIC’2015 – International Multi Topic Conference, Jamshoro, Pakistan



Luis M. Correia

NEWCOM# project review, Brussels, Belgium



Bruno Pires, “Exclusion Regions for LTE base stations in heterogeneous cell structures”

Vasco Simões, “Assessment of exposure for LTE mobile terminals in a heterogeneous usage”

GROWing meeting



Daniel Sebastião, Mónica Branco

FAQtos Seminar at Colégio de São Miguel, Fátima, Portugal



Carla Oliveira

FAQtos Seminar, DEEC, IST—University of Lisbon



Carla Oliveira

FAQtos Seminar, DEEC, IST—University of Lisbon



Sina Khatibi, Luisa Caeiro

Working visit within NEWCOM# and MCN at EURECOM, Sophia Antipolis, France



Luis M. Correia, Luísa Caeiro, Lúcio Ferreira

MCN Meeting, Zurich, Switzerland



Luis M. Correia

EuCNC Steering Committee meeting, Brussels, Belgium



Luis M. Correia

NETFUTURES, Brussels, Belgium


5. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.

COST IC1004 –

The contribution to the COST book has been updated by Lúcio Ferreira and Sina Khatibi.



A report is being finalised within WP2 on the SAR simulations for a tablet usage. Work is starting concerning SAR simulations with smart glasses. Work is progressing in WP5 on the definition of a cost function taking into account EMF as a KPI for network management/performance analysis. In WP7, a document that will be translated in different languages and will be made available at the website was consolidated with contributions for all technical WPs.



INOV team is working on the implementation of VRRM in OAI LTE base station emulator, as well as integrating traffic scenarios. Sina Khatibi and Luisa Caeiro visited Eurecom, France, to progress with the afore mentioned work.



Sina Khatibi and Luisa Caeiro with collaboration of Eurecom are working on the modification of the MAC scheduler of OAI to support grouping and virtualisation.


FAQtos –

The 2015 edition of Prémio FAQtos has been ongoing, with the 48 groups still on contest after the delivery of their intermediate report by February 6th. Some of the groups are having training in EMF measurement equipment. Continuous monitoring of EMFs was launched in Valongo, with 5 monitoring stations, with 1 further station installed in Felgueiras. Some seminars were held on various schools during February.


GROW News Jan/2015

Posted by

Vol. 10, No. 1, Jan 2015


In this issue:

1. Under the spotlight

2. People

3. Publications

4. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

5. Projects

1. Under the spotlight

Bringing your attention to a matter in this issue of the Newsletter

The goal in the virtualisation of radio resources is to serve multiple Virtual Network Operators (VNOs) over the same physical infrastructure, while offering isolation and flexibility in addition to network element abstraction and multi-RAT (Radio Access Technology) support. Instead of splitting the available radio resources among VNOs, they are aggregated and jointly manage by a higher level entity. VNOs request wireless capacity from a set of physical network providers to serve their subscribers, thus, not having to deal with the physical infrastructure, but rather only with the required capacity. This approach offers pay-as-you-go Connectivity-as-a-Service to VNOs, while enabling new business models for network operators and infrastructure providers. As illustrated in ‎the figure, the key concept of Virtual RAN (VRAN) corresponds to the one of Virtual Machines (VMs) in computing. In RAN virtualisation, in contrast to RAN sharing, the physical infrastructure is not transparent to the clients. By means of isolation, services with different protocols, algorithms, and requirements for quality of service can be offered over the same physical infrastructure.


Sina Khatibi


2. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.

GROW is receiving one more member. Since mid-January, Andrea Marrota, an M.Sc. Student from University of L’Aquila, Italy, is working in his thesis. We wish him good luck.

GROW has hosted Dr. Slawomir J. Ambroziak (Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland), in a COST IC1004 Short Term Scientific Mission, in the period of Jan. 12th to 16th. This stay, resulting from an existing collaboration, produced very interesting results.


3. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.

Luísa Caeiro, Filipe D. Cardoso and Luis M. Correia, “OnDemand Virtual Radio Resource Allocation for

Wireless Access”, Wireless Personal Communications, accepted Jan. 2015

Lúcio Ferreira, Navid Nikaein, Eryk Shiller, Desislava Dimitrova, Islam Alyafawi, Sina Khatibi, Luis M. Correia, Dominique Pichon, Alexander Georgiev and André Gomes, “RAN-as-a-Service MCN architecture”, in Proc. of Innovation in the Cloud Workshop, Lisbon, Portugal, Jan. 2015

Sina Khatibi and Luis M. Correia, The Effect of Channel Quality on Virtual Radio Resource Management, Technical Report TD-15-12034, COST IC1004, Dublin, Ireland, Jan. 2015


4. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.


Daniel Sebastião, Mónica Branco

FAQtos Seminar at Salesianos de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal



Daniel Sebastião, Mónica Branco

FAQtos Seminar at Escola Secundária de Arouca, Arouca, Portugal



Carla Oliveira

FAQtos Seminar at IST, Lisboa, Portugal



Sina Khatibi, Luis M. Correia

NEWCOM# meeting, Athens, Greece



Ricardo Gameiro, “Performance comparison of voice communications between VoLTE and UMTS/GSM”

Miguel Sá, “Performance Analysis of Software Defined Networks in LTE-A”

Carlos Martins, “Analysis of data services performance in UMTS networks using data analytics”

João Pires, “LTE Fixed to Mobile Subscribers QoE evaluation”

GROWing meeting



Luis M. Correia, “The Effect of Channel Quality on Virtual Radio Resource Management

COST IC1004 meeting, Dublin, Ireland



Lucio Ferreira, “RAN-as-a-Service MCN architecture”

Sina Khatibi

Innovation in the Cloud Workshop, Lisboa, Portugal



Mónica Branco

FAQtos Seminar at EPET, Lisboa, Portugal



Luis M. Correia

DFG HEAC @ T.U. Dresden review, Dresden, Germany



Rodrigo Santos, “Impact of FM Broadcasting Signals on Aeronautical Radionavigation”

Marco Castanho, “Analysis and optimisation of video transmission in LTE networks”

Pedro Ganço, “Load Balancing in Heterogeneous Networks with LTE”

Duarte Doutor, “Load Balancing between LTE and WiFi”

Gonçalo Fernandes, “Load Balancing via inter-frequency handovers in LTE networks”

GROWing meeting



Daniel Sebastião, Mónica Branco

FAQtos Seminar at Escola Profissional de Pombal, Pombal, Portugal



Luis M. Correia

LEXNET project review, Brussels, Belgium



Luis M. Correia

NEWCOM# project review, Brussels, Belgium



Bruno Pires, “Exclusion Regions for LTE base stations in heterogeneous cell structures”

Vasco Simões, “Assessment of exposure for LTE mobile terminals in a heterogeneous usage”

GROWing meeting



Daniel Sebastião, Mónica Branco

FAQtos Seminar at Colégio de São Miguel, Fátima, Portugal


5. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.

COST IC1004 –

A contribution entitled “Virtualised and Cloud based Architectures” was edited for the COST book Cooperative Radio Communications for Green Smart Environments. The paper presented at the COST meeting was chosen as selected scientific topic for the 10th newsletter. Sina Khatibi is going to submit the abstract version of the paper for the 10th project Newsletter. Slawomir J. Ambroziak (Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland), was hosted in GROW under a Short Term Scientific Mission, for joint work in Body Area Networks.



A report is being prepared on SAR simulations for a tablet usage, and work is starting concerning SAR simulations with smart glasses, within WP2. Concerning WP5, OPNET simulations on optimisation of locations for network topologies are already finished; work is now progressing on the definition of a cost function taking EMF as a KPI for network management/performance analysis into account. The New Work Item on “Development of a methodology on day to day assessment of EMF exposure to the population” that was proposed to CENELEC was accepted for discussion.



Work is being done on the implementation of VRRM in the OAI LTE base station emulator, as well as on the integration of traffic scenarios. A talk on RANaaS and a demo entitled “Capacity-as-a-Service” were given in the Innovation on the Cloud Workshop, organised by FP7 MOBIZZ project (, an event congregating several FP7 projects.



Sina Khatibi presented the work “Optimisation Approaches for Virtual Heterogeneous Networks”, based on the latest achievement in JRA1.1.2.2 at the project meeting.


FAQtos –

The 2015 edition of Prémio FAQtos has been ongoing, with the 59 groups scheduled to deliver their intermediate report by February 6th. Continuous monitoring of EMFs was launched in Valongo, with 5 monitoring stations, with 1 further station installed in Felgueiras. Some seminarswere held on some schools during January, with some more already scheduled for February.


GROW News Jul-Dec/2014

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Vol. 9, No. 7, July-December 2014


In this issue:

1. Under the spotlight

2. People

3. Publications

4. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

5. Projects


1. Under the spotlight

Bringing your attention to a matter in this issue of the Newsletter


The GROW team is truly saddened by the tragic death of one of its members, Michał Maćkowiak (and his wife, Hannia).

Michał Maćkowiak was a Pole that felt in love for Lisbon and Portugal, by chance. In 2006, while taking the M.Sc. on Electronics and Information Technology Engineering, at the Warsaw University of Technology, he ended up being the last one to choose a place for doing the thesis within the ERASMUS exchange programme, and the only place left was IST – Lisbon, so he decided to take the risk and to spend a few months in our research group. This was the beginning of a new stage in his life, spent in Lisbon, which ended tragically on Aug. 8th, 2014, when he and his wife Hanna felt from a cliff nearby Lisbon.

After graduating with the Ph.D., in July 2013, he kept working in our group, in several projects. He had already quite a track record as a researcher, but his life was not only about research and family (he was married and had two children). He was also very keen on photography, which we could consider to be his “professional hobby”, besides having an entrepreneur spirit as well.

More than a brilliant colleague, we lost a cheerful friend. Our thoughts are now with Michał and Hannia’s families, and most especially with their kids, Sozia and Leon. We really miss them.

2. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.

Luisa Caeiro graduated with the Ph.D. in September. Pedro Venâncio graduated with the M.Sc. in November. Congratulations to them, and wishes of success in the new stage of their professional career.

GROW is receiving one more member. Since mid-September, Alessandro Simonelli, an M.Sc. Student, is working in his thesis. We wish him good luck.

3. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.

Joana Fernandes, Luis M Correia, Carlos Alves, Luis Píssaro and Márcio Teixeira, “Assessment of Wind Turbines Generators Influence in VOR Aeronautical Navigation Systems”, Proc. of 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Memphis, TN, USA, July 2014.

Ricardo Santos, Luis M Correia, Carlos Alves, Luis Pissarro and Álvaro Albino, “Analysis of Wind Turbines Generators Influence in Aeronautical Radars 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Memphis, TN, USA, July 2014.

Luis M. Correia, “Modelling Problems in ICT for ITS”, Proc. of Workshop on Transportation Modelling Future, Lisbon, Portugal, July 2014 (invited).

Michal Mackowiak and Luis M. Correia, “Modelling Dynamic Body-to-Body Channels in Outdoor Environments”, Proc. of URSI GASS 2014 – 31th URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Beijing, China, Aug. 2014.

Michal Mackowiak, Luis M. Correia, Adrian Kliks and Paweł Kryszkiewicz, “MIMO channel analysis in the context of Body Area Networks”, Proc. of Workshop on Cognitive Radio Advances, Applications and Future Emerging Technologies, at ISWCS’2014 – 11th The Eleventh International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, Barcelona, Spain, Aug. 2014.

Michal Mackowiak and Luis M. Correia, “Statistical Path Loss Model for Dynamic Off-Body Channels”, Proc. of PIMRC’2014 – 25th IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor, Mobile and Radio Communications, Washington, DC, USA, Sep. 2014.

Sina Khatibi and Luis M. Correia, “Modelling of Virtual Radio Resource Management for Cellular Heterogeneous Access Networks”, Proc. of PIMRC’2014 – 25th IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor, Mobile and Radio Communications, Washington, DC, USA, Sep. 2014.

Luis M. Correia, “A Perspective of the Networks of the Future and Smart Cities”, Proc. of WMCS’2014 – 2nd International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communication Systems, Lisbon, Portugal, Oct. 2014 (keynote speaker).

Luis M. Correia, “A Perspective of the Networks of the Future and Smart Cities”, Proc. of WiCON’2014 – 8th International Wireless Internet Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, Nov. 2014 (keynote speaker).

Luisa Caeiro, Filipe D. Cardoso and Luis M. Correia, “Wireless Access Virtualisation: Physical versus Virtual Capacities”, Proc. of 5GU’2014 – 1st International Conference on 5G for Ubiquitous Connectivity, Levi, Finland, Nov. 2014.

Carla Oliveira, Daniel Sebastião, Mónica Branco and Luis M. Correia, “Fact on Usage and (Lack of) Concern of Portuguese Youngsters with Mobile Phones” (in Portuguese), Proc. of 8th URSI Portuguese Committee Congress, Lisbon, Portugal, Nov. 2014.

Sławomir J. Ambroziak, Luis M. Correia, Ryszard J. Katulski and Michał Maćkowiak, “Impact of radio wave polarisation on off-body communications in indoor environments”, accepted to EuCAP’2015 – 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Lisbon, Portugal, Apr. 2015.

Carla Oliveira and Luis M. Correia, “MIMO Capacity for On-Body Communications in Scattered Environments”, Wireless Personal Communications, accepted Dec. 2014.

4. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.


Luis M. Correia

Zeinab Mhanna, “Analysis and Modelling of the radio channel in an Ultra Wideband Backscattering based RFID System”

Ph.D. Committee, Télécom ParisTech, Paris, France



Ricardo Santos, “Analysis of Wind Turbines Generators Influence in Aeronautical Radars”

Joana Fernandes, “Assessment of Wind Turbines Generators Influence in VOR Aeronautical Navigation Systems”

GROWing meeting



Carla Oliveira, Daniel Sebastião, Mónica Branco, Luis M. Correia, Michał Maćkowiak, Ema Catarré, Vera Almeida

Prémio FAQtos 2014 Final Ceremony



Ricardo Santos, “Analysis of Wind Turbines Generators Influence in Aeronautical Radars”

Joana Fernandes, “Assessment of Wind Turbines Generators Influence in VOR Aeronautical Navigation Systems”

IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Memphis, TN, USA



All active GROWers

STAR WARM (STill AnotheR Wonderful Annual Reunion in Monsaraz )Episode XV, Monsaraz, Portugal



Sina Khatibi, “Virtualisation of Radio Resources—Next Step in Radio Access Network Virtualisation”

GROWing meeting



Luis M. Correia

PIMRC’2014 – 25th IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor, Mobile and Radio Communications, Washington, DC, USA



Daniel Sebastião, Martijn Kuipers, Luis M. Correia

LEXNET WP5 Meeting, Bucharest, Romania



Luisa Caeiro, “Common Radio Resource Management in Virtual Heterogeneous Networks”

Luisa Caeiro, “Virtual wireless access: Addressing multiple virtual resources in the same geographical area”

Sina Khatibi, “Modelling of virtual radio resource management with traffic offloading support”

GROWing meeting



Carla Oliveira, Luisa Caeiro, Luis M. Correia, Sina Kathibi

COST IC1004 Meeting, Krakow, Poland



Filipe Cardoso

LEXNET Advisory Board meeting, Paris, France



Luis M. Correia

COST BM1309 Meeting, Split, Croatia



Daniel Sebastião, Mónica Branco

FAQtos’s public presentation, Matosinhos Town Hall, Matosinhos, Portugal



Luis M. Correia

NEWCOM Executive Board Meeting, Barcelona, Spain



Pedro Venâncio, “Analysis of Network Quality Using Non-Intrusive from an End-User Perspective in LTE”

GROWing meeting



Daniel Sebastião, Luis M. Correia

EuCoNneCts Project Meeting, Brussels, Belgium



Luis M. Correia, “A Perspective of the Networks of the Future and Smart Cities”

WMCS’2014 – 2nd International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communication Systems, Lisbon, Portugal



Luis M. Correia, “Michał Maćkowiak: the BAN researcher and the photographer”

GROWing meeting



Luis M. Correia

IoT Lab Project Review, Brussels, Belgium



Sina Khatibi and Luisa Caeiro, “Integration of VRRM in OAI”

GROWing meeting



Luisa Caeiro, Mónica Branco, Sina Khatibi, Lúcio Ferreira, Luis M. Correia

MCN Project Meeting, Berlin, Germany



Luis M. Correia, “A Perspective of the Networks of the Future and Smart Cities”

WiCON’2014 – 8th International Wireless Internet Conference, Lisbon, Portugal



Luis M. Correia

EAR-IT Project Review, Santander, Spain



Daniel Sebastião, Carla Oliveira, Filipe Cardoso, Luis M. Correia

LEXNET Project Meeting, Belgrade, Serbia



Luisa Caeiro, “Wireless Access Virtualisation: Physical versus Virtual Capacities”

1st International Conference on 5G for Ubiquitous Connectivity (5GU), Levi, Finland



Mónica Branco, “Fact on Usage and (Lack of) Concern of Portuguese Youngsters with Mobile Phones”

8th URSI Portuguese Committee Congress, Lisbon, Portugal



Carla Oliveira, Luis M. Correia

U. Novi Sad / IST Bilateral Collaboration Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal



Luis M. Correia

Ivo Sousa, “MIMO Techniques in High Capacity Wireless Communication Systems”

Ph.D. Committee, IST, Lisbon, Portugal



Daniel Sebastião, Luis M. Correia

EuCoNneCts Project Meeting, Brussels, Belgium



Luis M. Correia

GLOBECOM’2014—IEEE Global Communications Conference, Austin, TX, USA

5. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.

COST IC1004 –

A special session dedicated to the memory of Michał Maćkowiak was held in the Krakow meeting. Work is progressing on the book, with edition of sections on off-body communications and radio resource management.


INOV contributed to the new survey about the best ways of reducing radiation from wireless communication systems, and hosted a meeting with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology partners (WP2). Work is progressing on EMF exposure metrics, SAR simulations (WP2) and assessment of the exposure index (WP3), taking realistic environments into account. INOV contributed to Deliverables D2.6, D2.5 and D3.3. OPNET simulations on optimisation of locations for network topologies are going on (WP5), contributing to already finished Deliverable D5.1 and IR5.2. A new version of the document on inter-project collaboration and other contacts was circulated by Filipe Cardoso.


INOV is working on Cloud-RAN, validating the concept of virtualising the baseband unit of an LTE basestation, aiming at using OpenAirInterface’s (OAI) emulated LTE eNodeB. The management of virtual radio resources of multiple operators is also being studied, the developed models being currently under implementation in OAI.


In WP1.1, the document “Modelling of Virtual Radio Resource Management“ has been submitted and discussed with partners. In WP1.3, the work on channel coding and MIMO capacity for body-to-body channel is progressing, and a joint paper with Poznan University of Technology was presented at ISWCS2014. In WP2.3, the cooperation with EURECOM and the development of the LTE eNodeB is progressing well.


The final ceremony for Prémio FAQtos 2014 was held on July 5th. The 10 finalists presented their work, and a jury chose the winners. The 1st prize went to Arouca, the 2nd one to Oliveira do Bairro and the 3rd to Fátima. A special mention was also delivered to a group from Aveiro. The 2015 edition of Prémio FAQtos has been launched, the dissemination materials were sent to schools, and the 59 groups were accepted. Continuous monitoring of EMFs was launched in Matosinhos, with 6 monitoring stations active in FAQtos’ website from July to October. A public ceremony in the city hall held on October 8th has officialised this collaboration. An information action was held on Felgueiras secondary school.



GROW News Jun/2014

Posted by

Vol. 9, No. 6, June 2014


In this issue:

1. People

2. Publications

3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

4. Projects


1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.


GROW is receiving more members. This month, 5 M.Sc. students were selected to start their theses after Summer: Cláudia Castro, Carlos Martins, João Pires, Miguel Sá, and Ricardo Gameiro. We wish them good luck.



2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.


Tesanovic,M., Conil,E., Domenico,A., Agüero,R., Freudenstein,F., Correia,L.M., Bories,S., Martens,L., Wiedemann,P.M and Wiart,J., “Wireless networks and EMF—paving the way for low-EMF networks of the future: the LEXNET project”, IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, Vol. 61, No. 3, June 2014, pp. 20-28.


Correia,L.M., “The Evolution of Mobile Communications and the Internet of Things”, Proc. of the 5th European Summit on the Future Internet, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, June 2014


Ferreira,L.S., Pichon,D., Hatefi,A., Gomes,A., Dimitrova,D., Braun,T., Karagiannis,G., Karimzadeh,M., Branco,M. and Correia,L.M., “An Architecture to offer Cloud-Based Radio Access Network as a Service”, Proc. of EuCNC’2014 – 23rd European Conference on Networks and Communications, Bologna, Italy, June 2014.


Almeida,D.X., Correia,L.M. and Serrazina,M., “Antenna Characteristics Impact on LTE Inter-Cell Interference Performance in Urban Scenarios”, Proc. of EuCNC’2014 – 23rd European Conference on Networks and Communications, Bologna, Italy, June 2014.


Caeiro,L., Cardoso,F.D. and Correia,L.M., “Wireless Access Virtualisation: Addressing Virtual Resources with different Types of Requirements”, Proc. of EuCNC’2014 – 23rd European Conference on Networks and Communications, Bologna, Italy, June 2014.


Dimitrova,D, Ferreira,L.S., Gomes,A., Nikaein,N,, Georgiev,A. and Pizzinat,A. ,”Challenges ahead of RAN virtualization in LTE”, Proc. of Workshop on Mobile Cloud Infrastructures and Services, at EuCNC’2014 – 23rd European Conference on Networks and Communications, Bologna, Italy, June 2014.


Mackowiak,M., Correia,L.M., Kliks,A. and Kryszkiewicz,P., “MIMO Channel Analysis in the context of Body Area Networks”, accepted to ISWCS 2014 – 11th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, Barcelona, Spain, Aug. 2014.


Mackowiak,M. and Correia,L.M., “Statistical Path Loss Model for Dynamic Off-Body Channels”, accepted to PIMRC’2014 – 25th IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor, Mobile and Radio Communications, Washington, DC, USA, Sep. 2014.


Khatibi,S. and Correia,L.M., “Modelling of Virtual Radio Resource Management for Cellular Heterogeneous Access Networks”, accepted to PIMRC’2014 – 25th IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor, Mobile and Radio Communications, Washington, DC, USA, Sep. 2014.



3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.



David Doutor, “Load Balancing Between LTE and WiFi”

Gonçalo Fernandes, “Load balancing via inter-frequency handovers in LTE networks”

Rodrigo Santos, “Impact on Modern FM Broadcast Signals on Aeronautical Radionavigation”

Bruno Pires, “Exclusion regions for LTE base stations in heterogeneous cell structures”

GROWing meeting



Michal Mackowiak

Serbia-Portugal Bilateral Project, Scientific Meeting, Belgrade, Serbia



Luis M. Correia, “The Evolution of Mobile Communications and the Internet of Things”

5th European Summit on the Future Internet, Luxembourg, Luxembourg



Lúcio Ferreira, Luísa Caeiro, Mónica Branco, Sina Khatibi, Luís M. Correia

MCN General Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal



Lúcio Ferreira, Luísa Caeiro, Mónica Branco, Sina Khatibi, Luís M. Correia

Workshop on Mobile Cloud Networking, Lisbon, Portugal



Pedro Ganço, “Load balancing in heterogeneous networks with LTE”

Diogo Almeida, “Antenna Characteristics Impact on LTE Inter-Cell Interference Performance in Urban Scenarios”

GROWing meeting



Luisa Caeiro, “Wireless Access Virtualisation: Addressing Virtual Resources with different Types of Requirements”

Lucio Ferreira, “An Architecture to offer Cloud-Based Radio Access Network as a Service”

GROWing meeting



Daniel Sebastiao, Monica Branco, Lúcio Ferreira, Luisa Caeiro, Diogo Almeida, Michal Mackowiak, Luis M. Correia

EuCNC 2014 – European Conference on Networks and Communications, Bologna, Italy



Luis M. Correia,

Zeinab Mhanna Ph.D. Jury, Telecom Paris Tech, Paris, France



Luis M. Correia, “Exposição à Radiação Eletromagnética em Comunicações Móveis”

Introdução às Telecomunicações (INTELE), Ciência Viva – Ocupação Científica de Jovens nas Férias, IST, Lisbon, Portugal



Ricardo Santos, “Analysis of Wind Turbines Generators Influence in Aeronautical Radars”

Joana Fernandes, “Assessment of Wind Turbines Generators influence in VOR Aeronautical Navigation Systems”

GROWing meeting



Carla Oliveira, Daniel Sebastiao, Mónica Branco, Luís M. Correia, Michal Mackowiak, Ema Catarré, Vera Almeida

Prémio FAQtos 2014 – Final Cerimony



Ricardo Santos, “Analysis of Wind Turbines Generators Influence in Aeronautical Radars”

Joana Fernandes, “Assessment of Wind Turbines Generators influence in VOR Aeronautical Navigation Systems”

Luis M. Correia

2014 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Memphis, TN, USA



4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.


COST IC1004 –

Contributions are being prepared for the next meeting.



INOV contributed to the new survey about the best ways of reducing radiation from wireless telecommunication systems (WP2). Work is progressing on the EMF exposure metrics (WP2) and assessment of the exposure index (WP3), taking into account realistic environments (implementation of GBSCM). Concerning WP5, OPNET simulations on optimisation of locations for network topologies are going on. New working groups on cellular networks optimisation algorithms and heterogeneous networks cells access selection were defined.



INOV hosted the general project. INOV organised, together with PT-IS and ONESOURCE, the Workshop on Mobile Cloud Networking on the 19th June. It had a large attendance, and very good feedbacks were received. A workshop was co-organised by MCN, “Mobile Cloud Infrastructures and Services” at the EuCNC conference. The work within C-RAN is progressing, linking OpenAirInterface’s emulated LTE eNodeB with VRRM through MaaS and working on a D-ITG traffic generator for OAI.



The cooperation with EURECOM around OpenAirInterface’s emulated LTE eNodeB is progressing. A resulting joint publication entitled “Challenges ahead of RAN virtualisation” was presented at the EuCNC conference. The joint publication with PUT on “MIMO Channel Analysis in the context of Body Area Networks” has been accepted to ISWCS’2014.



The final ceremony for Prémio FAQtos 2014 will be held on July 5th. The 10 finalists will be able to present their work, and a jury will choose the winners. The preparation for the next edition of the contest is already ongoing.



GROW News May/2014

Posted by


Vol. 9, No. 5, May 2014


In this issue:

1. People

2. Publications

3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

4. Projects


1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.


Martijn Kuipers is rejoining GROW, in part time. He’s most welcome back.



2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.


Luis M. Correia, “The Evolution of Mobile Communications and the Internet of Things”, Actas das Jornadas Técnicas de Engenharia Eletrotécnica do I.P. Leira, Leiria, Portugal, May 2014 (keynote).


Luis M. Correia, “A Perspective of the Networks of the Future and their Application to Smart Cities”, Proc. of WMNC’2014 – 7th IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference, Vilamoura, Portugal, May 2014 (keynote)



3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.



Luis M. Correia, Moderator of Panel “5G: Technologies and applications”

ICT’14 – 21st International Conference on Telecommunications, Lisbon, Portugal



Luis M. Correia, “The Evolution of Mobile Communications and the Internet of Things”

Jornadas Técnicas de Engenharia Eletrotécnica do I.P. Leira, Leiria, Portugal



Luis M. Correia,

Fernando Pachón Ph.D. Jury, University of Extremadura, Cáceres, Spain



Daniel Sebastião, Michal Mackowiak, Filipe Cardoso, Luís M. Correia

LEXNET General Meeting, Paris, France



Luis M. Correia, “A Perspective of the Networks of the Future and their Application to Smart Cities”

WMNC’2014 – 7th IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference, Vilamoura, Portugal



Michal Mackowiak, Luis M. Correia

COST IC1004, 10th Management Committee and Scientific Meeting, Aalborg, Denmark



Luis M. Correia

5G Awareness/Information Day, Brussels, Belgium



David Doutor, “Load Balancing Between LTE and WiFi”

Gonçalo Fernandes, “Load balancing via inter-frequency handovers in LTE networks”

Rodrigo Santos, “Impact on Modern FM Broadcast Signals on Aeronautical Radionavigation”

Bruno Pires, “Exclusion regions for LTE base stations in heterogeneous cell structures”

GROWing meeting



Michal Mackowiak

Serbia-Portugal Bilateral Project, Scientific Meeting, Belgrade, Serbia



Luis M. Correia, “The Evolution of Mobile Communications and the Internet of Things”

5th European Summit on the Future Internet, Luxembourg, Luxembourg



Lúcio Ferreira, Luísa Caeiro, Mónica Branco, Sina Khatibi, Luís M. Correia

MCN General Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal



Lúcio Ferreira, Luísa Caeiro, Mónica Branco, Sina Khatibi, Luís M. Correia

Workshop on Mobile Cloud Networking, Lisbon, Portugal



Daniel Sebastiao, Monica Branco, Lúcio Ferreira, Luisa Caeiro, Diogo Almeida, Michal Mackowiak, Luis M. Correia

EuCNC 2014 – European Conference on Networks and Communications, Bologna, Italy



4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.


COST IC1004 –

Michal Mackowiak presented at MCM meeting in Aalborg preliminary measurement results of off-body channels in indoor environments performed during Short Time Scientific Mission in Gdansk, Poland.



In WP3, Michal Mackowiak contributed to the 2nd release of D3.2 “Wideband dosimeter design study & performances characterisation”, with new results on the impact of the user’s dynamics on dosimeter measurements. In WP5, the work is progressing with OPNET simulations. Daniel Sebastião and Michal Mackowiak are also participating in a new ad-hoc group dedicated on scenarios.



The work within RANaaS is progressing, linking OAI’s emulated LTE eNodeB with VRRM through MaaS and working on a D-ITG traffic generator for OAI. Two publications will be presented at the EuCNC conference.



The cooperation with EURECOM around OpenAirInterface’s emulated LTE eNodeB is progressing. A resulting joint publication will be presented at the EuCNC conference.



Concerning the national contest, Prémio FAQtos, after the delivery of the final report by May 12th, the evaluation process is ongoing. The 10 finalists will be announced by June 12th. The final ceremony is being prepared.



GROW News Apr/2014

Posted by

Vol. 9, No. 4, Apr. 2014

In this issue:
1. People
2. Publications
3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars
4. Projects


1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.

New M.Sc. students will join GROW in the next month, following the proposals for theses.


2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.

Mackowiak,M. and Correia,L.M., “Using Virtual MIMO in Off-Body Channels for Power Efficient Communications”, Proc. of EuCAP 2014 – 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, The Hague, The Netherlands, Apr. 2014.

Oliveira,C. and Correia,L.M., “Influence of the Environment on MIMO On-Body Communications”, Proc. of EuCAP’2014 – 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, The Hague, The Netherlands, Apr. 2014.

Conil,E., Corre,Y., Varsier,N., Hadjem,A., Wermeeren,G., Martens,L., Correia,L.M. and Wiart,J., “Exposure index of EU project LEXNET: principles and simulation-based computation”, Proc. of EuCAP’2014 – 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, The Hague, The Netherlands, Apr. 2014.

Ferreira,L.S., Pichon,D., Hatefi,A., Gomes,A., Dimitrova,D., Braun,T., Karagiannis,G., Karimzadeh,M., Branco,M. and Correia,L.M., “An Architecture to offer Cloud-Based Radio Access Network as a Service”, accepted to EuCNC’2014 – 23rd European Conference on Networks and Communications, Bologna, Italy, June 2014.

Almeida,D.X., Correia,L.M. and Serrazina,M., “Antenna Characteristics Impact on LTE Inter-Cell Interference Performance in Urban Scenarios”, accepted to EuCNC’2014 – 23rd European Conference on Networks and Communications, Bologna, Italy, June 2014.

Caeiro,L. Cardoso,F.D. and Correia,L.M. “Wireless Access Virtualisation: Addressing Virtual Resources with different Types of Requirements”, accepted to EuCNC’2014 – 23rd European Conference on Networks and Communications, Bologna, Italy, June 2014

Dimitrova, D., Ferreira, L.S., Gomes, A., Nikaein, N, Georgiev, A., Pizzinat, A., “Challenges ahead of RAN virtualization”, accepted to Workshop on Mobile Cloud Infrastructures and Services, EuCNC’2014 – 23rd European Conference on Networks and Communications, Bologna, Italy, June 2014

Hadjem,A., Vermeeren,G., Varsier,N., Conil,E., Krayni,A., Mackowiak,M., Robelin,C., Joseph,W., Sibille,A., Martens,L. and Wiart,J., “Characterization of far-field and near-field exposure of the population for RF-EMF in realistic configurations of ICT usages”, accepted to BIOEM 2014 – the annual meeting of BEMS and EBEA, Cape Town, South Africa, June 2014.

Mackowiak,M. and Correia,L.M., “Modelling Dynamic Body-to-Body Channels in Outdoor Environments”, accepted to URSI GASS 2014 – 31st URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Beijing, China, Aug. 2014.

Mackowiak,M., Correia,L.M., Kliks,A. and Kryszkiewicz,P., “MIMO Channel Analysis in the context of Body Area Networks”, submitted to ISWCS 2014 – 11th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, Barcelona, Spain, Aug. 2014.

Mackowiak,M. and Correia,L.M., “Statistical Path Loss Model for Dynamic Off-Body Channels”, submitted to PIMRC 2014 – 25th IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor, Mobile and Radio Communications, Washington, D.C., USA, Sep. 2014.


3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.

Luis M. Correia, “Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields in Mobile Communications”
Palestras do I.P. Tomar, Tomar, Portugal

Michal Mackowiak “Using Virtual MIMO in Off-Body Channels for Power Efficient Communications”,
Luis M. Correia, “Influence of the Environment on MIMO On-Body Communications”,
Daniel Sebastiao, Filipe Cardoso
EuCAP 2014 – 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, The Hague, The Netherlands

Luis M. Correia
COST BM 1309 Kick-off meeting, Brussels, Belgium

Luis M. Correia “BANs, new usages, and the human exposure challenge”
Joint COST IC1004 / LEXNET Training School, Paris, France.

Michal Mackowiak
COST IC1004 STSM, Gdansk, Poland

Luis M. Correia,
5G-PPP workshop, Heidelberg, Germany

Daniel Sebastião
LEXNET Technical Workshop, Paris, France

Luis M. Correia,
NEWCOM# Executive Board meeting, Haifa, Israel

Luis M. Correia,
COST IC0905 meeting, Vilnius, Lithuania

Lúcio Ferreira, Luísa Caeiro, Mónica Branco, Sina Khatibi
MCN T3.5 meeting, Lisbon, Portugal

Daniel Sebastião
LEXNET Technical Workshop, Paris, France

Luis M. Correia, Moderator of Panel “5G: Technologies and applications”
ICT’14 – 21st International Conference on Telecommunications, Lisbon, Portugal

Luis M. Correia, “The Evolution of Mobile Communications and the Internet of Things”
Jornadas Técnicas de Engenharia Eletrotécnica do I.P. Leira, Leiria, Portugal

Luis M. Correia,
Fernando Pachón Ph.D. Jury, University of Extremadura, Cáceres, Spain

Daniel Sebastião, Michal Mackowiak, Filipe Cardoso, Luís M. Correia
LEXNET General Meeting, Paris, France

Luis M. Correia, “A Perspective of the Networks of the Future and their Application to Smart Cities”
WMNC’2014 – 7th IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference, Vilamoura, Portugal

Michal Mackowiak, Luis M. Correia
COST IC1004, 10th Management Committee and Scientific Meeting, Aalborg, Denmark, May 2014.


4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.

COST IC1004 –
Michal Mackowiak performed a Short Time Scientific Mission at Gdansk University of Technology in Poland. The objective of this mission was the measurement of off-body channels in indoor environment and assessment of previously developed propagation model. The contribution to the next meeting in Aalborg is being prepared.

In WP3, future work topics for T3.2 were presented in meeting in Paris. In WP5, the work is progressing with OPNET simulations.

Currently, the OpenAirInterface LTE emulator is being used to benchmark the virtualisation of base stations, by profiling the Virtual Machines’ computation resources dependency on traffic load and radio resources usage. In parallel, the work on two associated research topics, on (a) the management of virtual radio resources and (b) radio and cloud resources management, is progressing.

The work with OpenAirInterface is progressing, the LTE emulator being used to benchmark the virtualisation of base stations, by profiling Virtual Machines’ computation resources dependency on traffic load and radio resources usage. The work on two associated research topics, on the management of virtual radio resources and radio and cloud resources management, is progressing. Contributions to project deliverables were edited, several deliverables having also been reviewed by Sina Khatibi and Lucio Ferreira. Two publications, entitled “An Architecture to offer Cloud-Based Radio Access Network as a Service” and “Challenges ahead of RAN virtualization” were accepted for the EUCNC conference.

For the national contest, Prémio FAQtos, the next deadline is the delivery of the final report by May 12th. Preparations for the final ceremony are already ongoing.


GROW News Mar/2014

Posted by

Vol. 9, No. 3, Mar. 2014


In this issue:
1. People
2. Publications
3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars
4. Projects


1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.

Luísa Caeiro has delivered her Ph.D. thesis. Now, we’ll have to wait, and wish her Good Luck.


2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.

Ferreira,L.S. and Correia,L.M., “An Efficient and Fair Strategy for Radio Resources Allocation in Multi-Radio Wireless Mesh Networks”, Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 75, No. 2, Mar. 2014, pp: 1463-1487

Hadjem,A., Vermeeren,G., Varsier,N., Conil,E., Krayni,A., Mackowiak,M., Robelin,C., Joseph,W., Sibille,A., Martens,L. and Wiart,J., “Characterization of far-field and near-field exposure of the population for RF-EMF in realistic configurations of ICT usages”, submitted to BIOEM 2014 – Annual Meeting of BEMS and EBEA, Cape Town, South Africa, June 2014.

Mackowiak,M. and Correia,L.M., “Modelling Dynamic Body-to-Body Channels in Outdoor Environments”, submitted to URSI GASS 2014 – 31th URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Beijing, China, Aug. 2014.


3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.

Lucio Ferreira, Monica Branco, Luís M. Correia, Sina Khatibi
MCN GA meeting, Sofia, Bulgaria

Lucio Ferreira, “An Architecture to offer Cloud-Based Radio Access Network as a Service”
3rd MCN National Workshop, Sofia, Bulgaria

Marko Beko, “Overview of Research Topics: Physical Layer”
GROWing meeting

Luis M. Correia,
5G-PPP GA, Brussels, Belgium

Luis M. Correia, Michal Mackowiak
LEXNET WP2 meeting, Paris, France

Pedro Venâncio, “Analysis of Network Quality Using Non-Intrusive Methods from an End-User Perspective in 3G & LTE”
Marco Castanho, “Analysis and optimisation of video transmission in LTE networks”
GROWing meeting

Michal Mackowiak
LEXNET WP3 meeting, Paris, France

Luis M. Correia, “Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields in Mobile Communications”
Palestras do I.P. Tomar, Tomar, Portugal

Michal Mackowiak “Using Virtual MIMO in Off-Body Channels for Power Efficient Communications”,
Luis M. Correia, “Influence of the Environment on MIMO On-Body Communications”,
Daniel Sebastiao, Filipe Cardoso
EuCAP 2014 – 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, The Hague, The Netherlands

Luis M. Correia
COST BM 1309 Kick-off meeting, Brussels, Belgium

Luis M. Correia “BANs, new usages, and the human exposure challenge”
Joint COST IC1004 / LEXNET Training School, Paris, France.

Michal Mackowiak
COST IC1004 STSM, Gdansk, Poland

Luis M. Correia,
5G-PPP workshop, Heidelberg, Germany

Daniel Sebastião
LEXNET Technical Workshop, Paris, France

Luis M. Correia,
NEWCOM# Executive Board meeting, Haifa, Israel

Luis M. Correia,
COST IC0905 meeting, Vilnius, Lithuania


4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.

COST IC1004 –
Michal Mackowiak is preparing for the STSM in Gdansk, Poland. The goal of this mission is to perform measurements of the path loss in off-body channels in indoor environments and compare obtained results with previously developed channel model.

In WP2, the simulations of SAR for Duke and Eartha models and UMTS and LTE systems have been completed and reported. Luis M. Correia and Michal Mackowiak participated in the meeting in Paris, and discussed future simulations scenarios and methodology for the statistical analysis. In WP3, Michal Mackowiak participated in the meeting in Paris, where the work plan for the Deliverable D3.3 on the Exposure Index Assessment was discussed. In WP5, the work is progressing with OPNET simulations.

Currently, the OpenAirInterface LTE emulator is being used to benchmark the virtualisation of base stations, by profiling the Virtual Machines’ computation resources dependency on traffic load and radio resources usage. In parallel, the work on two associated research topics, on (a) the management of virtual radio resources and (b) radio and cloud resources management, is progressing.

The activity within WP23 on cloudification of LTE’s base stations is progressing. In a meeting in Lisbon with EURECOM, several issues were clarified with respect to the OpenAirInterface software, towards the profiling of computation resources usage. In WP13 Michal Mackowiak and Marco Beko together with partners from PUT are working on integration of BAN channel propagation model with coding algorithms.

The submission of the progress reports by the pupils competing for the FAQtos Prize has been finalised in February 28th, and after that we have 33 groups still competing. The next deadline is the delivery of the final report by May 12th. FAQtos’ talks at secondary schools continue to occur, with actions in Amadora and Fátima during the past month, and more are scheduled for the coming weeks.


GROW News Feb/2014

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Vol. 9, No. 2, Feb. 2014

In this issue:
1. People
2. Publications
3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars
4. Projects


1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.

Lúcio Ferreira got a position as Assistant Prof. at Univ. Lusíada in Lisbon. Congratulations.


2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.

Ferreira,L.S. and Correia,L.M., “An Efficient and Fair Strategy for Radio Resources Allocation in Multi-Radio Wireless Mesh Networks”, Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 75, No. 2, Mar. 2014, pp. 1463-1487.

Ferreira,L.S., Pichon,D., Hatefi,A., Gomes,A., Dimitrova,D., Braun,T., Karagiannis,G., Karimzadeh,M., Branco,M. and Correia,L.M., “An Architecture to offer Cloud-Based Radio Access Network as a Service”, submitted to EUCNC – European Conference on Networks and Communications, Bologna, Italy, June 2014.

Mackowiak,M. and Correia,L.M., “Modelling Dynamic Body-to-Body Channels in Outdoor Environments”, submitted to URSI GASS 2014 – 31th URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Beijing, China, Aug. 2014.


3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.

Luís M. Correia
Net!Works Expert Advisory Group meeting, Stuttgart, Germany

Lúcio S. Ferreira, “An Architecture to offer Cloud-Based Radio Access Network as a Service”
Michal Mackowiak, “Statistical Model for Dynamic Off-Body Channels”
Sina Khatibi, “Virtualisation of Radio Resources – Next Step in Radio Access Network Virtualisation”
COST IC1004, 9th MC & Scientific Meeting, Ferrara, Italy

Luis M. Correia
Vodafone Technical Watch, Lisbon, Portugal

Luis M. Correia, “A Perspective of the Networks of the Future and Smart Cities”
CSP’2014 – Communication and Signal Processing, at SSD’2014 – 11th IEEE International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices, Barcelona, Spain

Daniel Sebastião, “Mobile Phones – Myths and Facts”
Seminários Internos da PT Comunicações, Porto, Portugal

Daniel Sebastião, “Mobile Phones – Myths and Facts”
Seminários Internos da PT Comunicações, Aveiro, Portugal

Luis M. Correia, “Mobile Phones – Myths and Facts”
Seminários Internos da PT Comunicações, Lisbon, Portugal

Lucio Ferreira, Monica Branco, Luís M. Correia, Sina Khatibi
MCN GA meeting, Sofia, Bulgaria

Marko Beko, “Overview of Research Topics: Physical Layer”
GROWing meeting

Luis M. Correia,
5G-PPP GA, Brussels, Belgium

Luis M. Correia, Michal Mackowiak
LEXNET WP2 meeting, Paris, France

Pedro Venâncio, “Analysis of Network Quality Using Non-Intrusive Methods from an End-User Perspective in 3G & LTE”
Marco Castanho, “Analysis and optimisation of video transmission in LTE networks”
GROWing meeting

Michal Mackowiak
LEXNET WP3 meeting, Paris, France


4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.

COST IC1004 –
Michal Mackowiak, Lúcio Ferreira and Sina Khatibi have presented their work at the meeting in Ferrara, Italy.

A report on SAR simulations for Duke and Eartha voxel models, with different body postures in LTE and 3G, is being prepared within WP2 by Michal Mackowiack. A contribution to deliverable D3.2 “Wideband dosimeter design study & performances characterisation”, with simulations for body influence on dosimeter performance, has been circulated by Michal Mackowiack. Simulator setup and initial simulations are being performed on network topologies within WP5 by Daniel Sebastião.

The work on the management of virtual radio resources and radio and cloud resources management, is progressing. In particular, special attention is being paid to the profiling of computation resources dependency on traffic load and radio resources usage.

Initial results for the JRA on Virtual MIMO in Body Area Networks are being analysed together with PUT. Within WP2.3, a cooperative activity with EURECOM is addressing the use of OpenAirInterface for the profiling of computation resources of software-based LTE base-stations, for various traffic loads and radio resources usage.

The FAQtos team was present in two schools, at Arouca and Alijó, where information actions were done on exposure to EMFs and how mobile communication systems work. More of these actions are scheduled for the coming months. The team did also a series of presentations on “Mobile Phones – Myths and Facts” in a collaboration with PT Comunicações, held on Lisbon, Porto and Aveiro.