Talk by Prof. Jan Jerabek, on “Basic Measurements in IP-Based Networks”, 2018-04-09
Talk by Prof. Jan Jerabek, on “Basic Measurements in IP-Based Networks”, 2018-04-09
Behnam Rouzbehani had his paper “Radio Resource and Service Orchestration for Virtualised Multi-Tenant Mobile Het-Nets” accepted to WCNC 2018 – 16th IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Barcelona, Spain, Apr. 2018.
Hugo Silva had his paper “Design of C-RAN Fronthaul for Existing LTE Networks” accepted to ICIN 2018 – 21st Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks, Paris, France, Feb. 2018.
Vol. 10, No. 7, Oct-Dec 2015
In this issue:
1. Under the spotlight
2. People
3. Publications
4. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars
5. Projects
Bringing your attention to a matter in this issue of the Newsletter
GROW (A Group for Research on Wireless) has been established more than 20 years ago, with the purpose of giving a framework to people to work on R&D in the area of mobile and wireless communications, not only for developing their theses (either M.Sc. or Ph.D.) as students, but also to pursue a career as researchers working in projects. During this period, more than 160 students developed their theses within GROW, and more than 40 projects (funded by either the European Commission or Portuguese companies) were executed, providing an average funding of nearly 400 k€/year, and enabling to have for more than a decade a permanent team of at least 7 people fully supported by these projects (besides other collaborators), resulting in more than 400 publications. These have been great times, but times change.
“Time changes, and our desires change. What we
believe — even what we are — is ever
changing. The world is change, which forever
takes on new qualities. And constantly,
we see the new and the novel overturning
the past, unexpectedly, while we retain
from evil, nothing but its terrible pain,
from good (if there’s been any), only the yearning.
Time covers the ground with her cloak of green
where, once, there was freezing snow—and rearranges
my sweetest songs to sad laments. Yet even more
astonishing is yet another unseen
change within all these endless changes:
that for me, nothing ever changes anymore.”
Luis de Camões (Portuguese poet, 1524/1580).
In the last couple of years, it was not possible to succeed in getting projects to sustain the activity of the permanent R&D team. The projects running in the past years have finished in October and November, hence, this team has also finished its activity by the end of this December, and they will be progressing their professional careers elsewhere. I’m talking about Lúcio Ferreira, Carla Oliveira, Daniel Sebastião, and Mónica Antunes. Life as we knew it in GROW will never be the same, but life goes one.
“Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up.
It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion,
or it will be eaten.
Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up.
It knows it must run faster than the slowest gazelle,
or it will starve to death.
It doesn’t matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle;
when the sun comes up, you’d better be running.”
African tale.
GROW keeps its activity with the colleagues and the supporting staff, as well as the Ph.D. and M.Sc. Students, that are still developing their work in it.
Let’s keep in touch.
Luis M. Correia
Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.
All the best to Lúcio Ferreira, Carla Oliveira, Daniel Sebastião, and Mónica Antunes. That the years ahead bring them and their families many good opportunities in life.
João Pires, Ricardo Gameiro and Carlos Martins graduated with the M.Sc. in November. Congratulations to them, and wishes of success in their professional career.
Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.
Frederik Freudenstein, Luis, M. Correia, Carla Oliveira, Daniel Sebastião, and Peter M. Wiedemann, “Exposure knowledge and perception of wireless communications technologies”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol. 12, No. 11, Nov. 2015, pp. 14177-14191.
Luis M. Correia, “A Perspective on Virtual Radio Access Networks”, Proc. of Internal Seminars of the Technical University of Brno, Brno, Czech Republic, Oct. 2015.
Slawomir Ambroziak , Kenan Turbic, Carla Oliveira, Luis M. Correia and Ryszard Katulski, “Fading Modelling in Dynamic Off-Body Channels”, accepted to EuCAP’2016 — 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Davos, Switzerland, Apr. 2016.
Manuel Ferreira, Carla Oliveira, Filipe Cardoso, Luís M. Correia, “SAR Assessment of Google Glasses at Cellular and Wi-Fi Frequency Bands”, accepted to EuCAP’2016 — 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Davos, Switzerland, Apr. 2016.
List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.
Luis M. Correia
LEXNET Workshop, Brussels, Belgium
Luis M. Correia, “A Perspective on Virtual Radio Access Networks”,
Internal Seminars of the Technical University of Brno, Brno, Czech Republic
Luis M. Correia
NEWCOM# Workshop, Barcelona, Spain
Luis M. Correia
ICT’2015, Lisbon, Portugal
Luis M. Correia
IEEE CSCN, Tokyo, Japan
Luis M. Correia
FESTIVAL project review, Tokyo, Japan
Luis M. Correia
IoT Lab project review, Brussels, Belgium
Carlos Martins, “Analysis of data services performance in UMTS networks using data analytics”
João Pires, “LTE Fixed to Mobile Subscribers QoE evaluation”
Ricardo Gameiro, Performance comparison of voice communications between VoLTE and UMTS/GSM”
GROWing Meeting
Daniel Sebastião, Luis M. Correia
EuConNeCts projet review, Brussels, Belgium
Luis M. Correia
IEEE Globecom, San Diego, CA, USA
News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.
All R&D projects are finished.
Vol. 10, No. 6, Jul-Sep 2015
In this issue:
1. Under the spotlight
2. People
3. Publications
4. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars
5. Projects
Bringing your attention to a matter in this issue of the Newsletter
The increase in network costs and in the total data traffic will be quite a limitation for mobile networks operators in the future, especially with the introduction of LTE-A. Consequently, it is necessary to innovate and upgrade network architectures, focusing mainly on the Radio Access Networks (RANs). Green and centralised RANs are the solution, since they will be constituted by datacentres that use virtualisation techniques in order to simulate base stations (BSs), thus, decreasing maintenance costs and improving some main aspects on the flow of signalling and control information. The impact of introducing a centralised cloud based architecture in an urban scenario was analysed, and a model for the deployment of the infrastructure required for this novel architecture was developed, starting from the current deployment of an existing network.
Concentrating computational capacity in BBUs (Baseband Processing Units) introduces a new segment in the traditional RAN architecture, implying that time constraints provided by specifications for tasks accomplished by eNodeBs must incorporate also the time for the transportation of data through the fronthaul segment. The budget of time for transportation represents a key aspect for the deployment optimisation, because it has a direct impact on the maximum length of the links between RRHs (Remote Radio Heads) and BBUs. Designing a solution for an urban scenario raises an important requirement: not all the locations that could be considered optimal for the BBU pools positions should be able to host the infrastructures required for a BBU pool, due to the fact that network operators cannot locate equipment in arbitrary locations, such as protected buildings, difficult geographical locations, and so on. The adopted approach to avoid this problem is to consider as the set of feasible positions for the BBUs the set of locations of the existing BSs.
The figure shows how the developed algorithm placed the BBU Pools (in red) in the scenario of the greater Lisbon, for a maximum fronthaul delay constraint of 30 μs; the blue dots represent the cell sites where the RRHs are placed. The number of BBU Pools decreases as the maximum fronthaul delay increases, roughly following an inverse proportionality model.
Andrea Marrota
Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.
Miguel Sá and Andrea Marotta graduated with the M.Sc. in July. Congratulations to them, and wishes of success in their professional career.
GROW has hosted once more Dr. Slawomir J. Ambroziak (Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland), within a MEWCOM# Mobility Grant, during the whole month of September. This stay, continuing an existing collaboration, produced very interesting results, and has created the conditions for further collaboration.
GROW also hosted a visit from Profs. Jacek Stefanski and Jaroslaw Sadowski, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland, who gave a talk at IST on “R & D of Radiolocation and Radionavigation at the Gdansk University of Technology”.
Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.
Carla Oliveira and Luis M. Correia, “MIMO Capacity for On-Body Communications in Scattered Environments”, Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 83, No. 4, Aug. 2015, pp. 2999-3016.
Carla Oliveira and Luis M. Correia, “Capacity Analysis for On-body Communications in an Indoor Environment”, Proc. of PIERS’2015 – 36th Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2015.
Carla Oliveira, Michał Mackowiak and Luis M. Correia, “Exposure Assessment of Smartphones and Tablets”, Proc. of ISWCS’2015 – 12th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, Brussels, Belgium, Aug. 2015.
Sina Khatibi and Luis M. Correia, “The Effect of Channel Quality on Virtual Radio Resource Management”, Proc. of VTC’2015 Fall – 82nd IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Boston, MA, USA, Sep. 2015.
Daniel Sebastião, Martijn Kuipers and Luis M. Correia, “Exposure Assessment in Heterogeneous Networks Accounting for Up- and Downlinks”, Proc. of MONAMI’2015 – 7th EAI International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management, Santander, Spain, Sep. 2015.
Luis M. Correia, “Body Area Networks: Applications and Channel Models”, Proc. of Internal Seminars of the Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria, Sep. 2015.
Frederik Freudenstein, Luis M. Correia, Carla Oliveira, Daniel Sebastião and Peter M. Wiedemann, “Exposure knowledge and perception of wireless communications technologies”, submitted to International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Slawomir Ambroziak, Luis M. Correia, Ryszard Katulski, Michal Mackowiak, Carla Oliveira, Jaroslaw Sadowski, and Kenan Turbic, “Off-Body Channel Model for Body Area Networks in Indoor Environment”, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation.
Slawomir Ambroziak , Kenan Turbic, Carla Oliveira, Luis M. Correia and Ryszard Katulski, “Fading Modelling in Dynamic Off-Body Channels”, submitted to EuCAP’2016 — 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Davos, Switzerland, Apr. 2016.
Manuel Ferreira, Carla Oliveira, Filipe Cardoso, Luís M. Correia, “SAR Assessment of Google Glasses at Cellular and Wi-Fi Frequency Bands”, submitted to EuCAP’2016 — 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Davos, Switzerland, Apr. 2016.
List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.
Carla Oliveira, Daniel Sebastião, Monica Branco, Ema Catarré, Vera Almeida, Luisa Caeiro, Filipe Cardoso, Luis M. Correia, Manuel Ferreira, Sina Kathibi, Lucio Ferreira, Behnan Rouzbehani, Mojgan Barahman, Andrea Marotta, …
STAR WARM, Monsaraz, Portugal
Luis M. Correia “Low EMF Communications and Networking”
LEXNET Summer School, Santander, Spain
Carla Oliveira, Luis M .Correia
“Capacity Analysis for On-body Communications in an Indoor Environment”
PIERS’2015, Prague, Czech Republic
Carla Oliveira, Daniel Sebastião, Monica Branco, Ema Catarré, Vera Almeida, Luis M Correia
Final Ceremony of “Prémio FAQtos”, Lisbon, Portugal
Sina Khatibi, “The Effect of Channel Quality on Virtual Radio Resource Management”
Carla Oliveira, “Capacity Analysis for On-Body Communications in an Indoor Environment”
Carla Oliveira, “Exposure Assessment of Smartphones and Tablets”
GROWing Meeting
Andrea Marotta, “Optimisation of Radio Access Network Cloud Architectures Deployment in LTE-Advanced”
Miguel Sá, “Performance analysis of Software Defined Networks in LTE-A”
GROWing Meeting
Carla Oliveira, “Exposure Assessment of Smartphones and Tablets”
ISWCS’2015, Brussels, Belgium
Luis M. Correia
PIMRC’2015, Hong-Kong, China
Sina Khatibi, “The Effect of Channel Quality on Virtual Radio Resource Management”
Luis M. Correia
VTC’2015 Fall, Boston, MA, USA
Slawomir J. Ambroziak, “Description of measurements of path loss in body-to-body communication”
Daniel Sebastião, “Exposure Assessment in Heterogeneous Networks Accounting for Up- and Downlinks”
GROWing Meeting
Daniel Sebastião, “Exposure Assessment in Heterogeneous Networks Accounting for Up- and Downlinks”
MONAMI 2015, Santander, Spain
Luis M. Correia, “Body Area Networks: Applications and Channel Models”,
Internal Seminars of the Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria
Slawomir J. Ambroziak, “Fading modelling in dynamic off-body channels ”
GROWing Meeting
News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.
COST IC1004 –
A technical document (TD) on the work done on Body Area Networks was submitted and accepted for the next project meeting, in Barcelona, Spain.
A Summer School was held on 6th to 9th July in Santander. A contribution to D2.8 was issued with the results of the simulations with the Google Glasses. A paper with a survey on low EMF exposure techniques and networks is being prepared to be submitted to IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. Work on Deliverable D5.2 has finished and a paper with the results was submitted, accepted, and presented in MONAMI 2015. The final WP7 deliverable, D7.4 — Dissemination and Standardisation Impact is being prepared.
The MCN project is approaching its end after 3 years of intense activity. A contribution on the research on integration of virtual radio resource management into OAI software-based LTE base-station was provided to the Final Report on Testbeds, Experimentation, and Evaluation (deliverable D6.4). INOV also contributed to the Dissemination and standardization Report (deliverable D7.2.3) reporting all the activity carried out during the last year.
The work on the implementation of a Virtual Radio Resources Manager (VRRM) in Open Air Interface, done in collaboration with Eurecom, was reported in D2.3.4.
FAQtos –
The final ceremony of Prémio FAQtos was held on July 11th, and the awards were delivered. The website section on technical information and useful links was reviewed. FAQtos project ended on the end of July 2015, but its website will be kept online.
Vol. 10, No. 5, Jun 2015
In this issue:
1. Under the spotlight
2. People
3. Publications
4. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars
5. Projects
Bringing your attention to a matter in this issue of the Newsletter
The nowadays continuously increasing number of mobile users, devices and new mobile applications has resulted in the mobile data traffic growing at an unprecedented rate, which alternatively has a significant impact on the complexity of processes required to provide reliable cellular networks. Over the last few years, mobile operators are struggling to cope with these challenges. Still they rely on highly centralised and custom hardware components that are not designed with elasticity in mind, leading to a weak optimisation of resources during non-peak hours and frequent overloads during peak hours. A model was proposed for network performance, comparison the location of data centres in an LTE-A network with an implementation of a virtualised infrastructure, by separating base stations into Remote Radio Heads (RRHs) and Base Band Processing Units (BBUs). A Portugal countrywide network (cell site locations), with some thousands of base stations, was taken as application example.
The number of BBU Pools required to support the set of cell sites positioned countrywide was analysed. It decreases with the maximum fronthaul delay increase, from 273 BBU Pools for 75 μs to 56 for 200 μs; a rational model fits very well this behaviour. The share of single site BBU Pools was assessed, the maximum pooling gains being achieved for 150 μs of maximum fronthaul delay. The maximum, minimum and average fronthaul delay and fronthaul distance evolution were examined, as well as their standard deviation; for both quantities, a linear increase in their average and standard deviation with the maximum fronthaul delay is observed, the average values being significantly below the imposed maximum constraint. The minimum fronthaul delay is zero in every case, due to the ever positive share of single site BBU Pools, and consequently this exact scenario translates into an always null minimum fronthaul distance. Regarding fronthaul distance, the spreading of cell sites along the BBU Pools coverage areas has quite an influence, where in rural areas the sites are more or less equally scattered, as opposed to urban areas, where sites tend to be more concentrated near the BBU Pool – for these purpose, BBU Pools were divided in three classes (Urban, Suburban and Rural) according to the number of sites within their coverage area.
Miguel Sá
Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.
As usual, July is the month for one more gathering of GROW members, and their families, in Monsaraz, for one more STAR WARM (STill AnotheR Wonderful Annual Reunion in Monsaraz), this year on July 4th, for the 15th edition.
Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.
Luisa Caeiro, Filipe D. Cardoso and Luis M. Correia, “OnDemand Radio Resource Allocation for Virtual Wireless Access”, Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 82, No. 4, June 2015, pp. 2431-2456.
Sina Khatibi and Luis M. Correia, “Modelling Virtual Radio Resource Management with Traffic Offloading Support”, Proc. of EuCNC’2015 – 24th European Conference on Networks and Communications, Paris, France, June 2015.
Luisa Caeiro, Filipe D. Cardoso and Luis M. Correia, “Addressing Multiple Virtual Resources in the Same Geographical Area”, Proc. of EuCNC’2015 – 24th European Conference on Networks and Communications, Paris, France, June 2015.
Carla Oliveira, Michal Mackowiak and Luis M. Correia, “Uplink Exposure Assessment of 3G/4G Wireless Devices”, accepted to Special Session on Low‐EMF Radio‐link Technologies and Wireless Networks Management, at ISWCS’2015 — International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, Brussels, Belgium, Aug. 2015.
Luis M. Correia, “A Perspective on Virtual Radio Access Networks”, Proc. of 1st Oporto University Doctoral Congress in Engineering, Porto, Portugal, June 2015.
List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.
Luis M. Correia
Visit to Gdansk Tech. Univ., Gdansk, Poland
Luis M. Correia
IEEE ICC’2015, London, UK
Luis M. Correia
“A Perspective on Virtual Radio Access Networks”,
1st FEUP Doctoral Congress in Engineering, Porto, Portugal, June 2015.
Luis M. Correia
NEWCOM# Executive Board meeting, Bologna, Italy
Luísa Caeiro, “Addressing Multiple Virtual Resources in the Same Geographical Area”
Carla Oliveira, “Capacity Analysis for On-Body Communications in an Indoor Environment”
Sina Khatibi, “Modelling Virtual Radio Resource Management with Traffic Offloading Support”
GROWing meeting
Luis M. Correia, Luisa Caeiro, Sina Khatibi, Daniel Sebastião, Mónica Branco
EuCNC’2015, Paris, France
Carla Oliveira, Daniel Sebastião, Monica Branco, Ema Catarré, Vera Almeida, Luisa Caeiro, Filipe Cardoso, Luis M. Correia, Manuel Ferreira, Sina Kathibi, Lucio Ferreira, Behnan Rouzbehani, Mojgan Barahman, Andrea Marotta, …
STAR WARM, Monsaraz, Portugal
Luis M. Correia “Low EMF Communications and Networking”
LEXNET Summer School, Santander, Spain
Carla Oliveira, Luis M .Correia
“Capacity Analysis for On-body Communications in an Indoor Environment”
PIERS’2015, Prague, Czech Republic
Carla Oliveira, Daniel Sebastião, Monica Branco, Ema Catarré, Vera Almeida, Luis M Correia
Final Ceremony of “Prémio FAQtos”, Lisbon, Portugal
Sina Khatibi, “The Effect of Channel Quality on Virtual Radio Resource Management”
Carla Oliveira, “Capacity Analysis for On-Body Communications in an Indoor Environment”
Carla Oliveira, “Exposure Assessment of Smartphones and Tablets”
GROWing Meeting
Andrea Marotta, “Optimisation of Radio Access Network Cloud Architectures Deployment in LTE-Advanced”
Miguel Sá, “Performance analysis of Software Defined Networks in LTE-A”
GROWing Meeting
News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.
COST IC1004 –
Contributions to the section on “off-body” communications were sent.
New simulations with the Google Glasses are being carried on, in WP2. A paper with a survey on low EMF exposure techniques and networks is being prepared to be submitted to IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. Deliverable D5.2 is being finalised and will be delivered soon.
The work on the implementation of VRRM in OAI LTE base station emulator, as well as integrating traffic scenarios, has been concluded. It is currently being evaluated for various scenarios.
A book with the key results of the project is being prepared.
FAQtos –
The 10 finalists have been announced and they will present their project in the final ceremony to be held July 11th.