GROW News Mar/2008

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GROW News Mar/2008

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Vol. 3, No. 3, Mar. 2008


In this issue:

1. Theses

2. Publications

3. Conferences & Seminars

4. Projects

5. Training Courses



1. Theses

Information about M.Sc. and Ph.D. theses, submitted or published in the period, or to be defended in the next month.


This month, four GROWers graduated:

— João Lopes, “Performance of UMTS/HSDPA/HSUPA at the Cellular Level”, M.Sc., Mar. 18

— Luis Salvado, “Comparison between UMTS/HSDPA and WiMAX/IEEE 802.16e in Mobility Scenarios”, M.Sc., Mar. 24

— Salvatore Messina, “Performance Evaluation of a Wireless Mesh Network in a Campus Scenario”, M.Sc., Mar. 28

— Emanuele Tido, “Performance Evaluation of a Wireless Mesh Network in a Residential Scenario”, M.Sc., Mar. 28

Congratulations to them. We wish all the best for their professional careers.


Some more defences are already scheduled for the next month:

— Gonçalo Carpinteiro, “Performance Analysis of Fully Wireless WiFi Networks”, M.Sc., Apr. 11

— Luis Gonçalves, “Influence on capacity of interference in UMTS under simultaneous FDD and TDD”, M.Sc., Apr. 18



2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.


Daniel Sebastião, Diana Ladeira, Mónica Antunes and Luís M. Correia, “Electromagnetic Field Measurements in Schools and Hospitals”, accepted to Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) Annual Meeting 2008, San Diego, CA, USA.


Martijn Kuipers and Luis M. Correia, “Modelling MIMO Capacity Gains”, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications


Martijn Kuipers, Luis M. Correia, Albert Cortel-Carrasco, Hanae Terchouane, Man Fai Wong and Joe Wiart, “Body Shadowing in a Multipath Environment in Wireless Sensor Networks”, accepted to ICT Mobile Summit, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2008.



3. Conferences and Seminars

List of Conferences, Seminars and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held next month.



Luis M. Correia

COST DC ICT meeting, Brussels, Belgium



António Serrador, Luisa Caeiro

4WARD meeting, Aachen, Germany



Luis M. Correia

eMobility Steering Board meeting, Brussels, Belgium



António Serrador

NEWCOM++ meeting, Aachen, Germany



Daniel Sebastião, Luis M. Correia

4WARD meeting, Stockholm, Sweden



João Lopes, “Performance of UMTS/HSDPA/HSUPA at the Cellular Level”

Luis Salvado, “Comparison between UMTS/HSDPA and WiMAX/IEEE 802.16e in Mobility Scenarios”

GROWing meeting



João Lopes

M.Sc. Thesis defence



Luis Salvado

M.Sc. Thesis defence



Benny Bing visit to GROW.



Salvatore Messina, M.Sc. Thesis defence

Emanuele Tido, M.Sc. Thesis defence



António Serrador, “Impact of MIMO Systems on CRRM in Heterogeneous Networks”

Luis M. Correia

IEEE WCNC’08, Las Vegas, NV, USA.



Gonçalo Carpinteiro, “Performance Evaluation in All-Wireless Wi-Fi Networks”

GROWing meeting



Gonçalo Carpinteiro

M.Sc. Thesis defence



Luis M. Correia

NEWCOM++ Executive Board meeting, Lisbon, Portugal



Luís Gonçalves, “Influence of Interference in UMTS Capacity for Simultaneous Operation of TDD and FDD Modes”

GROWing meeting



Luis Gonçalves

M.Sc. Thesis defence



Luis M. Correia

4WARD PMT meeting, Kista, Sweden



Daniel Sebastião, “Algorithms for QoS in WiFi Networks”

David Antunes, “Performance Analysis of WiMax 802.16e Networks for Different RRM Algorithms”

GROWing meeting



4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.



Daniel Sebastião has contributed to the development of scenarios. Filipe Cardoso has finalised the contribution to the general aspects on physical layer awareness. António Serrador and Luisa Caeiro have contributed to the development of scenarios. Martijn Kuipers has circulated within the project a document on the impact of the WP5 case-studies to the Usage and Services theme-leader.


COST2100 –

Work on reference scenarios is progressing.


eMobility –

Work on service description is progressing.


monIT –

monIT was present with an exhibition stand in several events, such as the JEEC 2008 in the IST campus (Jornadas de Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores) and the FITEC in Batalha (Fórum de Inovação Tecnologia e Emprego). At these events, the attendees had the opportunity to talk with the team, trying to clear any questions regarding electromagnetic fields exposure or related issues. The measurement equipment was available as well, allowing visitors to measure their own cell phone radiation. Several actions were also performed in some schools with presentations to the students who gave very positive feedback. In addition, measurements were performed in the school’s campus, which will soon be available in the portal.



IST members of WPR.1 are preparing their contribution for DR1.1, the first deliverable of the project. António Serrador has contributed to the definition of WPR.9 work plan.



Work on wireless mesh networks is progressing.



5. Training Courses


News about training courses organised and attended by people from GROW


Benny Bing (Georgia Tech., Atlanta, GA, USA) lectured a course for industry on “Next-Generation Broadband Networks”, on 2008-03-26/27.




GROW News Feb/2008

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Vol. 3, No. 2, Feb. 2008


In this issue:

1. Publications

2. Conferences & Seminars

3. Projects




1. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.


Daniel Sebastião, Diana Ladeira, Mónica Antunes and Luís M. Correia, “Electromagnetic Field Measurements in Schools and Hospitals”, submitted to Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) Annual Meeting 2008, San Diego, CA, USA.


Daniel Sebastião, Diana Ladeira, Mónica Antunes, and Luís M. Correia, “Results from Electromagnetic Fields Continuous Measurements by the monIT Project”, submitted to 12th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA), Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Martijn Kuipers and Luis M. Correia, “Modelling the Relative MIMO Gain”, submitted to PIMRC’2008 -19th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Cannes, France.



2. Conferences and Seminars

List of Conferences, Seminars and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held next month.



Martijn Kuipers, António Serrador, Lúcio Ferreira, Luis M. Correia

COST2100 meeting, Wroclaw, Poland



Diana Ladeira, Luis M. Correia

eMobility Working on Leading Edge Applications meeting, Lisbon, Portugal



Martijn Kuipers, Lúcio Ferreira

4WARD meeting, Paris, France



Daniel Sebastião, “A brief overview of OPNET”

GROWing meeting



Luis M. Correia

CrossNet Workshop, Lisbon, Portugal



Carla Oliveira

WIPL-D Seminar, Prof. Branko Kolundja, Lisbon, Portugal



Luis M. Correia

AROMA meeting and final audit, Barcelona, Spain



Luis M. Correia, “Mobile and wireless communications: Trying to see what’s next”

DIMES Workshop, Helsinki, Finland



Carla Oliveira, Martijn Kuipers

NEWCOM++ meeting, Vienna, Austria



Luis M. Correia

COST DC ICT meeting, Brussels, Belgium



António Serrador, Luisa Caeiro

4WARD meeting, Aachen, Germany



Luis M. Correia

eMobility Steering Board meeting, Brussels, Belgium



António Serrador

NEWCOM++ meeting, Aachen, Germany



Daniel Sebastião, Luis M. Correia

4WARD meeting, Stockholm, Sweden



João Lopes, “Performance of UMTS/HSDPA/HSUPA at the Cellular Level”

Luis Salvado, “Comparison between UMTS/HSDPA and WiMAX/IEEE 802.16e in Mobility Scenarios”

GROWing meeting



João Lopes

M.Sc. Thesis defence



Luis Salvado

M.Sc. Thesis defence



3. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.



Lúcio Ferreira and Martijn Kuipers joined the WP5 – FORMUX meeting in Paris, France, dealing with the definition of generic paths and their relation to the WP dealing with information objects. The whole GROW team has been participating in the weekly phone conferences associated to each of the WPs. Filipe Cardoso has circulated within the project a document with the contribution on Physical Layer Awareness to Report R-2.1.



Luis M. Correia attended the Final Audit, which ended with a successful completion of the project, and some minor requests from the auditors. António Serrador, upon request of the auditors, has sent to the Project Manager an updated version of Deliverable 13, by inserting into it the “Simulation tools: validation and comparison” document.


COST2100 –

At the Wroclaw meeting, Martijn Kuipers, António Serrador, and Lúcio Ferreira presented papers on the work being developed. Additionally, Lúcio Ferreira led another meeting of SIG A, where several reference scenarios were presented, including presentations from Martijn Kuipers and António Serrador.


eMobility –

Diana Ladeira and Luis M. Correia attended the meeting of WG on Leading Edge Applications, where Diana Ladeira presented contributions to the service framework description.


monIT –

The project team is currently doing a review of the website contents, making some slight content changes, including new FAQs and updating links. Also, the results obtained within the global measurements report are being used to produce some papers being submitted to various conferences. Finally, the project was presented to some students of the Prof. Herculano Carvalho school who visited the IST campus during February.



Carla Oliveira and Martijn Kuipers participated in the WPR.1 meeting in Vienna, Austria, discussing the joint-collaboration with the other partners in the project, on topics such as channel modelling for BAN, MIMO and introduction of antenna characteristics into channel models. António Serrador has circulated within the WPR9 IST group, a presentation related to IST topics that will be discussed in the kick-off meeting in Barcelona next month.



Contributions to the audit, to be held next month, were circulated.



GROW News Jan/2008

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Vol. 3, No. 1, Jan. 2008


In this issue:

1. Publications

2. Conferences & Seminars

3. Projects



1. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.


António Serrador and Luis M. Correia, “A Cost Function Model for CRRM over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks”, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Jan. 2008.


Martijn Kuipers, Luis M. Correia, Albert Cortel-Carrasco, Hanae Terchouane, Man Fai Wong and Joe Wiart, “Body Shadowing in a Multipath Environment in Wireless Sensor Networks”, submitted to ICT Mobile Summit, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2008.


Mónica Antunes, Luis M. Correia and Carlos Caseiro “Impact of HSDPA Implementation on UMTS Capacity and Cell Coverage”, submitted to EW’2008 – European Wireless, Prague, Czech Republic, June 2008.



2. Conferences and Seminars

List of Conferences, Seminars and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held next month.



Martijn Kuipers, “Understanding Geometrically Based Multiple Bounce Channel Models”

GROWing meeting



Lúcio Ferreira

WIP Meeting, Paris, France



Luis M. Correia, Filipe Cardoso, Martijn Kuipers, António Serrador, Lúcio Ferreira, Luísa Caeiro, Daniel Sebastião

4WARD Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal



Salvatore Messina, “Performance Evaluation of a Wireless Mesh Network in a Campus Scenario”

Emanuele Tido, “Performance Evaluation of a Wireless Mesh Network in a Residential Scenario”

Telmo Batista, “Capacity Increase in UMTS/HSPA Through the Use of MIMO Systems ”

Armando Marques, “Modelling of Building Height Interference Dependence in UMTS”

GROWing meeting



Daniel Sebastião, Diana Ladeira, Mónica Antunes, Luis M. Correia

bioCEM – Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields and Biological Systems, Lisbon, Portugal



Diana Ladeira, “Updated results from the monIT Project EMF measurement programme”

GROWing meeting



Martijn Kuipers, António Serrador, Luis M. Correia

NEWCOM++ Meeting, Bologna, Italy



António Serrador, “Impact of MIMO Systems on CRRM in Heterogeneous Networks”

Martijn Kuipers, “Modelling the Relative MIMO Gain”

GROWing meeting



Martijn Kuipers, António Serrador, Lúcio Ferreira, Luis M. Correia

COST2100 Meeting, Wroclaw, Poland



Diana Ladeira, Luis M. Correia

eMobility Working on Leading Edge Applications meeting, Lisbon, Portugal



Martijn Kuipers, Lúcio Ferreira

4WARD Meeting, Paris, France



Daniel Sebastião, “A brief overview of OPNET”

GROWing meeting



Luis M. Correia

AROMA meeting and final audit, Barcelona, Spain



Luis M. Correia, “Mobile and wireless communications: Trying to see what’s next”

DIMES Workshop, Helsinki, Finland



3. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.



The project, a major IP in the area of the Future Internet, kicked-off this month, with the opening meeting organised by GROW. Around 120 colleagues from Europe and the USA joined to start the cooperation on the design of a new and better Internet, i.e., telecommunications networks. Luis M. Correia will be in charge of the area of Physical Layer Awareness, together with the co-leadership of Work Package 1.



This project has been finalised last month. As last contributions, António Serrador has circulated within the project the IST-TUL audit presentation contribution, and the final version of the “Simulation tools: validation and comparison” document, which will be used to reply to project reviewers.


COST2100 –

At the Wroclaw meeting, Martijn Kuipers, António Serrador, and Lúcio Ferreira will present papers on the work being developed. Additionally, Lúcio Ferreira will lead another meeting of SIG A.


eMobility –

The Platform is preparing contributions to the launching of the Future Internet Assembly, sponsored by the European Commission.


monIT –

The team completed a major report focusing on all the measurements performed in the last 5 years of activity. Several aspects, like the influence of the measurement environment, the base station topology, or the duration of the measurements, were analysed. Also, the activities report for the November 2006 to October 2007 period was completed. Both reports are already available in the monIT Project website.



The project, a Network of Excellence in the area of wireless communications, kicked-off this month, in Bologna. Luis M. Correia will be in charge of the Work Packages dealing with Integration.



A joint paper with other partners has been prepared, and submitted, by Lúcio Ferreira.




GROW News Dec/2007

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Vol. 2, No. 10, Dec. 2007


In this issue:

1. People

2. Theses

3. Publications

4. Conferences & Seminars

5. Projects




1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.


Carla Oliveira has been officially accepted as a Ph.D. student at IST. Congratulations.



2. Theses

Information about M.Sc. and Ph.D. theses, submitted or published in the period, or to be defended in the next month.


Two more GROWers graduated this month:

— Mónica Antunes, “Impact of HSDPA Implementation on UMTS Capacity and Cell Coverage”, M.Sc., Dec. 10.

— Pedro Baptista, “Impact of HSUPA Implementation on UMTS Capacity and Cell Coverage”, M.Sc., Dec. 19.

Congratulations to them. We wish all the best for their professional careers.


In the meantime, this month, 5 GROWers have delivered their M.Sc. theses (the last ones under the old “pre-Bologna” scheme) for evaluation:

— Daniel Sebastião, “Algorithms for QoS in WiFi Networks”

— David Antunes, “Performance Analysis of WiMax 802.16e Networks for Different RRM Algorithms”

— Gonçalo Carpinteiro, “Performance Analysis of Fully Wireless WiFi Networks”

— Luis Gonçalves, “Influence on capacity of interference in UMTS under simultaneous FDD and TDD”

— Luis Pires, “Optimisation of UMTS-TDD Base Stations Location for Non-Uniform Traffic Distributions”.

We are now waiting for the decision of the juries on their acceptance for defence.



3. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.


Carla Oliveira, Diana Ladeira, Daniel Sebastião, Mónica Antunes and Luis M. Correia, “The monIT Project: Conclusions from 5 Years Activities” (in Portuguese), Proc. of Congresso das Comunicações 2007, Estoril, Portugal, Dec. 2007


Lúcio S. Ferreira, Luísa Caeiro, Manuel Ferreira and Mário Serafim Nunes, “QoS Performance Evaluation of a WLAN Mesh Versus A WIMAX Network for an Isolated Village Scenario”, in Proc. of Euro FGI Workshop on IP QoS and Traffic Control, Lisbon , Portugal, Dec. 2007.


Luis M. Correia, “eMobility and eHealth: Next steps”, Proc. of ISMICT’2007 – 2nd International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology, Oulu, Finland, Dec. 2007


António Serrador, Martijn Kuipers and Luis M. Correia, “Impact of MIMO Systems on CRRM in Heterogeneous Networks”, accepted on WCNC’2008 – IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Las Vegas, NV, USA, Apr. 2008.


Lúcio S. Ferreira, Marcelo D. Amorim, Luigi Iannone, Lars Berlemann and Luis M. Correia, “Making Wireless Mesh Networking More Flexible toward Self-organizing Community Networks”, submitted to IEEE Internet Computing, Dec. 2007.



4. Conferences and Seminars

List of Conferences, Seminars and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held next month.



Luis M. Correia,

eMobility Steering Board meeting, Brussels, Belgium.



Luis M. Correia, “The monIT Project: Conclusions from 5 Years Activities” (in Portuguese),

Carla Oliveira, Diana Ladeira, Daniel Sebastião, Mónica Antunes

Congresso das Comunicações 2007, Estoril, Portugal



Luísa Caeiro, “QoS Performance Evaluation of a WLAN Mesh Versus A WIMAX Network for an Isolated Village Scenario”,

Lúcio S. Ferreira,

Euro FGI Workshop on IP QoS and Traffic Control, Lisbon , Portugal



Luis M. Correia, “eMobility and eHealth: Next steps”,

ISMICT’2007 – 2nd International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology, Oulu, Finland



Luis M. Correia,

Opponent in Jury of the Ph.D. Thesis by Attaphongse Taparugssanagorn, “Evaluation of MIMO Radio Channel Characteristics from TDM-switched MIMO Channel Sounding”, Univ. Oulu, Oulu, Finland



Carla Oliveira, Diana Ladeira, Daniel Sebastião, Mónica Antunes,

Orange Labs. Seminar on “Interactions of RF with the human being: State of knowledge”, Paris, France



5. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.


Although not a formal project, the main work of setting up the GROW website, together with an intranet for GROWers, was concluded, containing valuable information of current and former research projects as well as publications. A special “Thank You” to all of those involved in this task, namely Lúcio Ferreira and Martijn Kuipers.



This project has been finalised this month. António Serrador has circulated within the project a document with a new version of Deliverable D13, in which the WiMAX simulator developed by David Antunes was included, and the second version (integrated with other contributions) of the document on Simulators Validation and Comparison.


COST2100 –

The SIG A – “Reference Scenarios” webpage was built, containing information, documentation, and a first draft set of scenarios. It is accessible via the project website, under the Working Groups menu.



This Network of Excellence has been finalised this month. GROW has participated on WSN topics, such as: scenarios, mobility models, MIMO, effects of human body shadowing when the sensor is worn on the human body. Last but not least, a joint publication with Orange Labs. is being finalised.


monIT –

The monIT team is concluding a report on the overall measurements performed within the last 5 years of the Project. The team participated in “Congresso das Comunicações 07”, a congress involving the main players in the Portuguese field of telecommunications. It has also attended a seminar held in Paris by Orange France, on the state of the art on interactions between RF fields and the human being.



A joint paper with other partners has been prepared, and submitted, by Lúcio Ferreira.



GROW News Nov/2007

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Vol. 2, No. 9, Nov. 2007


In this issue:

1. People

2. Publications

3. Conferences & Seminars

4. Projects

5. Training Courses




1. People


Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.


GROW has a new member. Vikash Mukesh will work on his M.SC. thesis.


Additionally, Mónica Antunes became part of the monIT team.


A warm welcome to both.



2. Publications


Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.


Martijn Kuipers, Michal Mackowiak and Luis M. Correia, “Understanding Geometrically Based Multiple Bounce Channel Models”, Proc. of EuCAP 2007 – 2nd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Edinburgh, UK, Nov. 2007


Carla Oliveira, Diana Ladeira, Daniel Sebastião e Luis M. Correia, “Updated Results from the Electromagnetic Fields Monitoring Programme of the monIT Project” (in Portuguese), Proc. of XIII Jornadas de Protecção contra Radiações, Lisbon, Portugal, Nov. 2007


Carla Oliveira, Carlos C. Fernandes and Luis M. Correia, “Estimation of Exclusion Zones for Base Station Antennas in Wireless Communications Systems” (in Portuguese), Proc. of Seminar of the Portuguese Committee of URSI on “Radiocommunications – New paradigms and health impact”, Lisbon, Portugal, Nov. 2007.


Jordi Pérez-Romero, Oriol Sallent, Andrea Barbaresi, Rickard Ljung, António Serrador and Luis M. Correia, “Advanced Radio Resource Management Solutions in AROMA”, Proc. of AROMA Workshop on Trends in Radio Resource Management, Barcelona, Spain, Nov. 2007.


Lúcio S. Ferreira, Marcelo Dias de Amorim, Luigi Iannone, Lars Berlemann and Luis M. Correia, “Making Wireless Mesh Networking More Flexible toward Self-Organizing Community Networks”, submitted to IEEE Internet Computing, Special Issue on Mesh Networks (to be issued in July/August 2008)


António Serrador and Luis M. Correia, “A Model for Heterogeneous Networks Management and Performance Evaluation “, accepted on NOMS 08 – IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, Salvador, Brazil, Apr. 2008.


3. Conferences and Seminars

List of Conferences, Seminars and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held next month.



Martijn Kuipers, “Understanding Geometrically Based Multiple Bounce Channel Models”

EuCAP 2007 – 2nd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Edinburgh, UK



António Serrador, Luísa Caeiro

AROMA Workshop on Trends in Radio Resource Management, Barcelona, Spain



Carla Oliveira, “Updated Results from the Electromagnetic Fields Monitoring Programme of the monIT Project” (in Portuguese)

Diana Ladeira, Daniel Sebastião, Mónica Antunes

XIII Jornadas de Protecção contra Radiações, Lisboa, Nov. 2007



Luis M. Correia, “Estimation of Exclusion Zones for Base Station Antennas in Wireless Communications Systems” (in Portuguese),

Carla Oliveira, Diana Ladeira, Daniel Sebastião, Mónica Antunes

Seminar of the Portuguese Committee of URSI on “Radiocommunications – New paradigms and health impact”, Lisbon, Portugal, Nov. 2007.



4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.



António Serrador has circulated within the project a document with the second IST-TUL contribution to D18, and another with the first IST-TUL contribution to Simulators Validation and Comparison.




Martijn Kuipers circulated final contributions to WP240 Deliverable, on channel modelling for Body Area Networks, in a joint collaboration with France Telecom R&D.


monIT –

The continuous monitoring networks of Almada and Caldas da Rainha were deactivated; the final reports are already available at monIT’s website. The project team also was involved in several public actions, such as “Terceiras Jornadas da Inovação” (Associação Industrial Portuguesa/Universidade Técnica de Lisboa), “Jornadas da Sociedade Portuguesa de Protecção Contra Radiações” and “1.º Seminário do Comité Português da URSI” (União Radiocientífica Internacional). The project just completed five years of activities, having held a press conference where all the Project results were presented. Finally, there is a new member in the project team, Mónica Antunes.



Deliverable D2.2 “Design of the lower layer techniques for WIP Advanced Wireless Infrastructure”, edited by Lúcio S. Ferreira, was delivered to the European Commission.



5. Training Courses

News about training courses organised and attended by people from GROW


Luis M. Correia lectured a course for industry on “Exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation from Mobile Communications Systems”, on 2007-11-30.




GROW News Oct/2007

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Vol. 2, No. 8, Oct. 2007


In this issue:

1. People

2. Publications

3. Conferences & Seminars

4. Projects




1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.


Lúcio Ferreira got married to Filipa on 2007-10-05. Congratulations to both.


On 2007-10-18, Carla Oliveira got a Honourable Mention Prize in the 2006 Young Engineer Innovation Contest, promoted by the Portuguese Engineers Association (Ordem dos Engenheiros), for the work developed in her M.Sc. Thesis. Congratulations!




2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.


Martijn Kuipers, Antonio Serrador and Luis M. Correia, “Impact of MIMO Systems on CRRM in Heterogeneous Networks”, Proc. of Workshop on Smart Antennas at the 37th European Microwave Conference, Munich, Germany, Oct. 2007.


Carla Oliveira, Diana Ladeira, Daniel Sebastião e Luis M. Correia, “Updated Results from the Electromagnetic Fields Monitoring Programme of the monIT Project” (in Portuguese), accepted to XIII Jornadas de Protecção contra Radiações, Lisbon, Portugal, Nov. 2007


Carla Oliveira, Carlos C. Fernandes and Luis M. Correia, “Estimation of Exclusion Zones for Base Station Antennas in Wireless Communications Systems” (in Portuguese), accepted to Seminar of the Portuguese Committee of URSI on “Radiocommunications – New paradigms and health impact”, Lisbon, Portugal, Nov. 2007.


Lúcio S. Ferreira, Luísa Caeiro, Manuel Ferreira and Mário Serafim Nunes, “QoS Performance Evaluation of a WLAN Mesh Versus A WIMAX Network for an Isolated Village Scenario”, accepted to Euro FGI Workshop on IP QoS and Traffic Control, Lisbon, Portugal, Dec. 2007



3. Conferences and Seminars

List of Conferences, Seminars and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held next month.



Carla Oliveira, “Estimation of Exclusion Zones for Base Station Antennas in Wireless Communications Systems”,

Luis M. Correia,

VTC’2007 Fall – IEEE 66th Vehicular Technology Conference, Baltimore, MD, USA



Martijn Kuipers, “Impact of MIMO Systems on CRRM in Heterogeneous Networks”,

Workshop on Smart Antennas at the European Microwave Conference 2007, Munich, Germany.



Prof. Benny Bing (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA) visit to GROW.



Luis M. Correia,

Workshop on “Technologies, contents and services for social inclusion: Facing the digital divide and the emergence of ambient assisted living”, Lisbon Portugal



Luis M. Correia,

Demonstration by Alcatel-Lucent and Vodafone Portugal of mobile TV solution based on the DVB-SH standard, Lisbon, Portugal



Carla Oliveira, “Updated Results from the Electromagnetic Fields Monitoring Programme of the monIT Project” (in Portuguese)

XIII Jornadas de Protecção contra Radiações, Lisboa, Nov. 2007



Carla Oliveira, “Estimation of Exclusion Zones for Base Station Antennas in Wireless Communications Systems” (in Portuguese),

Seminar of the Portuguese Committee of URSI on “Radiocommunications – New paradigms and health impact”, Lisbon, Portugal, Nov. 2007.



4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.



António Serrador and Luis M. Correia attended the meeting in Aveiro, Portugal, on 2007-10-16/17. Luis M. Correia presented the IST-TUL future contributions to Deliverable 18. António Serrador has circulated within the project a document with first IST-TUL contribution to D18.



Martijn Kuipers attended the WP240 meeting on transmission issues related to WSN on 2007-10-14/15, in Archamps, France. The report is on channel modelling for Body Area Networks, leaded by Martijn Kuipers, together France Telecom R&D is about to be finalised.


monIT –

As a result of the continuous monitoring installed networks, two cooperation protocols were signed between the Project and the municipalities of Almada and Caldas da Rainha. Also, the Project is about to enter a new phase, and some reports are being prepared with the main results for all the measurements performed until now.



Deliverable D2.2 “Design of the lower layer techniques for WIP Advanced Wireless Infrastructure” is being finalised by Lúcio Ferreira (as an editor).



GROW News Sep/2007

Posted by


Vol. 2, No. 7, Sep. 2007


In this issue:

1. People

2. Publications

3. Conferences & Seminars

4. Projects



1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.


GROW continues to have more members, to do their Masters Thesis.

Two new students came to GROW within the SOCRATES/ERASMUS Student Exchange Programme, from University of L’Aquila, Italy:

— Emanuele Tido

— Salvatore Messina

Additionally, three former graduates from IST, with the “Licenciado” degree, came back:

— Jorge Venes

— Carlos Pardelinha

— Rui Cabeço


Michal Mackowiak graduated on his Master degree, on Sep. 18, with a thesis entitled “Geometrically Based Multiple Bounce MIMO Channel Model”. He went back to Warsaw, Poland. Congratulations to him, and wishes for a successful professional life.


Carla Oliveira enrolled as a Ph.D. student, and started her work in the area of MIMO and channel models for Body Area Networks.



2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.


António Serrador and Luis M. Correia, “A Cost Function for Heterogeneous Networks Performance Evaluation Based on Different Perspectives”, Proc. of 16th IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit, Budapest, Hungary, July 2007.


Mario Garcia-Lozano, Luis Alonso, Fernando Casadevall, Silvia Ruiz, and Luis M. Correia, “Enhanced Analysis of WCDMA Networks with Repeaters Deployment”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 6, No. 9, Sep. 2007, pp. 3429-3439.


António Serrador and Luis M. Correia, “Policies for a Cost Function for Heterogeneous Networks Performance Evaluation”, Proc. of PIMRC’2007 – IEEE 18th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Athens, Greece, Sep. 2007.


Antonio Serrador, Martijn Kuipers and Luis M. Correia, “Impact of MIMO Systems on CRRM in Heterogeneous Networks”, submitted to WCNC 2008 – IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Apr. 2008


Antonio Serrador and Luis M. Correia, “A Model for Heterogeneous Networks Management and Performance Evaluation”, submitted to NOMS 2008 – IEEE/IFIP Networks Operations and Management Symposium, Salvador, Brazil, Apr. 2008.



3. Conferences and Seminars

List of Conferences, Seminars and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held next month.



António Serrador, “A Cost Function for Heterogeneous Networks Performance Evaluation Based on Different Perspectives”,

Luis M. Correia

16th IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit, Budapest, Hungary.



Luis M. Correia

COST ICT Domain Committee meeting, Budapest, Hungary.



António Serrador, “Policies for a Cost Function for Heterogeneous Networks Performance Evaluation”,

Luis M. Correia,

PIMRC’2007 – IEEE 18th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Athens, Greece.



António Serrador, “Policies for a Cost Function for Heterogeneous Networks Performance Evaluation” – TD(07)313,

Lúcio Ferreira, Chairman SIG on Reference Scenarios,

Martijn Kuipers, Luis M. Correia

COST2100 3rd Meeting, Duisburg, Germany



Martijn Kuipers

1st Workshop on “Commercial MIMO-Components and -Systems Workshop”, Duisburg, Germany.



Luis M. Correia

COST ICT Domain Committee meeting, Brussels, Belgium.



Michal Mackowiak, “Geometrically Based Multiple Bounce MIMO Channel Model”

GROWing meeting.



Luis M. Correia

eMobility Steering Board meeting, Brussels, Belgium.



Luis M. Correia, organiser

eMobility Workshop on Shaping the Future of Mobile and Wireless Communications, Rome Italy



Luis M. Correia, Chairman

eMobility WG on Leading-Edge Applications meeting, Rome Italy.



Prof. Homayoun Nikookar (Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands) visit to GROW.



Luis M. Correia, Session Chairman

António Serrador

Workshop on Mobile WiMAX – Towards Ubiquitous Internet, Lisbon, Portugal.



Advanced training course on “UMTS/HSDPA & Mobile WiMAX”, lectured by Prof. Hamid Aghvami (King’s College London, London, UK), organised by GROW, Lisbon, Portugal.



Carla Oliveira, “Estimation of Exclusion Zones for Base Station Antennas in Wireless Communications Systems”,

Luis M. Correia,

VTC’2007 Fall – IEEE 66th Vehicular Technology Conference, Baltimore, MD, USA



Martijn Kuipers, “Impact of MIMO Systems on CRRM in Heterogeneous Networks”,

Workshop on Smart Antennas at the European Microwave Conference 2007, Munich, Germany.



Prof. Benny Bing (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA) visit to GROW.



4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.



António Serrador is finalising his contribution on CRRM combined with MIMO.



A collaboration under Cluster D is ongoing with France Telecom R&D, on channel modelling for Body Area Networks, leaded by Martijn Kuipers. A report is expected by next month.


monIT –

The project has monitoring networks running in Montijo, Almada, and Caldas da Rainha.



Deliverable D1.3 “Solutions: mesh networking, multi-hop relaying, cross-layer design, communities, operator/cellular assistance” has been delivered. Lúcio Ferreira contributed to this Deliverable.

Deliverable D2.2 “Design of the lower layer techniques for WIP Advanced Wireless Infrastructure” is being edited by Lúcio Ferreira.


GROW has submitted 6 project proposals in EU’s R&D FP7. It is confirmed that half of these proposals will be funded, hence, 3 new projects will start next January 2008. More news will be available after the negotiations phase is finished.



GROW News Jun /2007

Posted by


Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2007


In this issue:

1. People

2. Publications

3. Conferences & Seminars

4. Projects




1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.


As mentioned at the last issue of this NewsLetter, GROW has 6 more members, which will work on their Master theses, to be developed jointly with industry (Vodafone, Optimus and Celfinet):

— Armando Marques

— Filipe Leonardo

— Pedro Rocha

— Ricardo Preguiça

— Sara Duarte

— Telmo Batista

Actually, one of these (Pedro Rocha) is a former member of GROW, coming back to the University to do the Master. It is always good to have some one back.


António Serrador’s paper was accepted to PIMRC’2007 – IEEE 18th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications. Congratulations.



2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.


António Serrador and Luís M. Correia, “Policies for a Cost Function for Heterogeneous Networks Performance Evaluation”, accepted to PIMRC’2007 – IEEE 18th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Athens, Greece, Sep. 2007.



3. Conferences and Seminars

List of Conferences, Seminars and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held next month.



Luis M. Correia

eMobility Steering Board meeting, Brussels, Belgium



Luis M. Correia

Mobility 2008-2020: Spectrum Growth and Availability. Challenges in the Context of ITU-R WRC 2007. XV Encontro Ericsson/Semanário Económico. Lisbon, Portugal.



Prof. Marcelo Sampaio Alencar (Federal University of Campina Grande, Campina Grande, Brazil) visit to GROW.



Moe Win, “Recent Advances in Ultrawide Bandwidth Communications and Networks”

IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer Tour, IST, Lisbon, Portugal



Prof. Moe Win (MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA) visit to GROW.



António Serrador, “A Cost Function for Heterogeneous Networks Performance Evaluation Based on Different Perspectives”,

16th IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit, Budapest, Hungary.



Luis M. Correia

COST ICT Domain Committee meeting, Budapest, Hungary.



4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.



António Serrador and Luis M. Correia attended the meeting in Malmo, Sweden, on 2007-06-13/14. António Serrador presented the latest results on CRRM combined with MIMO.



A collaboration under Cluster D is being started with France Telecom R&D, on channel modelling for Body Area Networks.


monIT –

The project performed measurements in several schools in Santarém and Braga districts. Measurements were also performed in the stadium “Estádio Cidade de Coimbra”, in Coimbra. A continuous monitoring network has also been installed in Almada.



Contributions by Lúcio Ferreira to Deliverable D1.3 “Solutions: mesh networking, multi-hop relaying, cross-layer design, communities, operator/cellular assistance” have been finalised. The Deliverable is expected to be finished by the next month of July.


GROW has submitted 6 project proposals in EU’s R&D FP7. It seems that half of these proposals will be funded, but definitive results will be known only by the end of July.



GROW News May/2007

Posted by


Vol. 2, No. 5, May 2007


In this issue:

1. People

2. Publications

3. Conferences & Seminars

4. Projects



1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.


Following the proposal by Luis M. Correia of 7 topics for Master theses, it is expected that GROW will have 7 new members by June. The list will be shown in the next issue of GROWing News. Five of these proposals are to be developed jointly with industry, namely, Vodafone, Optimus and Celfinet.


António Serrador’s paper was accepted to 16th IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit, and Carla Oliveira’s was accepted to VTC’2007 Fall – IEEE 66th Vehicular Technology Conference (see below). Congratulations to both.



2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.


António Serrador and Luís M. Correia, “A Cost Function for Heterogeneous Networks Performance Evaluation”, Proc. of ConfTele’2007 – VI Conference on Telecommunications, Peniche, Portugal, May 2007.


Carla Oliveira, Carlos C. Fernandes and Luís M. Correia, “Estimation of Exclusion Zones for Base Station Antennas in Wireless Communications Systems”, Proc. of ConfTele’2007 – VI Conference on Telecommunications, Peniche, Portugal, May 2007.


Lúcio Ferreira, Martijn Kuipers, Carlos Rodrigues and Luís M. Correia, “Characterisation of Signal Penetration into Buildings for GSM and UMTS”, Proc. of ConfTele’2007 – VI Conference on Telecommunications, Peniche, Portugal, May 2007.


Martijn Kuipers and Luís M. Correia, “Evaluation of the Relative MIMO Gain”, Proc. of ConfTele’2007 – VI Conference on Telecommunications, Peniche, Portugal, May 2007.


Hugo Esteves, Mário Pereira, Luis M. Correia and Carlos Caseiro, “Impact of Intra- and Inter-Cell Interferences on UMTS-FDD”, Proc. of ConfTele’2007 – VI Conference on Telecommunications, Peniche, Portugal, May 2007.


Diana Ladeira, Pedro Costa, Luis M. Correia and Luís Santo, “Optimum Planning of UMTS Cellular Networks for Data Services Based on HSDPA”, Proc. of ConfTele’2007 – VI Conference on Telecommunications, Peniche, Portugal, May 2007.


Carla Oliveira, Diana Ladeira, Daniel Sebastião, Luís M. Correia and Carlos C. Fernandes, “Electromagnetic Fields Monitoring by the monIT Project”, Proc. of ConfTele’2007 – VI Conference on Telecommunications, Peniche, Portugal, May 2007.


Lúcio Ferreira and Rui Rocha, “Multi-Channel Clustering Algorithm to Improve Performance of WSNs”, Proc. of ConfTele’2007 – VI Conference on Telecommunications, Peniche, Portugal, May 2007.


Carla Oliveira, Daniel Sebastião, Diana Ladeira and Luis M. Correia, “The monIT Project: Electromagnetic Fields Monitoring in Portugal”, Proc. of 2nd JRC/EMF-NET Workshop on EMF Risk Communication, Stresa, Italy, May 2007.


Luis M. Correia, “eMobility: present and future challenges”, Proc. of 1st ERCIM Workshop on eMobility, Coimbra, Portugal, May 2007


Luis M. Correia, “Monitoring of Electromagnetic Radiation in Mobile Communications”, Proc. of Workshop em Radiação Electromagnética do ISEC, Coimbra, Portugal, Maio 2007.


António Serrador and Luís M. Correia, “A Cost Function for Heterogeneous Networks Performance Evaluation Based on Different Perspectives”, accepted to 16th IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit, Budapest, Hungary, July 2007.


Carla Oliveira, Carlos C. Fernandes and Luís M. Correia, “Estimation of Exclusion Zones for Base Station Antennas in Wireless Communications Systems”, accepted to VTC’2007 Fall – IEEE 66th Vehicular Technology Conference, Baltimore, MD, USA, Oct. 2007.



3. Conferences and Seminars

List of Conferences, Seminars and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held next month.



Carla Oliveira, “The monIT Project: Electromagnetic Fields Monitoring in Portugal”

2nd JRC/EMF-NET Workshop on EMF Risk Communication, Stresa, Italy

Attended by Carla Oliveira, Daniel Sebastião and Diana Ladeira



Lúcio Ferreira, “Characterisation of signal penetration into buildings for GSM and UMTS”

Carla Oliveira, “Estimation of Exclusion Zones near Base Station Antennas”

Daniel Sebastião, “Electromagnetic Fields Monitoring by the monIT Project”

GROWing meeting



António Serrador, “A Cost Function for Heterogeneous Networks Performance Evaluation”

Carla Oliveira, “Estimation of Exclusion Zones for Base Station Antennas in Wireless Communications Systems”

Lúcio Ferreira, “Characterisation of Signal Penetration into Buildings for GSM and UMTS”

Martijn Kuipers, “Evaluation of the Relative MIMO Gain”

Mário Pereira, “Impact of Intra- and Inter-Cell Interferences on UMTS-FDD”

Diana Ladeira, “Optimum Planning of UMTS Cellular Networks for Data Services Based on HSDPA”

Daniel Sebastião, “Electromagnetic Fields Monitoring by the monIT Project”

ConfTele’2007 – VI Conference on Telecommunications, Peniche, Portugal, May 2007

Attended by Luis M. Correia, António Serrador, Carla Oliveira, Lúcio Ferreira, Martijn Kuipers, Mário Pereira, Diana Ladeira, Daniel Sebastião, Hugo Esteves, Filipe Cardoso, Luisa Caeiro.



Lucio Ferreira, “Network Neutrality”

Seminar on Telecommunication Policies, IST



Luis M. Correia, “eMobility: present and future challenges”

1st ERCIM Workshop on e-Mobility, Coimbra, Portugal



Michal Mackowiak, “Geometrically Based Multiple Bounce MIMO Channel Model”

GROWing meeting



Luis M. Correia, “Exposição a Radiação Electromagnética: Aplicações aos Telemóveis”

ISEC Workshop em Radiação Electromagnética, Coimbra, Portugal



15ª Palestras sobre Comunicações Móveis

IST, Lisboa, Portugal



4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.



António Serrador has circulated within the project a document comparing all the simulators used by the several partners.



GROW hosted a CRUISE Cluster D meeting on 2007-05-29.


monIT –

An information action was performed in the Telecommunications Day (17th) in Setúbal by invitation of the ESTSetubal. Some actions were also performed in the IST campus, namely, in the Civil (22nd), North (15th) and South Tower (24th) buildings and in the Colombo Shopping Centre (25th and 26th). Measurements were performed in the Assembleia da República buildings, and a continuous monitoring network has also been installed in Montijo, a protocol having been signed on the 28th.



GROW (Lúcio Ferreira and Martijn Kuipers) has participated in a plenary meeting held at the premises of IT in Aveiro, Portugal, on 2007-05-24/25.


GROW has submitted 6 project proposals in EU’s R&D FP7. Preliminary results of the evaluation procedure are expected to be known by the end of June.



GROW News Apr/2007

Posted by


Vol. 2, No. 4, Apr. 2007


In this issue:

1. People

2. Publications

3. Conferences & Seminars

4. Projects




1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.


António Serrador presented his Ph.D. Thesis plan to the Accompanying Commission on 2007-04-10. The evaluation was positive.



2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.


Hugo Esteves, Mário Pereira, Luis M. Correia and Carlos Caseiro, “Impact of Intra- and Inter-Cell Interferences on UMTS-FDD”, Proc. of EW’2007 – 13th European Wireless Conference, Paris, France, Apr. 2007.


Diana Ladeira, Pedro Costa, Luis M. Correia and Luís Santo, “Planning of UMTS Cellular Networks for Data Services Based on HSDPA”, Proc. of EW’2007 – 13th European Wireless Conference, Paris, France, Apr. 2007.


Martijn Kuipers, António Serrador and Luis M. Correia, “Impact of MIMO Systems on CRRM in Heterogeneous Networks”, invited for Workshop on Smart Antennas / European Microwave Week, Munich, Germany, Oct. 2007


Martijn Kuipers and Luis M. Correia, “Understanding Geometrically Based Multiple Bounce Channel Models”, submitted to EuCAP’2007 – 2nd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Edinburgh, UK, Nov. 2007.



3. Conferences and Seminars

List of Conferences, Seminars and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held next month.



Pedro Costa, “Planning of UMTS Cellular Networks for Data Services Based on HSDPA”

Mário Pereira, “Impact of intra- and inter-cellular interferences in UMTS-FDD capacity”

EW’2007 – 13th European Wireless Conference, Paris, France

Attended by Hugo Esteves, Mário Pereira, Diana Ladeira, Pedro Costa, and Luis M. Correia



Luis M. Correia, “Some Results of the Research Activities of GROW”

Luis M. Correia, “Electromagnetic Fields Monitoring by the monIT Project”

JEEC, IST, Lisbon, Portugal,



Martijn Kuipers, “MIMO Channel, and its capacity dependence on cell types”

António Serrador, “A Cost Function for Heterogeneous Networks Performance Evaluation”

Diana Ladeira, “Planning of UMTS Cellular Networks for Data Services Based on HSDPA”

GROWing meeting



Carla Oliveira, “The monIT Project: Electromagnetic Fields Monitoring in Portugal”

2nd JRC/EMF-NET Workshop on EMF Risk Communication, Stresa, Italy

Attended by Carla Oliveira, Daniel Sebastião and Diana Ladeira



Lúcio Ferreira, “Characterisation of signal penetration into buildings for GSM and UMTS”

Carla Oliveira, “Estimation of Exclusion Zones near Base Station Antennas”

Daniel Sebastião, “Electromagnetic Fields Monitoring by the monIT Project”

GROWing meeting



António Serrador, “A Cost Function for Heterogeneous Networks Performance Evaluation”

Carla Oliveira, “Estimation of Exclusion Zones for Base Station Antennas in Wireless Communications Systems”

Lúcio Ferreira, “Characterisation of Signal Penetration into Buildings for GSM and UMTS”

Martijn Kuipers, “Evaluation of the Relative MIMO Gain”

Mário Pereira, “Impact of Intra- and Inter-Cell Interferences on UMTS-FDD”

Diana Ladeira, “Optimum Planning of UMTS Cellular Networks for Data Services Based on HSDPA”

Carla Oliveira, “Electromagnetic Fields Monitoring by the monIT Project”

ConfTele’2007 – VI Conference on Telecommunications, Peniche, Portugal, May 2007.



Luis M. Correia, “eMobility: present and future challenges”

1st ERCIM Workshop on e-Mobility, Coimbra, Portugal



Luis M. Correia, “Exposição a Radiação Electromagnética: Aplicações aos Telemóveis”

ISEC Workshop em Radiação Electromagnética, Coimbra, Portugal



15ª Palestras sobre Comunicações Móveis

IST, Lisboa, Portugal



4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.



António Serrador has edited Deliverable D13, “Simulation tools: final version capabilities and features”, which has been sent in within the deadline.


monIT –

The project team performed measurements in several schools and hospitals in the regions of Coimbra and Aveiro. An information action was also performed in the Ciência 2007 exhibition held in Pavilhão do Conhecimento, on Apr. 14th. monIT has also contributed to the JEEC 2007 exposition organised by the Electrical Engineering students at IST.



The project has finished.



GROW has hosted a meeting of WP2, in 2007-04-23/24.


Lúcio Ferreira, Martijn Kuipers, António Serrador and Luis M. Correia are concluding the preparation of project proposals in EU’s R&D FP7.