GROW News, Jan. 2014

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GROW News, Jan. 2014

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Vol. 9, No. 1, Jan. 2014


In this issue:

1. People

2. Publications

3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

4. Projects


1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.


GROW has one more member in its team: Dr. Marko Beko, a Prof. in Univ. Lusófona, Lisbon. He’ll be collaborating part-time in our team, bring complementary expertise In radio aspects.



2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.


Ferreira,L.S. and Correia,L.M., “An Efficient and Fair Strategy for Radio Resources Allocation in Multi-Radio Wireless Mesh Networks”, accepted for Wireless Personal Communications.


Ferreira,L.S., Pichon,D., Hatefi,A., Gomes,A., Dimitrova,D., Braun,T., Karagiannis,G., Karimzadeh,M., Branco,B. and Correia,L.M., “An Architecture to offer Cloud-Based Radio Access Network as a Service”, submitted to EUCNC – European Conference on Networks and Communications, Bologna, Italy, June 2014.


Mackowiak,M. and Correia,L.M., “Modelling Dynamic Body-to-Body Channels in Outdoor Environments”, submitted to URSI GASS 2014 – 31th URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Beijing, China, Aug. 2014.


Correia,L.M., “A Perspective of the Networks of the Future and Smart Cities”, Proc. of CSP’2014 – Communication and Signal Processing, at SSD’2014 – 11th IEEE International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices, Barcelona, Spain, Feb. 2014 (Keynote)



3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.



Luis M. Correia

LEXNET project review

Brussels, Belgium



Luis M. Correia

Evaluation of IEMN (Institut d’Electronique, de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie), Lille, for AERES (Agence d’Évaluation de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement Supérieur)

Lille, France



Luis M. Correia

NEWCOM# project review

Brussels, Belgium



Luís M. Correia, Michal Mackowiak, Lucio Ferreira, Sina Khatibi

NEWCOM# meeting, Lisbon, Portugal



Luís M. Correia

EuCAP Steering and Technical Programme Committees meetings, Noordwijk, The Netherlands



Michal Machowiak, “Statistical Model for Dynamic Off-Body Channels”

Sina Khatibi, “Virtualisation of Radio Resources – Next Step in Radio Access Network Virtualisation”

Lúcio Ferreira, “An Architecture to offer Cloud-Based Radio Access Network as a Service”

GROWing meeting



Luís M. Correia

Net!Works Expert Advisory Group meeting, Stuttgart, Germany



Lúcio S. Ferreira, An Architecture to offer Cloud-Based Radio Access Network as a Service

Michal Mackowiak, Statistical Model for Dynamic Off-Body Channels

Sina Khatibi, Virtualisation of Radio Resources – Next step in Radio Access Network Virtualisation

COST IC1004, 9th MC & Scientific Meeting, Ferrara, Italy



Luis M. Correia

Vodafone Technical Watch, Lisbon, Portugal



Luis M. Correia, “A Perspective of the Networks of the Future and Smart Cities”,

CSP’2014 – Communication and Signal Processing, at SSD’2014 – 11th IEEE International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices, Barcelona, Spain



Daniel Sebastião, “Mobile Phones – Myths and Facts”

Seminários Internos da PT Comunicações, Porto, Portugal



Daniel Sebastião, “Mobile Phones – Myths and Facts”

Seminários Internos da PT Comunicações, Aveiro, Portugal



Luis M. Correia, “Mobile Phones – Myths and Facts”

Seminários Internos da PT Comunicações, Lisbon, Portugal



4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.


COST IC1004 –

Michal Mackowiak, Lúcio Ferreira and Sina Khatibi are preparing contributions for the next meeting.



A report on SAR simulations for Duke and Eartha voxel models, different body postures in LTE and 3G is being prepared by Michal Mackowiack. Contributions to report with simulations for body influence on the dosimeter performance have been circulated by Michal Mackowiack. Initial simulations are being performed on network topologies by Daniel Sebastião. Filipe Cardoso has circulated a document with the WP7 Implementation Plan for Year2.



A paper, entitled “An Architecture to offer Cloud-Based Radio Access Network as a Service”, was written, as one of the results of the first year of research. It was presented in the IC1004 COST meeting and submitted to the EUCNC conference. In parallel, the work on the two associated research topics, on (a) the management of virtual radio resources and (b) radio and cloud resources management, are progressing. In particular, special attention is being paid to the profiling of computation resources dependency on traffic load and radio resources usage.



Initial results for the JRA on Virtual MIMO in Body Area Networks are being analysed together with PUT. Within WP2.3, a cooperative activity with EURECOM is addressing the use of OpenAirInterface for the profiling of computation resources of software-based LTE base-stations, for various traffic loads and radio resources usage.



FAQtos team was present in two schools, at Porto and Felgueiras, where information actions were done on exposure to EMFs and how mobile communication systems work. More of these actions are scheduled for the coming months. The team is also preparing a series of presentations on “Mobile Phones – Myths and Facts” in collaboration with PT Comunicações, to be held on Lisbon, Porto and Aveiro.


GROW News Dec/2013

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Vol. 8, No. 11, Dec. 2013

In this issue:

  1. People
  2. Publications
  3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars
  4. Projects

1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.

GROW has hosted Prof. Peter Smith (Univ. Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand).  We know that he has enjoyed both the city and the country, besides GROW’s hospitality.  It’s great to know that.

2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.


Mackowiak,M. and Correia,L.M., “Using Virtual MIMO in Off-Body Channels for Power Efficient Communications”, accepted to EuCAP 2014 – 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, The Hague, The Netherlands, Apr. 2014.


Oliveira,C. and Correia,L.M., “Influence of the Environment on MIMO On-Body Communications”, accepted to EuCAP 2014 – 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Hague, The Netherlands, Apr. 2014.


Conil,E., Corre,Y., Varsier,N., Hadjem,A., Wermeeren,G., Martens,L., Correia,L.M. and Wiart,J., “Exposure index of EU project LEXNET: principles and simulation-based computation”, accepted to EuCAP 2014 – 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Hague, The Netherlands, Apr. 2014.


3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.



Luis M. Correia, “Electromagnetic Radiation Monitoring” (in Portuguese)

Seminário 20 Anos de Ambiente na Defesa Nacional, Lisboa, Portugal



Luis M. Correia

SmartSantander Project review, Santander, Spain



Luis M. Correia

Dr. Guillaume Villemaud defence of Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Université Claude Bernard Lyon I – INSA, Lyon, France



Luís M. Correia, “Mobile Phones – Myths and Facts”

Mónica Branco

Seminários Internos da PT Comunicações, Lisbon, Portugal



Luis M. Correia

LEXNET project review

Brussels, Belgium



Luis M. Correia

Evaluation of IEMN (Institut d’Electronique, de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie), Lille, for AERES (Agence d’Évaluation de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement Supérieur)

Lille, France



Luis M. Correia

NEWCOM# project review

Brussels, Belgium



Luís M. Correia, Michal Mackowiak, Lucio Ferreira, Sina Khatibi

NEWCOM# meeting, Lisbon, Portugal



Michal Machowiak, “Statistical Model for Dynamic Off-Body Channels”

Sina Khatibi, “Virtualisation of Radio Resources – Next Step in Radio Access Network Virtualisation”

Lúcio Ferreira, “An Architecture to offer Cloud-Based Radio Access Network as a Service”

GROWing meeting


4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.


COST IC1004 –

Michal Mackowiak, Lúcio Ferreira and Sina Khatibi are preparing contributions for the next meeting.



Simulations for SAR evaluation (WP2) and influence of the body on the dosimeter (WP3) are running.  Quite some effort was allocated to the edition of the first annual report and the preparation of the project evaluation meeting to be held on January.



GROW’s team is progressing with the challenge of developing an architecture to provide RAN as a service (RANaaS), following cloud computing principles of pooled resources, offered on-demand, elastically and paid-per-use.  A paper has been written entitled “An Architecture to offer Cloud-Based Radio Access Network as a Service”, to be submitted to EUCNC.  In parallel, the work on the two associated research topics, on (a) the management of virtual radio resources and (b) radio and cloud resources management, is progressing.



GROW will host the Track 1 and Track 2 meeting in Lisbon in January.  Contributions to the presentations thst will be given by the task leaders during the meeting are being prepared.  In particular, a work to be developed with EURECOM will be discussed, within Cloud-RAN, on the computation resources needs of software-based baseband units.



Information actions are being held in secondary schools on exposure to EMFs and how mobile communication systems work.  Two actions are programmed in January. The team also performs measurements in municipalities, with three collaborations being prepared.

GROW News Nov/2013

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Vol. 8, No. 10, Nov. 2013

In this issue:
1. People
2. Publications
3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars
4. Projects


1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.

The M.Sc. students enrolled in the past academic year, Dinis Rocha, Diogo Almeida, Jaime Pereira, Joana Falcão, Joana Fernandes, João Martins, Pedro Martins and Ricardo Santos, have all graduated, with very good marks. We wish them good luck for their professional career.

Ricardo Santos won the prize for Student Best Paper Award at the “7º Congresso do Comité Português da URSI”, Lisboa, Portugal, Nov. 2013. Congratulations!

Merry Christmas and all the best for 2014.


2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.

Diogo X. Almeida, Luis M. Correia and Marco Serrazina, “Inter-Cell Interference Impact on LTE Performance in Urban Scenarios”, Actas do 7º Congresso do Comité Português da URSI, Lisboa, Portugal, Nov. 2013.

Ricardo M. Santos, Luis M. Correia, Carlos Alves, Luis Pissarro and Álvaro Albino, “Assessment of Wind Turbines Generators influence in Aeronautical Radars”, Actas do 7º Congresso do Comité Português da URSI, Lisboa, Portugal, Nov. 2013.

Joana A. Fernandes, Luís M. Correia, Carlos Alves, Luís Pissarro and Márcio Teixeira, “Assessment of Wind Turbines Generators Influence in Aeronautical Navigation Systems”, Actas do 7º Congresso do Comité Português da URSI, Lisboa, Portugal, Nov. 2013.

Dinis Rocha, Luís M. Correia and Carla Oliveira, “Analysis of the Implementation of LTE Advanced in a Low Exposure Perspective”, Actas do 7º Congresso do Comité Português da URSI, Lisboa, Portugal, Nov. 2013.

Carla Oliveira, Michal Mackowiak and Luis M. Correia, “MIMO Models for Smart On- and Off-Body Communications”, Actas do 7º Congresso do Comité Português da URSI, Lisboa, Portugal, Nov. 2013.

Lúcio S. Ferreira, Mónica Branco, Luis M. Correia, Dominique Pichon, Anna Pizzinati, André Gomes and Desislava Dimitrova, “RAN on-demand. The MCN approach for a Cloud Computing-Based LTE network”, Proc. of FUSECO’2013 – 4th Forum on Future Seamless Communication, Berlin, Germany, Nov. 2013.


3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.

Diogo Almeida, “Inter-Cell Interference Impact on LTE Performance in Urban Scenarios”
GROWing meeting

Dinis Rocha, “Analysis of the Implementation of LTE-Advanced in a Low Exposure Perspective”
GROWing meeting

Luis M. Correia
University of Oulu RAE’2013, Copenhagen, Denmark

Ricardo Santos, “Assessment of Wind Turbines Generators Influence in Aeronautical Radars”
Joana Fernandes, “Assessment of Wind Turbines Generators Influence in Aeronautical Navigation Systems”
Pedro Martins, “Analysis of Wireless Clouds Implementation in LTE-Advanced”
GROWing meeting

João Martins, “Impact of MIMO and Carrier Aggregation in LTE-Advanced”
Jaime Pereira, “Small Cell Deployment evaluation on LTE”
Joana Falcão, “Inter-Cell Interferences in LTE Radio Networks”
GROWing meeting

Daniel Sebastião, Michal Mackowiak, Filipe Cardoso
LEXNET Project General Meeting, Grenoble, France

Luis M. Correia
ITU Telecom World, Bangkok, Thailand

Michal Mackowiak, Ricardo Santos, Diogo Almeida, Dinis Rocha, Joana Fernandes
7th URSI Portuguese Congress, Lisbon, Portugal

Lúcio Ferreira, Luís M. Correia, Mónica Branco, Sina Khatibi
MCN Project GA Meeting, Berlin, Germany

Luis M. Correia, “Electromagnetic Radiation Monitoring” (in Portuguese)
Seminário 20 Anos de Ambiente na Defesa Nacional, Lisboa, Portugal

Luis M. Correia
SmartSantander Project review, Santander, Spain

Luis M. Correia
Dr. Guillaume Villemaud defence of Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Université Claude Bernard Lyon I – INSA, Lyon, France

Luís M. Correia, “Mobile Phones – Myths and Facts”
Mónica Branco
Seminários Internos da PT Comunicações, Lisbon, Portugal


4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.

COST IC1004 –
Contributions are being prepared for the next meeting.

The definition of an Exposure Index by the project team continues to proceed, and this will be integrated into the simulation tools being developed within INOV (Using OPNET Modeler). The second newsletter issue is being prepared and will be delivered in December.

A paper entitled “An architecture to offer cloud-based RAN-as-a-Service” is being prepared. INOV defined an experimentation roadmap for benchmarking the performance of cloud-based RAN as well as for traffic generation in OpenEPC emulator. INOV is progressing with research on “radio and cloud resources management for cloud-based RAN” as well as “management of virtual radio resources”. INOV is preparing a National Workshop to be held in Lisbon in June 2014.

Michal Mackowiak had a telco with PUT, and discussed future work plan on the JRA on Virtual MIMO for BANs. Sina Khatibi and Luisa Caeiro discussed the opportunities for collaboration with UPC and Univ. of Oulo on Virtual Radio Resource Management. INOV is preparing the Track 1 and Track 2 meeting, which will take place in January in Lisbon.

FAQtos is the new project from the GROW team, which will continue the work from the monIT project, on risk communication to EMF’s from wireless networks. The website is already available (although not complete yet). A new contest to the secondary schools pupils was also launched, and registrations were open until November 30th. 51 groups are participating in this contest, which encompasses a total of 149 students, from 28 schools.


GROW News Oct/2013

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Vol. 8, No. 09, Oct. 2013


In this issue:

1. People

2. Publications

3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

4. Projects




1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.


The M.Sc. students enrolled in the past academic year are about to graduate. We wish them good luck for the theses defences.



2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.


Mackowiak,M. and Correia,L.M., “Using Virtual MIMO in Off-Body Channels for Power Efficient Communications”, submitted to EuCAP 2014 – 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Hague, The Nederlands, Apr. 2014.


Cardoso,F.D., Petersson,S., Boldi,M., Mizuta,S., Dietl,G., Torrea-Duran,R., Desset,C., Leinonen,J. e Correia,L.M., “Energy Efficient Transmission Techniques for LTE”, IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 51, No. 10, Oct. 2013, pp. 182-190.


Correia,L.M., “Smart Cities: from Telecommunications to Applications”, Actas do Worshop NOVABASE TechWeek, Lisboa, Portugal, Oct. 2013.




3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.



Luis M. Correia

Pedro Pinheiro Ph.D. thesis defence, U. Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal



Luis M. Correia

NEWCOM# Steering Board Meeting, Poznan, Poland



Luis M. Correia, “Mobile Communications”

ISUTC, Maputo, Mozambique



Luisa Caeiro, “Wireless Access Virtualisation: Physical versus Virtual Capacity”

Michal Mackowiak, “MIMO Capacity Performance of Off-Body Radio Channels in a Street Environment”

GROWing meeting



Luis M. Correia

EuCNC’2014 Steering Committee Meeting, Brussels, Belgium



Luis M. Correia

EC Concertation Meeting, Brussels, Belgium



Luis M. Correia

Thomas M. Bonhert Ph.D. thesis defence, U. Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal



Luis M. Correia

Net!Works General Assembly, Brussels, Belgium



Luis Correia

Michal Mackowiak, “Modelling MIMO Systems in Body Area Networks in Outdoors”

Bilateral Meeting with University of Novi Sad, Lisbon, Portugal



Luis M. Correia, “Smart Cities: from Telecommunications to Applications”

Worshop NOVABASE TechWeek, Lisboa, Portugal



Diogo Almeida, “Inter-Cell Interference Impact on LTE Performance in Urban Scenarios”

GROWing meeting



Dinis Rocha, “Analysis of the Implementation of LTE-Advanced in a Low Exposure Perspective”

GROWing meeting



Luis M. Correia

University of Oulu RAE’2013, Copenhagen, Denmark



Ricardo Santos, “Assessment of Wind Turbines Generators Influence in Aeronautical Radars”

Joana Fernandes, “Assessment of Wind Turbines Generators Influence in Aeronautical Navigation Systems”

Pedro Martins, “Analysis of Wireless Clouds Implementation in LTE-Advanced”

GROWing meeting



João Martins, “Impact of MIMO and Carrier Aggregation in LTE-Advanced”

Jaime Pereira, “Small Cell Deployment evaluation on LTE”

Joana Falcão, “Inter-Cell Interferences in LTE Radio Networks”

GROWing meeting



Daniel Sebastião, Michal Mackowiak, Filipe Cardoso

LEXNET Project General Meeting, Grenoble, France



Luis M. Correia

ITU Telecom World, Bangkok, Thailand



Michal Mackowiak

7th URSI Portuguese Congress, Lisbon, Portugal



Lúcio Ferreira, Luís M. Correia, Mónica Branco, Sina Khatibi

MCN Project GA Meeting, Berlin, Germany



4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.


COST IC1004 –

Contributions are being prepared for the next meeting.



Daniel Sebastião is leading the work on cluster #4 for WP5, and is progressing the work on simulations using OPNET. Michal Mackowiak has performed the initial simulations for the Eartha DATA posture in 3G/4G scenarios (WP2), as well as on numerical simulations with the simplified dosimeter model (WP3). Contribution to various deliverables has been done, namely D2.3 (“Scenarios”), D2.4 (“Global Wireless Exposure Metric Definition”) and D3.1 (“Exposure Index Assessment v1”). The first newsletter issue is now available in the LEXNET website, prepared by Filipe Cardoso. The preparation of LEXNET convened session at EuCAP’2014 by Filipe Cardoso is ongoing.



Lúcio Ferreira, Sina Khatibi and Mónica Branco contributed and reviewed deliverables D3.1 “Infrastructure Management Foundations – Specifications & Design for MobileCloud framework” of WP3, and D2.2 “Overall Architecture Definition, Release 1” of WP2. There was also a contribution to D4.1 “Mobile Network Cloud Component Design” of WP4, addressing the RAN as a Service (RANaaS). The work on the development of the model on management of virtual radio resources and model for load balancing between RRHs and BBUs is progressing.



Contribution to various deliverables has been done, namely D11.1 (“Fundamental issues on energy- and bandwidth-efficient communications and networking”), D13.1 (“Fundamental issues on the performance of wireless networks and related results”) and D23.2 (“First report on tools and their integration on the experimental setups”), by Michal Mackowiack, Carla Oliveira, Lúcio Ferreira, Luisa Caeiro and Sina Khatibi. Moreover, the review of several deliverables from Track 3 has been performed by Luis M. Correia.



FAQtos is a new project, which continues the work performed in the monIT project, on risk communication to EMFs from wireless networks. All the project information and its website are being prepared, and will be available soon. A new contest to the secondary schools pupils is also being prepared, to be launched in November.



GROW News Sep/2013

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Vol. 8, No. 08, Sep. 2012

In this issue:
1. People
2. Publications
3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars
4. Projects


1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.

GROW continues to renew. At the start of the academic year, we have 8 more M.Sc. students on board: Bruno Pires, David Doutor, Gonçalo Fernandes, Marco Castanho, Pedro Ferreira, Pedro Ganço, Pedro Venâncio, and Tadeusz Dec. We welcome them, especially Tadeusz that is coming from Poland within the ERASMUS exchange programme.


2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.

Oliveira,C., “Characterisation of On-Body Communications”, Ph.D. Thesis, Technical University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, July 2013.

Ferreira,L.S., “Radio Resource Management of Wireless Mesh Networks”, Ph.D. Thesis, Technical University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, July 2013.

Mackowiak,M., “Modelling MIMO Systems in Body Area Networks in Outdoors”, Ph.D. Thesis, Technical University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, July 2013.

Oliveira,C., Mackowiak,M. and Correia,L.M., “Modelling On- and Off-Body Channels in Body Area Networks”, in Proc. of IMOC’2013 – SBMO/IEEE-MTT-S Int. Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference”, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Aug. 2013 (invited paper).

Mackowiak,M. and Correia,L.M., “MIMO Capacity Performance of Off-Body Radio Channels in a Street Environment”, in Proc. of PIMRC 2013 – 24th IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor, Mobile and Radio Communications, London, UK, Sep. 2013.

Oliveira,C., Mackowiak,M. and Correia,L.M., ” MIMO Models for Smart On- and Off-Body Communications”, submitted to 7.º Congresso Comité Português da URSI, Lisbon, Portugal, Nov. 2013.

Ferreira,L.S. and Correia,L.M., “Radio Resources Allocation Strategy for Multi-Radio Wireless Mesh Networks”, submitted to VTC’2014-Spring – IEEE 79th Vehicular Technology Conference, Seoul, Korea, May 2014.

Caeiro,L., Cardoso,F. and Correia,L.M., “Addressing Virtual Resources with different Type of Requirements”, submitted to VTC’2014-Spring – IEEE 79th Vehicular Technology Conference, Seoul, Korea, May 2014.

Ferreira,L.S. and Correia,L.M., “An Efficient and Fair Strategy for Radio Resources Allocation in Multi-Radio Wireless Mesh Networks”, accepted for Wireless Personal Communications journal.

Correia,L.M., “Cybersecurity: from technology to economy” (in Portuguese), ANACOM Workshop on Cybersecurity: Economic Aspects, Lisbon, Portugal, Sep. 2013 (invited).


3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.

Luis M. Correia
Michal Mackowiak, “MIMO Capacity Performance of Off-Body Radio Channels in a Street Environment”
PIMRC 2013 – 24th IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor, Mobile and Radio Communications, London, UK

Lucio S. Ferreira, Monica Branco
MCN WP3 meeting, Sofia, Bulgaria

Filipe Cardoso
First LEXNET Workshop, Berlin, Germany

Luis M. Correia
Net!Works Steering Board Meeting, Brussels, Belgium

Luis M. Correia “Green Cellular Networks”
NEWCOM# Summer School, Poznan, Poland

Michal Mackowiak, Luis M. Correia
LEXNET WP2 meeting, Ghent, Belgium

Michal Mackowiak, “MIMO Capacity Performance of Off-Body Radio Channels in a Street Environment”
Lúcio S. Ferreira, “Efficient and Fair Radio Resources Allocation for Spontaneous Multi-Radio Wireless Mesh Networks”
Luísa Caeiro, “Wireless Access Virtualisation: Physical versus Virtual Capacity”
Luis M. Correia
COST IC1004 Meeting, Ghent, Belgium

Luis M. Correia, “Cybersecurity: from technology to economy”
ANACOM Workshop on Cybersecurity: Economic Aspects, Lisbon, Portugal

Bhavies Narendra, “Study of the Implementation of LTE in Vodacom Mozambique’s Network”.
GROWing meeting

Luis M. Correia
Pedro Pinheiro Ph.D. thesis defence, U. Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal

Luis M. Correia
NEWCOM# Steering Board Meeting, Poznan, Poland

Luis M. Correia, “Mobile Communications”
ISUTC, Maputo, Mozambique

Luisa Caeiro, “Wireless Access Virtualisation: Physical versus Virtual Capacity”
Michal Mackowiak, “MIMO Capacity Performance of Off-Body Radio Channels in a Street Environment”
GROWing meeting

Luis M. Correia
EuCNC’2014 Steering Committee Meeting, Brussels, Belgium

Luis M. Correia
EC Concertation Meeting, Brussels, Belgium

Luis M. Correia
Thomas M. Bonhert Ph.D. thesis defence, U. Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal

Luis M. Correia
Net!Works General Assembly, Brussels, Belgium


4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.

COST IC1004 –
Michal Mackowiak, Lúcio Ferreira and Luisa Caeiro have presented contributions at the meeting.

Work has been progressing on simulations for exposure reduction (WP5), as well as on numerical simulations with the simplified dosimeter model (WP3). Michal Mackowiak and Carla Oliveira started the initial simulations for the Eartha data posture in 3G/4G scenarios (WP2), and the model segmentation of the Eartha model with data posture has been performed and sent to partners (WP2). Filipe Cardoso has finalised the first newsletter issue, and distributed it.

We have contributed to Deliverables D3.1 “Infrastructure Management Foundations – Specifications & Design for MobileCloud framework” of WP3, D2.2 “Overall Architecture Definition, Release 1” of WP2 and D4.1 “Mobile Network Cloud Component Design” of WP4, addressing the RAN as a Service (RANaaS).

The 3rd QMR is being prepared, as well as contributions to the first year deliverables including description of JRAs.

FAQTOs is a new project, just started, which continues the work performed in the monIT project, on risk communication to EMFs from wireless networks. All the project information and its website are being prepared, and will be available soon. A new contest to the secondary schools pupils is also being prepared, to be launched in November.


GROW News Jul/2013

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Vol. 8, No. 07, July 2012

In this issue:
1. People
2. Publications
3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars
4. Projects


1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.

Wow! GROW graduated 3 Ph.Ds. this month, just before starting the holidays’ period. Michal Mackowiak, Carla Oliveira and Lúcio Ferreira successfully defended their Ph.D. Theses on July 22nd, 23rd and 24th, respectively. They will continue to be part of GROW, working in the projects they are already involved. We wish them all the best.

Monsaraz was again the host for another STAR WARM (Still Another Wonderful Annual Reunion in Monsaraz), the 13th edition, on July 6th. GROW’s members’, and their families, had the opportunity to spend some hours together, enjoying themselves.


2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.

Correia,L.M., “A Perspective of the Networks of the Future and Smart Cities”, in Proc. of WAWC’2013 – 4th Workshop on Advances in Wireless Communications, Nanjing, China, July 2013

Lúcio Ferreira, “Cloud-based RAN challenges”, MCN Workshop at FuNeMS’2013, Future Network and Mobile Summit 2013, Lisbon, Portugal, July 2013.

Carla Oliveira, “Low Exposure Networks”, LEXNET poster at FuNeMS’2013, Future Network and Mobile Summit 2013, Lisbon, Portugal, July 2013.


3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.

Luis M. Correia, “A Perspective of the Networks of the Future and Smart Cities”
Workshop on Advanced Wireless Communications, Chengdu, China

Lúcio Ferreira, “Cloud-based RAN challenges”
Carla Oliveira, “Low Exposure Networks”
Michal Mackowiak, Luis M. Correia
FuNeMS’2013, Future Network and Mobile Summit 2013, Lisbon, Portugal

Michal Mackowiak, “Modelling MIMO systems in Body Area networks in Outdoors”
Carla Oliveira, “Characterisation of on-body communications”
Lucio Studer Ferreira, “Radio Resource Management of Wireless Mesh Networks”
GROWing meeting


4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.

COST IC1004 –
Michal Mackowiak, Lúcio Ferreira and Luisa Caeiro are preparing contributions to the next meeting.

Work has been progressing on simulations for exposure reduction (WP5), as well as on numerical simulations with the simplified dosimeter model (WP3). Michal Mackowiak and Carla Oliveira will start initial simulations for the Eartha data posture in 3G/4G scenarios (WP2), and the model segmentation of the Eartha model with data posture has been performed and send to partners (WP2). Michal Mackowiak, Carla Oliveira and Daniel Sebastião have contributed to the IR2.1 (WP2). Filipe Cardoso is preparing the first newsletter issue, which will be distributed in September 2013.

Our contributions for Deliverable D3.1 “Infrastructure Management Foundations – Specifications & Design for MobileCloud framework” on RAN as a Service (RANaaS) aspects are progressing. This work is focused on the RANaaS reference architecture model, and also management of virtual radio resources and BBU pool dimensioning.

Carla Oliveira and Michal Mackowiak are interacting with the colleagues of Poznan, concerning the JRA on Virtual MIMO applied to BANs.

FAQTOs is a new project, just started, which continues the work performed in the monIT project, on risk communication to EMFs from wireless networks. All the project information and its website are being prepared, and will be available soon.


GROW News Jun/2013

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Vol. 8, No. 06, June 2013

In this issue:
1. People
2. Publications
3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars
4. Projects


1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.

Michal Mackowiak, Carla Oliveira and Lúcio Ferreira will defend their Ph.D. Theses on July 22nd, 23rd and 24th, respectively.

We’ll be gathering another STAR WARM (Still Another Wonderful Annual Reunion in Monsaraz), the 13th edition, on July 6th. It will one more opportunity to enjoy, with our families, a Saturday in the quietness of Monsaraz.


2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.

Mackowiak,M. and Correia,L.M., “MIMO Capacity Analysis of Off-Body Radio Channels in a Street Environment”, in Proc. of VTC’2013 Spring – IEEE 77th Vehicular Technology Conference, Dresden, Germany, June 2013.

Oliveira,C. and Correia,L.M., “Signal Correlation and Power Imbalance in Dynamic On-Body Communications”, in Proc. of VTC’2013 Spring – IEEE 77th Vehicular Technology Conference, Dresden, Germany, June 2013.

Saruthirathanaworakun,R., Peha,J.M. and Correia,L.M., “Gray-Space Spectrum Sharing between Multiple Rotating Radars and Cellular Network Hotspots”, in Proc. of VTC’2013 Spring – 77th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Dresden, Germany, June 2013.

Cardoso,F.D., Correia,L.M., Petersson,S. and Boldi,M., “Beamforming Strategies for Energy Efficient Transmission in LTE”, in Proc. of VTC’2013 Spring – 77th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Dresden, Germany, June 2013.

Wiart,J., Conil,E., Toutain,Y., Bories,S., Tesanovic,M., Lostanlen,Y. and Correia,L.M., “Low Exposure Network”, in Proc. of BioEM’2013 – Bioelectromagnetics Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2013.

Correia,L.M., “A Perspective of Smart Cities”, in Proc. of the 4th European Summit on the Future Internet, Aveiro, Portugal, June 2013

Correia,L.M., “A Perspective of the Networks of the Future and Smart Cities”, in Proc. of WAWC’2013 – 4th Workshop on Advances in Wireless Communications, Chengdu and Nanjing, China, June 2013

Mackowiak,M. and Correia,L.M., “MIMO Capacity Performance of Off-Body Radio Channels in a Street Environment”, accepted to PIMRC’2013 – 24th IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor, Mobile and Radio Communications, London, UK, Sep. 2013.

Oliveira,C., Mackowiak,M. and Correia,L.M., “Modelling On- and Off-Body Channels in Body Area Networks”, invited to IMOC’2013 – International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Aug. 2013.


3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.

Carla Oliveira, “Signal Correlation and Power Imbalance in Dynamic On-Body Communications”
Michal Mackowiak, “MIMO Capacity Analysis of Off-Body Radio Channels in a Street Environment”
Filipe Cardoso, “Beamforming Strategies for Energy Efficient Transmission in LTE”
Rathapon Saruthirathanaworakun, “Gray-Space Spectrum Sharing between Multiple Rotating Radars and Cellular Network Hotspots”
Luis M. Correia
VTC’2013 Spring – IEEE 77th Vehicular Technology Conference, Dresden, Germany

Luisa Caeiro, “OConS Supported On Demand Radio Resource Allocation for Virtual Connectivity”
Sina Khatibi, “Radio Resource Management in Virtual RAN”
Dinis Rocha, “Analysis of the implementation of LTE-Advanced in a low exposure perspective”
João Martins, “Impact of MIMO and carrier aggregation in LTE-Advanced”
GROWing meeting

Luis M. Correia
ICC – IEEE International Conference on Communications, Budapest, Hungary

Luis M. Correia
Net!Works Steering Board meeting, Brussels, Belgium

Luis M. Correia, “A Perspective of Smart Cities”
4th European Summit on the Future Internet, Aveiro, Portugal

Luis M. Correia
Thomas Casey Ph.D. Jury, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland

Lúcio Ferreira, “Cloud-Based RAN Challenges”
Pedro Martins, “Analysis of Wireless Clouds Implementation in LTE-Advanced”
GROWing meeting

Luis M. Correia
Paul Ferrand Ph.D. Jury, INSA, Lyon, France

Lúcio Ferreira, “Cloud-based RAN Challenges”
Mónica Branco, Sina Khatibi
MCN Workshop on RAN Evolution to the Cloud, Paris, France

Lúcio Ferreira, Mónica Branco, Sina Khatibi
MCN Meeting, Paris, France

Luis M. Correia, “A Perspective of the Networks of the Future and Smart Cities”
Workshop on Advanced Wireless Communications, Chengdu, China

Daniel Sebastião
LEXNET WP5 Meeting, London, UK

Luis M. Correia, “A Perspective of the Networks of the Future and Smart Cities”
Workshop on Advanced Wireless Communications, Chengdu, China

Lúcio Ferreira, “Cloud-based RAN challenges”
Carla Oliveira, “Low Exposure Networks”
Michal Mackowiak, Luis M. Correia
FuNeMS’2013, Future Network and Mobile Summit 2013, Lisbon, Portugal

Michal Mackowiak, “Modelling MIMO systems in Body Area networks in Outdoors”
Carla Oliveira, “Characterisation of on-body communications”
Lucio Studer Ferreira, “Radio Resource Management of Wireless Mesh Networks”
GROWing meeting


4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.

COST IC1004 –
Carla Oliveira, Michal Mackowiak, Lúcio Ferreira and Luis M. Correia prepared contributions to the White Paper on Mobile Communications Beyond 4G.

Work has been progressing on simulations for exposure reduction (WP5), as well as on numerical simulations with the simplified dosimeter model (WP3). INOV was assigned to perform simulations for the Eartha data posture in 3G/4G scenarios (WP2). Carla presented the project in one of the poster sessions of FUNEMS’2013.

Lúcio Ferreira presented the work from T3.5 “Cloud-based RAN challenges” in the workshop organised by MCN “RAN Evolution to the Cloud Workshop”. This work was also presented at FuNeMS’2013. Lúcio Ferreira, Mónica Branco and Sina Khatibi are currently working towards the contribution to Deliverable D3.1 “Infrastructure Management Foundations – Specifications & Design for Mobile Cloud Framework”, addressing the C-RAN architecture.

Carla Oliveira and Michal Mackowiak send their contribution to Deliverable D13.1 “Fundamental issues on energy- and bandwidth efficient communications and networking”, including current status of their JRA on Virtual MIMO applied in BANs.

FAQTOs is a new project, just started, which continues the work performed in the monIT project, on risk communication to EMFs from wireless networks. All the project information and its website are being prepared, and will be available soon.


GROW News May/2013

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Vol. 8, No. 05, May 2012

In this issue:
1. People
2. Publications
3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars
4. Projects


1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.

GROW will soon have new members. The application process for M.Sc. theses is finishing in June, and new members will join GROW for this endeavour.


2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.

Mackowiak,M. and Correia,L.M., “A Statistical Model for the Influence of Body Dynamics on the Gain Pattern of Wearable Antennas in Off-Body Radio Channels”, Wireless Personal Communications, 10.1007/s11277-013-1193-x, May 2013.


3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.

Filipe D. Cardoso, “Energy Efficiency using Beamforming at the Base Station in UMTS and LTE”
Filipe D. Cardoso, “MIMO Strategies for Energy Efficient Transmission in LTE Pico-cell Environments”
GROWing meeting

Luis M. Correia, “A Brief Tutorial on LTE”
GROWing meeting

Lúcio Ferreira, “OConS Service for Management of Connectivity in Spontaneous Community-Based Wireless Mesh Networks”
Lúcio Ferreira, “Efficient and Fair Radio Resources Allocation for Spontaneous Multi-Radio Wireless Mesh Networks”
GROWing meeting

Luis M. Correia, “Smart Cities: ICT Application to Municipalities”,
IX Ciclo de Conferências Ambiente e Qualidade Vida – Sistemas Inteligentes, Torres Vedras, Portugal

Michal Mackowiak, “MIMO Capacity Analysis of Off-Body Radio Channels in a Street Environment”
Filipe D. Cardoso, “Beamforming Strategies for Energy Efficient Transmission in LTE”
GROWing meeting

Lúcio Ferreira, Mónica Branco, Sina Khatibi, Luis M. Correia
MCN meeting, Lisbon, Portugal

Luis M. Correia
21as. Palestras sobre Comunicações Móveis, Lisboa, Portugal

Luis M. Correia
COST IC1004 meeting, Ilmenau, Germany

Carla Oliveira, “Signal Correlation and Power Imbalance in Dynamic On-Body Communications”
Michal Mackowiak, “MIMO Capacity Analysis of Off-Body Radio Channels in a Street Environment”
Filipe Cardoso, “Beamforming Strategies for Energy Efficient Transmission in LTE”
Rathapon Saruthirathanaworakun, “Gray-Space Spectrum Sharing between Multiple Rotating Radars and Cellular Network Hotspots”
Luis M. Correia
VTC’2013 Spring – IEEE 77th Vehicular Technology Conference, Dresden, Germany

Luisa Caeiro, “OConS Supported On Demand Radio Resource Allocation for Virtual Connectivity”
Sina Khatibi, “Radio Resource Management in Virtual RAN”
Dinis Rocha, “Analysis of the implementation of LTE-Advanced in a low exposure perspective”
João Martins, “Impact of MIMO and carrier aggregation in LTE-Advanced”
GROWing meeting

Luis M. Correia
ICC – IEEE International Conference on Communications, Budapest, Hungary

Luis M. Correia
Net!Works Steering Board meeting, Brussels, Belgium

Luis M. Correia, “A Perspective of Smart Cities”
4th European Summit on the Future Internet, Aveiro, Portugal

Luis M. Correia
Thomas Casey Ph.D. Jury, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland

Lúcio Ferreira, “Cloud-Based RAN Challenges”
Pedro Martins, “Analysis of Wireless Clouds Implementation in LTE-Advanced”
GROWing meeting

Luis M. Correia
Paul Ferrand Ph.D. Jury, INSA, Lyon, France

Lúcio Ferreira, “Cloud-based RAN Challenges”
Mónica Branco, Sina Khatibi
MCN Workshop on RAN Evolution to the Cloud, Paris, France

Lúcio Ferreira, Mónica Branco, Sina Khatibi
MCN Meeting, Paris, France

Luis M. Correia, “A Perspective of the Networks of the Future and Smart Cities”
Workshop on Advanced Wireless Communications, Chengdu, China

Daniel Sebastião
LEXNET WP5 Meeting, London, UK


4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.

COST IC1004 –
Carla Oliveira and Michal Mackowiak prepared a contribution to the TWGB document on channel models for body area networks, to be discussed during the meeting in Ilmenau.

Daniel Sebastião and Carla Oliveira have been working on a contribution on ICT usage for the future development of scenarios. Moreover, all the team has been involved in the dissemination of the questionnaire on ICT usage. Carla Oliveira and Michal Mackowiak are working on the benchmark study to assess the simulations results among the different partners. Carla Oliveira and Daniel Sebastião are compiling an internal document on exposure assessment. Daniel Sebastião is working on simulations for the exposure reduction.

Lúcio Ferreira, Mónica Branco and Sina Khatibi are working on a motivation scenario and an architecture for the Wireless Cloud, integrating Cloud-RAN concepts, as well as on the Virtual RAN. These were presented at the Lisbon meeting. A wikipage on terminology was created, as well as one on state of the art reference papers related to C-RAN. A document answering performance issues on C-RAN was issued.

Carla Oliveira and Michal Mackowiak had a telco with Poznan University of Technology, on their Joint Research Activities on Virtual MIMO applied in BANs. Preliminary results of simulations of channel path loss have been sent to the colleagues in Poznan.


GROW News Apr/2013

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Vol. 8, No. 04, Apr. 2013

In this issue:
1. People
2. Publications
3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars
4. Projects


1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.

Carla Oliveira has submitted his Ph.D. Thesis for evaluation. Let’s wait for the jury’s assessment.


2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.

Mackowiak,M. and Correia,L.M., “A Statistical Model for the Influence of Body Dynamics on the Gain Pattern of Wearable Antennas in Off-Body Radio Channels”, accepted to Wireless Personal Communications, Apr. 2013.

Oliveira,C. and Correia,L.M., “Perspectives for the Use of MIMO in Dynamic Body Area Networks”, EuCAP’2013 – 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Gothenburg, Sweden, Apr. 2013.

Ferreira,L.S., Agüero,R., Caeiro,L., Miron,A., Soellner,M., Schoo,P., Suciu,L., Timm-Giel,A. and Udugama,A., “Open Connectivity Services for the Future Internet”, WCNC’2013 – Wireless Communications Networking Conference, Shanghai, China, Apr. 2013.

Ferreira,L.S. and Correia,L.M., “Radio Resources Allocation Strategy for Multi-Radio Wireless Mesh Networks”, submitted to PIMRC’2013 – IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, London, UK, Sep. 2013.


3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.

Luis M. Correia, “Mobile Communications Systems”
Training Course, Maputo, Mozambique

Luis M. Correia
Carla Oliveira, “Perspectives for the Use of MIMO in Dynamic Body Area Networks”,
EuCAP 2013 – 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Gothenburg, Sweden

Mónica Branco, Sina Khatibi
MCN meeting, Aveiro, Portugal

Lucio Ferreira, “Open Connectivity Services for the Future Internet”,
WCNC’2013 – Wireless Communications Networking Conference, Shanghai, China

Luis M. Correia
Patrick Kwadwo Agyapong Ph.D. Jury, “Economic Incentives in Content-Centric Networking: Implications for Protocol Design and Public Policy”, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Luis M. Correia, Daniel Sebastião, Carla Oliveira, Michal Mackowiak
LEXNET meeting, Lisboa, Portugal

Filipe D. Cardoso, “Energy Efficiency using Beamforming at the Base Station in UMTS and LTE”
Filipe D. Cardoso, “MIMO Strategies for Energy Efficient Transmission in LTE Pico-cell Environments”
GROWing meeting

Luis M. Correia, “A Brief Tutorial on LTE”
GROWing meeting

Lúcio Ferreira, “OConS Service for Management of Connectivity in Spontaneous Community-Based Wireless Mesh Networks”
Lúcio Ferreira, “Efficient and Fair Radio Resources Allocation for Spontaneous Multi-Radio Wireless Mesh Networks”
GROWing meeting

Luis M. Correia, “Smart Cities: ICT Application to Municipalities”,
IX Ciclo de Conferências Ambiente e Qualidade Vida – Sistemas Inteligentes, Torres Vedras, Portugal

Michal Mackowiak, “MIMO Capacity Analysis of Off-Body Radio Channels in a Street Environment”
Filipe D. Cardoso, “Beamforming Strategies for Energy Efficient Transmission in LTE”
GROWing meeting

Lúcio Ferreira, Mónica Branco, Sina Khatibi, Luis M. Correia
MCN meeting, Lisbon, Portugal

Luis M. Correia
21as. Palestras sobre Comunicações Móveis, Lisboa, Portugal

Luis M. Correia
COST IC1004 meeting, Ilmenau, Germany


4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.

COST IC1004 –
GROW members are preparing contributions to the next meetings.

Daniel Sebastião and Carla Oliveira finalised their contribution to IR5.1 “Smart low-EMF architectures: state of the art and way forward”, and prepared a contribution on life segmentation regarding EMF exposure. Carla Oliveira and Michal Mackowiak contributed to D2.1 “Current metrics for EMF exposure evaluation”, and are preparing an internal document on the state of the art on this topic. Work is also progressing on the topic of the numerical tools.

Lúcio Ferreira, Mónica Branco and Sina Khatibi are working on the Wireless Cloud task. They have done a state of the art report, proposed a motivation scenario and an architecture for the Wireless Cloud, integrating Cloud-RAN concepts (composed of remote radio heads and baseband units). INOV’s perspective of the Wireless Cloud Architecture was presented in task T2.3 and WP4 meetings in Aveiro.

The consolidation of the Joint Research Activities for all tasks is being prepared. Carla Oliveira and Michal Mackowiak are setting up a JRA on the topic of MIMO channel modelling for on-body communications, with PUT – Poznan Univ. of Technology.

The project has ended.


GROW News Mar/2013

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Vol. 8, No. 03, Mar. 2013

In this issue:
1. People
2. Publications
3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars
4. Projects


1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.

Lúcio Ferreira has submitted his Ph.D. Thesis for evaluation. Let’s wait for the jury’s assessment.


2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.

Mackowiak,M., Rosini,R., D’Errico,R. and Correia,L.M., “Comparing Off-Body Dynamic Channel Model with Real-Time Measurements”, ISMICT’2013 – 7th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology, Tokyo, Japan, Mar. 2013.

Mackowiak,M. and Correia,L.M., “MIMO Capacity Performance of Off-Body Radio Channels in a Street Environment”, submitted to PIMRC’2013 – 24th IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor, Mobile and Radio Communications, London, UK, Sep. 2013.


3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.

Manuel Sete, “HCB Power Supply Failure Alerts using Mobile Communications Systems”
GROWing meeting

Luis M. Correia, “The Mysteries of Mobile Phones”
E.S. Rio de Mouro, Rio de Mouro, Portugal

Lucio Ferreira, Luis M. Correia
NEWCOM# meeting, Paris, France

Michal Mackowiak, “Comparing Off-Body Dynamic Channel Model with Real-Time Measurements”
ISMICT’2013 – 7th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology, Tokyo, Japan

Carla Oliveira
LEXNET meeting, Paris, France

Luis M. Correia
Net!Works Steering Board, Heidelberg, Germany

Lucio Ferreira, “Open Connectivity Services for the Future Internet”
Carla Oliveira, “Perspectives for the Use of MIMO in Dynamic Body Area Networks”
GROWing meeting

Luis M. Correia, “Mobile Communications Systems”
Training Course, Maputo, Mozambique

Luis M. Correia
Carla Oliveira, “Perspectives for the Use of MIMO in Dynamic Body Area Networks”,
EuCAP 2013 – 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Gothenburg, Sweden

Mónica Branco, Sina Khatibi
MCN meeting, Aveiro, Portugal

Lucio Ferreira, “Open Connectivity Services for the Future Internet”,
WCNC’2013 – Wireless Communications Networking Conference, Shanghai, China

Luis M. Correia
Patrick Kwadwo Agyapong Ph.D. Jury, “Economic Incentives in Content-Centric Networking: Implications for Protocol Design and Public Policy”, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Luis M. Correia, Daniel Sebastião, Carla Oliveira, Michal Mackowiak
LEXNET meeting, Lisboa, Portugal


4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.

COST IC1004 –
GROW members are preparing contributions to the next meetings.

Daniel Sebastião and Carla Oliveira continued to contribute to IR5.1 “Smart low-EMF architectures: state of the art and way forward”, and prepared a contribution on life segmentation regarding EMF exposure. Carla Oliveira and Michal Mackowiak contributed to D2.1 “Current metrics for EMF exposure evaluation”, and are preparing an internal document on the state of the art on this topic. Work is also progressing on the topic of the numerical tools. Filipe Cardoso has finalised the Press Release.

Lúcio Ferreira, Mónica Branco and Sina Khatibi are working on the definition of the Wireless Cloud Architecture, within T3.5. INOV’s perspective of the Wireless Cloud Architecture was circulated within WP3 and presented in T2.3 and WP4 meeting in Aveiro. The review process to D2.1 “Reference Scenarios and Technical System Requirements Definition” has finished, with INOV’s contribution on requirements for Technical Domain B – Access Network Infrastructure Cloud.

The consolidation of the Joint Research Activities for all tasks is being prepared. Carla Oliveira and Michal Mackowiak are setting up a JRA on the topic of MIMO channel modelling for on-body communications, with PUT – Poznan Univ. of Technology.

Daniel Sebastião has finalised the work on D.A.6 “Final report on exploitation and dissemination”, which focuses on the final results for the dissemination actions held within the project. The contributions to the Final and 3rd Year Reports have also been submitted.