GROW News Feb/2013

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GROW News Feb/2013

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Vol. 8, No. 02, Feb. 2013

In this issue:
1. People
2. Publications
3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars
4. Projects


1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.

We had the visit of Prof. Fernando Pachón (Univ. Extremadura, Spain) for 1 week. It was a pleasure to have him with us.

Michal Mackowiak has submitted his Ph.D. Thesis for evaluation. Let’s wait for the jury’s assessment.


2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.

Correia,L.M., “A Perspective of the Networks of the Future and Smart Cities”, SENSORNETS’2013, Barcelona, Spain, Feb. 2013 (Keynote talk)

Mackowiak,M., Rosini,R., D’Errico,R. and Correia,L.M., “Comparing Off-Body Dynamic Channel Model with Real-Time Measurements”, ISMICT’2013 – 7th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology, Tokyo, Japan, Mar. 2013.

Cardoso,F.D., Correia,L.M., Debailie,B. and Desset,C., “MIMO Strategies for Energy Efficient Transmission in LTE Pico-cell Environments”, submitted to FuNeMS’2013 – Future Network & Mobile Summit 2013, Lisbon, Portugal, July 2013.


3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.

Ricardo Santos, “Assessment of wind turbines generators influence in aeronautical radars”
GROWing meeting

Carla Oliveira, Michal Mackowiak, Luis M. Correia
COST IC1004 MCM Meeting, Malaga, Spain.

Joana Fernandes, “Assessment of wind turbines generators influence in aeronautical navigation systems”
Jaime Pereira, “Analysis of LTE deployment in Small”
Joana Falcão, “Inter-Cell Interference in LTE Radio Networks”
Diogo Almeida, “Inter-Cell Interference Impact on LTE Performance in Urban Scenarios”
GROWing meeting

Lúcio Ferreira, Luís M. Correia, Mónica Branco, Sina Khatibi
MCN Meeting, Palermo, Italy

Luisa Caeiro
SAIL meeting, Stockholm, Sweden

Luis M. Correia, “A Perspective of the Networks of the Future and Smart Cities”
SENSORNETS’2013, Barcelona, Spain

Fernando Pachón (Univ. Extremadura, Spain), “An approach to measurements of non-ionising radiation”
GROWing meeting

Michal Mackowiak, “Comparing Off-Body Dynamic Channel Model with Real-Time Measurements”
Carla Oliveira, “Signal Correlation and Power Imbalance in Dynamic On-Body Communications
GROWing meeting

Manuel Sete, “HCB Power Supply Failure Alerts using Mobile Communications Systems”
GROWing meeting

Luis M. Correia, “The Mysteries of Mobile Phones”
E.S. Rio de Mouro, Rio de Mouro, Portugal

Lucio Ferreira, Luis M. Correia
NEWCOM# meeting, Paris, France

Michal Mackowiak, “Comparing Off-Body Dynamic Channel Model with Real-Time Measurements”
ISMICT’2013, Tokyo, Japan

Carla Oliveira
LEXNET WP2 meeting, Paris, France

Luis M. Correia
Net!Works Steering Board, Heidelberg, Germany

Lucio Ferreira, “Open Connectivity Services for the Future Internet”
Carla Oliveira, “Perspectives for the Use of MIMO in Dynamic Body Area Networks”
GROWing meeting

Filipe D. Cardoso, “Energy Efficiency using Beamforming at the Base Station in UMTS and LTE”
Filipe D. Cardoso, “MIMO Strategies for Energy Efficient Transmission in LTE Pico-cell Environments”
GROWing meeting


4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.

COST IC1004 –
Carla Oliveira and Michal Mackowiak presented updated results of their works in the Malaga meeting. Also, contributions were sent to the TWGB chairman, to be presented at ISMICT’2013.

Daniel Sebastião finalised the Portuguese version of the survey, and is contributing to IR5.1 “Smart low-EMF architectures: state of the art and way forward”. Carla Oliveira and Michal Mackowiak contributed to D2.1 “Current metrics for EMF exposure evaluation”, and are preparing an internal document on the state of the art on this topic. Work is also progressing on the topic of the numerical tools. Carla Oliveira will attend the WP2 face to face meeting in Paris. Filipe Cardoso has finalised Deliverable D7.1 – “Dissemination Plan”, and is finalising the Press Release.

Lúcio Ferreira, Mónica Branco and Sina Khatibi are working on the definition of requirements for Technical Domain B – Access Network Infrastructure Cloud, which will be part of the contribution for D2.1 “Reference Scenarios and Technical System Requirements Definition”. A state of the art on wireless cloud was circulated among all partners.

The consolidation of the Joint Research Activities for all tasks is being prepared. Carla Oliveira and Michal Mackowiak are setting up a JRA on the topic of MIMO channel modelling for on-body communications, with PUT – Poznan Univ. of Technology. Lúcio Ferreira will present the JRAs proposals and look for the partners during Track 1 meeting in Paris.

Daniel Sebastião is finalising the work for the final Deliverable of WPA, D.A.6 “Final report on exploitation and dissemination”, which focuses on the final results for the dissemination actions held within the project. Lúcio Ferreira and Luisa Caeiro are working on Deliverables D.C.2 “Architecture and Mechanisms for Connectivity Services” and D.C.4 “Applications for OConS and Evaluation”.


GROW News Jan/2013

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Vol. 8, No. 01, Jan. 2013


In this issue:

1. People

2. Publications

3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

4. Projects



1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.


RaM graduated from his Ph.D. last December. Although this was forgotten in the previous edition, it’s acknowledged in this one. We wish him all the best.



2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.


Carla Oliveira and Luís M. Correia, ” Signal Correlation and Power Imbalance in Dynamic On-Body Communications “, accepted to VTC Spring 2013 – IEEE 77th Vehicular Technology Conference, Dresden, Germany, Jun. 2013.


Michal Mackowiak and Luís M. Correia, “MIMO Capacity Analysis of Off-Body Radio Channels in a Street Environment”, accepted to VTC’2013 Spring – IEEE 77th Vehicular Technology Conference, Dresden, Germany, Jun. 2013.


Rathapon Saruthirathanaworakun, Jon M. Peha and Luis M. Correia, “Gray-Space Spectrum Sharing between Multiple Rotating Radars and Cellular Network Hotspots”, accepted to VTC’2013 Spring – IEEE 77th Vehicular Technology Conference, Dresden, Germany, Jun. 2013.


Filipe D. Cardoso, Luis M. Correia, Sven Petersson and Mauro Boldi, “Beamforming Strategies for Energy Efficient Transmission in LTE”, accepted to VTC’2013 Spring – IEEE 77th Vehicular Technology Conference, Dresden, Germany, Jun. 2013.


Luis M. Correia, “A Perspective of the Networks of the Future and Smart Cities”, invited to SENSORNETS’2013 – 2nd International Conference on Sensor Networks, Barcelona, Spain, Feb. 2013 (keynote speaker).



3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.



Lúcio S. Ferreira, Luisa Caeiro

SAIL WPC meeting, Hamburg, Germany



Luis M. Correia

Workshop on Cloud Computing, Lisbon, Portugal



Luis M. Correia, “A Perspective of the Internet of Things within Mobile Communications in Smart Cities”

Vodafone Technology Watch Workshop, Lisbon, Portugal



Ricardo Santos, “Assessment of wind turbines generators influence in aeronautical radars”

GROWing meeting



Carla Oliveira, Michal Mackowiak, Luis M. Correia

COST IC1004 MCM Meeting, Malaga, Spain.



Joana Fernandes, “Assessment of wind turbines generators influence in aeronautical navigation systems”

Jaime Pereira, “Analysis of LTE deployment in Small”

Joana Falcão, “Inter-Cell Interference in LTE Radio Networks”

Diogo Almeida, “Inter-Cell Interference Impact on LTE Performance in Urban Scenarios”



Lúcio Ferreira, Luís M. Correia, Mónica Branco, Sina Khatibi

MCN Meeting, Palermo, Italy.



Luis M. Correia, “A Perspective of the Networks of the Future and Smart Cities”

SENSORNETS’2013, Barcelona, Spain



Fernando Pachón (Univ. Extremadura, Spain), “An approach to measurements of non-ionising radiation”

GROWing meeting



4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.


COST IC1004 –

Carla Oliveira and Michal Mackowiak are preparing contributions for the next meeting in Malaga.



An inquiry is being prepared, to try to understand the concerns of people regarding the exposure to electromagnetic fields. Daniel Sebastião is starting to prepare the contribution on IR5.1 “Smart low-EMF architectures: state of the art and way forward”. Carla Oliveira and Michal Mackowiak are preparing the contribution to D2.1 “Current metrics for EMF exposure evaluation”. Work is also progressing on the topic of the numerical tools. Filipe Cardoso has finalised deliverable D7.1 – “Dissemination Plan”.



Lúcio Ferreira, Sina Khatibi and Mónica Branco are working on the definition of scenarios. Sina Khatibi and Mónica Branco are preparing a state of the art on wireless cloud.



The consolidation of the Joint Research Activity for all tasks is being prepared. Carla Oliveira and Michal Mackowiak are seeking out a partner on the topic of MIMO channel modelling for on-body communications.



Daniel Sebastião is preparing the final Deliverable of WPA, D.A.6 “Final report on exploitation and dissemination”, which focus on the final results for the dissemination actions held within the project. The final issue of the Newsletter is also being prepared. Lúcio Ferreira and Luisa Caeiro are working on the deliverables D.C.2 “Architecture and Mechanisms for Connectivity Services” and on D.C.4 “Applications for OConS and Evaluation”.


GROW News Dec/2012

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Vol. 7, No. 09, Dec. 2012


In this issue:
1. People
2. Publications
3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars
4. Projects


1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.

GROW has 2 more members on board, João Martins and Pedro Martins, which will work on their M.Sc. theses for the remaining of this academic year. They are very much welcome.


2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.

Lucio S. Ferreira, Ramón Agüero, Luisa Caeiro, Avi Miron, Michael Soellner, Peter Schoo, Lucian Suciu, Andreas Timm-Giel, Asanga Udugama, “Open Connectivity Services for the Future Internet”, accepted to WCNC’2013 – Wireless Communications Networking Conference, Shanghai, China, Apr. 2013.

Carla Oliveira and Luís M. Correia, “Perspectives for the Use of MIMO in Dynamic Body Area Networks”, accepted to EUCAP’2013 – 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Gothenburg, Sweden, Apr. 2013.

Michal Mackowiak, Ramona Rosini, Raffaele D’Errico and Luis M. Correia, “Comparing Off-Body Dynamic Channel Model with Real-Time Measurements”, accepted to ISMICT’2013 – 7th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology, Tokyo, Japan, Mar. 2013.


3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.

Luis M. Correia
Net!Works Steering Board meeting (Barcelona, Spain)

RaM, “Gray-Space Spectrum Sharing with Cellular Systems and Radars, and Policy Implications”
GROWing meeting

Luis M. Correia, jury for Olivier Barder’s HDR
University of Rennes I, Lannion, France,

Luis M. Correia
SAIL project meeting, Paris, France,

Lúcio Ferreira, Sina Khatibi
Mobile Cloud Networking, workshop on the OpenEPC prototype implementation, Berlin, Germany

Lúcio S. Ferreira, Luisa Caeiro
SAIL WPC meeting, Hamburg, Germany

Luis M. Correia, “A Perspective of the Internet of Things within Mobile Communications in Smart Cities”
Vodafone Technology Watch Workshop, Lisbon, Portugal


4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.

COST IC1004 –
Carla Oliveira and Michal Mackowiak are preparing contributions for the next meeting in Malaga.

Work has begun. Filipe Cardoso is preparing Deliverable D7.1 – “Dissemination Plan”. The final version will be issued until the end of January.

Lúcio Ferreira, Sina Khatibi and Mónica Branco are working on the definition of scenarios. Sina Khatibi and Mónica Branco are preparing a state of the art on Wireless Cloud.

The proposals of the Joint Research Activity are being prepared.

Lúcio Ferreira and Luisa Caeiro are working on their contribution for the final deliverable D.C.4 “Applications for OConS and Evaluation”. They will attend a meeting in Hamburg for the final edition of Deliverable D.C.2 “Architecture and Mechanisms for Connectivity Services”. Daniel Sebastião is preparing the final Deliverable of WPA (D.A.6), which focus on the final results for the dissemination actions held within the project.


GROW News Nov/2012

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Vol. 7, No. 08, Nov. 2012

In this issue:
1. People
2. Publications
3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars
4. Projects


1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.

Armanda Martins, André Pires and Marco Antunes graduated with the M.Sc. this month. Congratulations to all of them, and all the best for the future. Armanda had already a career at ANACOM, so it’s a special achievement. André and Marco are starting a career now, so, good luck.


2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.

Carla Oliveira, Daniel Sebastião, Mónica Branco, Luís M. Correia, “Resultados atualizados das medidas de campo eletromagnético realizadas pelo Projeto monIT”/“Updated results from EMF measurements performed by Project monIT” (in Portuguese), Actas do 6º Congresso do Comité Português da URSI, Lisboa, Portugal, Nov. 2012.

Daniel Sebastião, Mónica Antunes, Carla Oliveira and Luis M. Correia, “Caracterização da utilização de telemóveis por jovens em Portugal”/”Characterisation of the use of mobile phones by youngsters in Portugal” (in Portuguese), Actas do Terceiro Congresso de Protecção Contra Radiações de Países e Comunidades de Língua Portuguesa, Lisboa, Portugal, Nov. 2012

Michal Mackowiak, R. Rosini, R. D’Errico and Luís M. Correia, “Comparing Off-Body Dynamic Channel Model with Real-Time Measurements”, submitted to ISMICT 2013 – 7th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology, Tokyo, Japan, Mar. 2013.


3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.

Luís M. Correia, Carla Oliveira, Daniel Sebastião, Michal Mackowiak
LEXNET project meeting, Becici, Montenegro

Luis M. Correia, moderator of panel “Requirements from Networking to Horizon 2020”
Net!Works Event 2012, Brussels, Belgium

Armanda Martins, “Evaluation of data applications quality of service over UMTS”
GROWing meeting

Lúcio Ferreira, Mónica Branco, Sina Khatibi
MCN – Mobile Cloud Networking project meeting, Zurich, Switzerland

Daniel Sebastião, “Resultados atualizados das medidas de campo eletromagnético realizadas pelo Projeto monIT”/“Updated results from EMF measurements performed by Project monIT
6º Congresso do Comité Português da URSI, Lisboa, Portugal

André Pires, “Coverage and Efficiency Performance Evaluation of LTE in Urban Scenarios”
Marco Antunes, “Estimation of exclusion regions in LTE base stations co-located with GSM/UMTS”
GROWing meeting

Daniel Sebastião, “Caracterização da utilização de telemóveis por jovens em Portugal”/”Characterisation of the use of mobile phones by youngsters in Portugal”
Proteção 2012 – Segundo Congresso Português de Proteção Contra Radiações, Lisboa, Portugal

Carla Oliveira, Michal Mackowiak
Newcom# project meeting, Pisa, Italy

Luis M. Correia
Net!Works Steering Board meeting (Barcelona, Spain)

RaM, “Gray-Space Spectrum Sharing with Cellular Systems and Radars, and Policy Implications”
GROWing meeting

Luis M. Correia, jury for Olivier Barder’s HDR
University of Rennes I, Lannion, France,

Luis M. Correia
SAIL project meeting, Paris, France,

Lúcio Ferreira, Sina Khatibi
Mobile Cloud Networking, workshop on the OpenEPC prototype implementation, Berlin, Germany


4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.

COST IC1004 –
Carla Oliveira and Michal Mackowiak are preparing contributions for the next meeting in Malaga.

Work has begun. Carla Oliveira, Daniel Sebastião, Luís M. Correia and Michal Mackowiak attended the kick-off meeting. Filipe Cardoso is preparing Deliverable D7.1 – “Dissemination Plan”; the draft version will be circulated before Christmas.

Mobile Cloud Networking –
Lúcio Ferreira, Sina Khatibi and Mónica Branco participated in the kick-off meeting. Lúcio Ferreira and Sina Khatibi will participate in a workshop on the OpenEPC in Berlin.

Carla Oliveira and Michal Mackowiak participated at the kick-off meeting. The proposals of the Joint Research Activity are being prepared.

Lúcio Ferreira and Luisa Caeiro are working on the definition of the architecture for deliverable D.C.2 “Architecture and Mechanisms for Connectivity Services”, and on their contribution for the final Deliverable D.C.4 “Applications for OConS and Evaluation”.


GROW News Oct/2012

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Vol. 7, No. 07, Oct. 2012


In this issue:

1. People

2. Publications

3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

4. Projects




1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.


We moved.


Since Oct. 1st, GROW is not part of INOV-INESC, as you can see from the website address above.



2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.


Michal Mackowiak, Carla Oliveira and Luis M. Correia, “Radiation Pattern of Wearable Antennas: A Statistical Analysis of the Influence of the Human Body”, International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, Vol. 19, No. 3, Sep. 2012, pp. 209-218.


Carla Oliveira and Luís M. Correia, “A Comparison of Phantom Models for On-Body Communications”, Proc. of PIMRC’2012 – 23rd IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor, Mobile and Radio Communications, Sydney, Australia, Sep. 2012.


Michal Mackowiak and Luís M. Correia, “Correlation Analysis in Off-Body Radio Channels in a Street Environment”, Proc. of PIMRC’2012 – 23rd IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor, Mobile and Radio Communications, Sydney, Australia, Sep. 2012.


Tiago Gonçalves, Filipe D. Cardoso and Luis M. Correia, “Energy Efficiency using Beamforming at the Base Station in UMTS and LTE”, Proc. of SoftCOM’2012 – 20th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, Split, Croatia, Sep. 2012.


Filipe D. Cardoso, Rodolfo Torrea-Duran, Claude Desset and Luis M. Correia, “MIMO Strategies for Energy Efficient Transmission in LTE Pico-cell Environments”, Proc. of SoftCOM’2012 – 20th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, Split, Croatia, Sep. 2012.


Lucio S. Ferreira and Luis M. Correia, “Service for Management of Connectivity in Spontaneous Community-Based Wireless Mesh Networks”, Proc. of MONAMI’2012 – 4th International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management, Hamburg, Germany, Sep. 2012.


Luisa Caeiro, Filipe D. Cardoso and Luis M. Correia, “OConS Supported On Demand Radio Resource Allocation for Virtual Connectivity”, Proc. of MONAMI’2012 – 4th International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management, Hamburg, Germany, Sep. 2012.


Lucio S. Ferreira and Luis M. Correia, “Efficient and Fair Radio Resources Allocation for Spontaneous Multi-Radio Wireless Mesh Networks”, Proc. of ISSSE 2012 – International Symposium on Signals, Systems and Electronics, Potsdam, Germany, Oct. 2012.


Carla Oliveira, Daniel Sebastião, Mónica Branco, Luís M. Correia, “Resultados atualizados das medidas de campo eletromagnético realizadas pelo Projeto monIT”/“Updated results from EMF measurements performed by Project monIT”, accepted to 6º Congresso do Comité Português da URSI, Lisboa, Portugal, Nov. 2012.


Lucio S. Ferreira, Ramón Agüero, Luisa Caeiro, Avi Miron, Michael Soellner, Peter Schoo, Lucian Suciu, Andreas Timm-Giel and Asanga Udugama, “Open Connectivity Services for the Future Internet”, submitted to WCNC’2013 – Wireless Communications Networking Conference, Shanghai, China, Apr. 2013.


Carla Oliveira and Luis M. Correia, “Perspectives for the use of MIMO in Dynamic Body Area Networks”, submitted to EuCAP’2013 – 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Gothenburg, Sweden, Apr. 2013.


Carla Oliveira and Luis M. Correia, “Signal Correlation and Power Imbalance in Dynamic On-Body Communications”, submitted to VTC’2013-Spring – 77th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Dresden, Germany, June 2013.


Filipe D. Cardoso, Luis M. Correia, Sven Petersson and Mauro Boldi, “Beamforming Strategies for Energy Efficient Transmission in LTE”, submitted to VTC’2013-Spring – 77th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Dresden, Germany, June 2013.


Filipe D. Cardoso, Luis M. Correia, Claude Desset and Bjorn Debaillie, “A Linearised Power Model for LTE Base Stations”, submitted to VTC’2013-Spring – 77th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Dresden, Germany, June 2013.



3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.



Luis M. Correia

Carla Oliveira, “A Comparison of Phantom Models for On-Body Communications”

Michal Mackowiak, “Correlation Analysis in Off-Body Radio Channels in a Street Environment”

PIMRC’2012 – 23rd IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor, Mobile and Radio Communications, Sydney, Australia



Tiago Gonçalves, “Energy Efficiency using Beamforming at the Base Station in UMTS and LTE”

Filipe D. Cardoso, “MIMO Strategies for Energy Efficient Transmission in LTE Pico-cell Environments”

SoftCOM’2012 – 20th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, Split, Croatia



Luis M. Correia, “Energy Efficiency in Mobile Cellular Networks”,

CSIRO International Workshop on Hot Topics in Mobile and Personal Communications, Sydney, Australia



Luis M. Correia, Daniel Sebastião, João Gonçalves, Lúcio S. Ferreira, Luísa Caeiro

SAIL project meeting, Bristol, UK.



Carla Oliveira, “Signal Correlation and Power Imbalance in Dynamic On-Body Communications”

Michal Mackowiak and Luis M. Correia, “Correlation Analysis in Off-Body Radio Channels in a Street Environment”.

COST IC10014 Action meeting, Bristol, UK



Luis M. Correia

Net!Works Steering Board meeting, Oslo, Norway



Lúcio S. Ferreira, “Service for Management of Connectivity in Spontaneous Community-Based Wireless Mesh Networks”

Luisa Caeiro, “OConS Supported On Demand Radio Resource Allocation for Virtual Connectivity”

MONAMI’2012 – 4th International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management, Hamburg, Germany



Lúcio S. Ferreira, “Efficient and Fair Radio Resources Allocation for Spontaneous Multi-Radio Wireless Mesh Networks”,

ISSSE 2012 – International Symposium on Signals, Systems and Electronics, Potsdam, Germany



Luis M. Correia, “Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação em Sistemas Inteligentes de Transportes” / “Information and Communication Technologies in Intelligent Transportation Systems”

Seminário da Ordem dos Engenheiros sobre Sistemas e Tecnologias Inteligentes de Transportes, Lisboa, Portugal



Luis M. Correia, moderator of panel “Networks with a Human Face”

ITU Telecom World Forum 2012, Dubai, UAE,



Luis M. Correia, “Smart Cities: Applications and Challenges”

WWRF Workshop on the Wireless World 2020, Berlin, Germany



Luís M. Correia, Carla Oliveira, Daniel Sebastião, Michal Mackowiak

LEXNET project meeting, Becici, Montenegro



Luis M. Correia, moderator of panel “Requirements from Networking to Horizon 2020”

Net!Works Event 2012, Brussels, Belgium



Lúcio Ferreira, Mónica Branco, Sina Khatibi

MobileCloud Networking project meeting, Zurich, Switzerland



Carla Oliveira, Michal Mackowiak

Newcom# project meeting, Pisa, Italy



4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.


COST IC1004 –

Carla Oliveira and Michal Mackowiak presented their works at the MCM meeting held in Bristol, UK. New contributions are being prepared for the next meeting in Malaga.


monIT –

monIT ended this month of October.



João Gonçalves and Daniel Sebastião finalised their contributions to Deliverable, D.A.8 “Evaluation of business models”. Lúcio Ferreira and Luisa Caeiro are working on their contribution for the final Deliverable D.C.4 “Applications for OConS and Evaluation”.



The project starts on Nov. 1st.


Mobile Cloud Networking –

The project starts on Nov. 1st.



The project starts on Nov. 1st.



GROW News Jun/2012

Posted by

Vol. 7, No. 06, Jun 2012

In this issue:
1. People
2. Publications
3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars
4. Projects


1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.

GROW got 5 new members, which will start their M.Sc. Thesis work next September: Ricardo Santos, Diogo Almeida, Jaime Pereira, Joana Falcão, and Joana Fernandes.

Manuel Sete, an engineer from Hidroeletrica de Cahora Bassa (Mozambique), and a student of MERSC at ISUTC, Maputo, Mozambique, performing the M.Sc. thesis under the supervision of Luis M. Correia, visited GROW during the week 25/29 June.

Bhavies Narendra, an engineer from Vodacom (Mozambique), and a student of MERSC at ISUTC, Maputo, Mozambique, performing the M.Sc. thesis under the supervision of Luis M. Correia, will visit GROW during the week 9/13 July.

STAR WARM, Episode XII, will take place in Monsaraz on July 14th. As usual, it will be a gathering of the members of GROW and their families.


2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.

T. Gonçalves, F. Cardoso and L.M. Correia, “Energy Efficiency using Beamforming at the Base Station in UMTS and LTE”, submitted to SoftCOM’2012 – 20th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, Split, Croatia, Sep. 2012.

F. Cardoso, R. Torrea-Duran, C. Desset and L.M. Correia, “MIMO Strategies for Energy Efficient Transmission in LTE Pico-cell Environments”, submitted to SoftCOM’2012 – 20th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, Split, Croatia, Sep. 2012.

M. Mackowiak, C. Oliveira and L.M. Correia, “Radiation Pattern of Wearable Antennas: A Statistical Analysis of the Influence of the Human Body”, accepted to International Journal of Wireless Information Networks.


3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.

Carla Oliveira, Michal Mackowiak
COST IC1004 Training School on “Wireless Body Area Networks”, Bologna, Italy

Luis M. Correia, “A Perspective of the Networks of the Future and Smart Cities”
ARC6 – Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication et Usages Informatiques Innovants, Lyon, France

Luis M. Correia
ICC’2012 – IEEE International Conference on Communications, Ottawa, Canada

Carla Oliveira, Michal Mackowiak “CST Simulations for Body Area Networks”
CST System Integrity Workshop Series 2012, Lisbon, Portugal

Slawomir J. Ambroziak, “Path Loss Modelling in Container Terminal Environment”
Rathapon Saruthirathanaworakun, “Performance of Data Services in Cellular Networks Sharing Spectrum with a Single Rotating Radar”
GROWing Meeting

Luis M. Correia
Net!Works Steering Board, Lisbon, Portugal

Rathapon Saruthirathanaworakun, “Performance of Data Services in Cellular Networks Sharing Spectrum with a Single Rotating Radar”,
CORAL’2012 – 1st IEEE Workshop on Emerging Cognitive Radio Applications and Algorithms, San Francisco, CA, USA

Luisa Caeiro, Sina Khatibi
SAIL Summer School on “Future Internet explained – today!”, Santander, Spain

Meeting of all GROW members, since the beginning of activity, commemorating the 20th anniversary.
Lisbon, Portugal

Luis M. Correia
Future Network and MobileSummit’2012, Berlin, Germany

Luis M. Correia
Ph.D. Jury of Hernan Cordova, Brussels, Belgium

Luis M. Correia, “A Perspective of the Networks of the Future and Smart Cities” (keynote)
ICETE’2012 – 9th International Joint Conference on E-business and Telecommunications, Rome, Italy


4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.

COST IC1004 –
Carla Oliveira and Michal Mackowiak are preparing contributions to the next MCM meeting, in Bristol, UK.

The project finished this month. Luis M. Correia finalised the report on dissemination.

Net!Works –
Luis M. Correia is editing the next edition of the Strategic Research Agenda.

monIT –
Prémio monIT 2012 is reaching its final stage! The students’ projects were delivered on May 18th, the 10 finalists were announced on June 15th, and the final ceremony will be held on June 30th! Three new continuous monitoring networks are being installed in Aljezur, Póvoa de Varzim e Porto de Mós. As usual, these will be active for around 3 months.

João Gonçalves and Daniel Sebastião continue to prepare contributions to the next Deliverable, D.A.8 “Evaluation of business models”. Lúcio Ferreira and Luisa Caeiro are working on the Open Connectivity Services (OConS) Architectural Framework, namely the OConS Orchestration function and its procedures, a contribution to deliverable D.C 2 “Architecture and Mechanisms for Connectivity Services”. Lúcio Ferreira was invited to chair a workshop on Open Connectivity Services at the MONAMI 2012 conference in Hamburg, Germany, on Sep. 2012


GROW News May/2012

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Vol. 7, No. 05, May 2012

In this issue:
1. People
2. Publications
3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars
4. Projects


1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.

António Serrador graduated with the Ph.D. this month. It’s always good to see someone achieving this goal, and we wish him all the best for his “after-Ph.D.” life.

Cesaltina Ricardo left GROW, to embrace a professional career in a company. We also wish her all the best for her professional life.

João Gonçalves finished his work in the SAIL project, and left GROW as well. He’ll continue his professional career in the area of telecommunications, and we wish him all the best as well.


2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.

Antonio Serrador, “Joint Radio Resource Management in Heterogeneous Networks”, Ph.D. thesis, IST, Lisbon, Portugal

António Serrador and Luis M. Correia, “A Model to Evaluate Vertical Handovers on JRRM”, Proc. of HetsNets’2012 – Future Heterogeneous Networks Workshop at Networking’2012 – 11th IFIP International Conference on Networking, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2012

Michal Mackowiak and Luís M. Correia, “Correlation Analysis in Off-Body Radio Channels in a Street Environment”, accepted to PIMRC’2012 – 23rd IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor, Mobile and Radio Communications, Sydney, Australia, Sep. 2012.

Carla Oliveira and Luís M. Correia, “A Comparison of Phantom Models for On-Body Communications”, accepted to PIMRC’2012 – 23rd IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor, Mobile and Radio Communications, Sydney, Australia, Sep. 2012.

Rathapon Saruthirathanaworakun, Jon M. Peha, and Luis M. Correia, “Gray-Space Spectrum Sharing between Multiple Rotating Radars and Cellular Network Hotspots”, submitted to DySPAN’2012 – IEEE Symposium on New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks, Washington, DC, USA, Oct. 2012.

Rathapon Saruthirathanaworakun, Jon M. Peha, and Luis M. Correia, “Opportunistic Sharing between Rotating Radar and Cellular”, submitted to IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Special Issue on Cognitive Radio.


3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.

Carla Oliveira, “A Comparison of Phantom Models for On-Body Communications”
Luis M. Correia
COST IC10014, Lyon, France

Luis M. Correia
Smart Cities for Sustainable Growth, Lisbon, Portugal

Luis M. Correia, Filipe Cardoso, António Serrador
EARTH meeting, Leuven, Belgium

Lúcio Ferreira, Luisa Caeiro
SAIL meeting, Torino, Italy

Daniel Sebastião, “Usage of Mobile Phones and Concerns on Electromagnetic Radiation of Portuguese Youngsters”,
7th ICNIRP International NIR Workshop, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Luis M. Correia
Future Internet Assembly, Aalborg, Denmark

António Serrador, “Joint Radio Resource Management in Heterogeneous Networks”
GROWing meeting

Luis M. Correia, “A Perspective of the Networks of the Future and Smart Cities”
Seminários de Eng. Eletrotécnica, IPL, Leiria, Portugal

Luis M. Correia
20as. Palestras sobre Comunicações Móveis, Lisboa, Portugal

António Serrador, “A Model to Evaluate Vertical Handovers on JRRM”,
HetsNets’2012 – Future Heterogeneous Networks Workshop at Networking’2012 – 11th IFIP International Conference on Networking, Prague, Czech Republic

Luis M. Correia, Daniel Sebastião, João Gonçalves
SAIL meeting, Helsinki, Finland

Carla Oliveira, Michal Mackowiak
COST IC1004 Training School on “Wireless Body Area Networks”, Bologna, Italy

Luis M. Correia, “A Perspective of the Networks of the Future and Smart Cities”
ARC6 – Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication et Usages Informatiques Innovants, Lyon, France

Luis M. Correia
ICC’2012 – IEEE International Conference on Communications, Ottawa, Canada

Slawomir J. Ambroziak, “Path Loss Modelling in Container Terminal Environment”
Rathapon Saruthirathanaworakun, “Performance of Data Services in Cellular Networks Sharing Spectrum with a Single Rotating Radar”
GROWing Meeting

Luis M. Correia
Net!Works Steering Board, Lisbon, Portugal

Rathapon Saruthirathanaworakun, “Performance of Data Services in Cellular Networks Sharing Spectrum with a Single Rotating Radar”,
CORAL’2012 – 1st IEEE Workshop on Emerging Cognitive Radio Applications and Algorithms, San Francisco, CA, USA

Luisa Caeiro, Sina Khatibi
SAIL Summer School on “Future Internet explained – today!”, Santander, Spain

Meeting of all GROW members, since the beginning of activity, commemorating the 20th anniversary.
Lisbon, Portugal


4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.

COST IC1004 –
Carla Oliveira presented a contribution at the MCM meeting, in Lyon, France.

Filipe Cardoso and António Serrador finalised the contributions to the Deliverables, D3.3 “Final report on green network technologies”, D4.3 “Final report on green radio technologies”, and D6.4 “Final integrated concept”.

Net!Works –
Luis M. Correia presented contributions at the FIA workshop, and is preparing the next edition of the Strategic Research Agenda.

monIT –
Two actions were held in secondary schools during May, with 44 schools visited this year by the monIT team. monIT presented a poster in the 7th ICNIRP NIR Workshop, held in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. Regarding Prémio monIT, the final projects were delivered on May 18th. The selection jury is now evaluating them and the 10 finalists will be chosen until June 15th..

João Gonçalves and Daniel Sebastião prepared contributions to the next Deliverable, D.A.8 “Evaluation of business models”, which were discussed at the meeting in Helsinki. Lúcio Ferreira and Luisa Caeiro are working on the Open Connectivity Services (OConS) Architectural Framework, namely the OConS Orchestration function and its procedures, a contribution to deliverable D.C 2 “Architecture and Mechanisms for Connectivity Services”.


GROW News Apr/2012

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Vol. 7, No. 04, Apr. 2012

In this issue:
1. People
2. Publications
3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars
4. Projects



1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.

One more GROW member finalised his M.Sc. thesis, Diogo Silva. We wish him good luck in his professional career.


2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.

Filipe Cardoso and Luís M. Correia, “MIMO Gain and Energy Efficiency in LTE”, Proc. of WCNC’2012 – IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Paris, France, Apr. 2012.

Luis M. Correia, “Application of Information and Communication Technologies to Municipalities” (in Portuguese), Proc. of 8ª Urbaverde – Cidades do Futuro, Porto, Portugal, Apr. 2012.

Luisa Caeiro, Filipe Cardoso, and Luis M. Correia, “Adaptive allocation of virtual radio resources over heterogeneous wireless networks”, Proc. of EW’2012 – 18th European Wireless Conference, Poznan, Poland, Apr. 2012.

Michal Mackowiak and Luís M. Correia, “Towards a Radio Channel Model for Off-Body Communications in a Multipath Environment”, Proc. of EW’2012 – 18th European Wireless Conference, Poznan, Poland, Apr. 2012.

Tiago Gonçalves, Luis M. Correia, Filipe Cardoso, “Energy Efficiency using Beamforming at the Base Station in UMTS and LTE”, submitted to ISWCS’2012 – 9th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, Paris, France, Aug. 2012.

Rathapon Saruthirathanaworakun, Jon M. Peha, and Luis M. Correia, “Performance of Data Services in Cellular Networks Sharing Spectrum with a Single Rotating Radar”, accepted to CORAL’2012 – 1st IEEE Workshop on Emerging Cognitive Radio Applications and Algorithms, San Francisco, CA, USA, June 2012.


3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.

Filipe Cardoso, “MIMO Gain and Energy Efficiency in LTE”,
WCNC’2012 – IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Paris, France

Diogo Silva, “Energy efficient solutions in GSM/UMTS based on traffic profiling models”
GROWing meeting

Luis M. Correia, “Application of Information and Communication Technologies to Municipalities” (in Portuguese)
8ª Urbaverde – Cidades do Futuro, Porto, Portugal

Michal Mackowiak, “Towards a Radio Channel Model for Off-Body Communications in a Multipath Environment”,
Luisa Caeiro, “Adaptive allocation of virtual radio resources over heterogeneous wireless networks”, Luís M. Correia
EW’2012 – 18th European Wireless Conference, Poznan, Poland

Daniel Sebastião, Carla Oliveira, Luís M. Correia
COST BM0704 Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal

Carla Oliveira, “A Comparison of Phantom Models for On-Body Communications”
Luis M. Correia
COST IC10014, Lyon, France

Luis M. Correia
Smart Cities for Sustainable Growth, Lisbon, Portugal

Luis M. Correia, Filipe Cardoso, António Serrador
EARTH meeting, Leuven, Belgium

Lúcio Ferreira, Luisa Caeiro
SAIL meeting, Torino, Italy

Daniel Sebastião, “Usage of Mobile Phones and Concerns on Electromagnetic Radiation of Portuguese Youngsters”,
7th ICNIRP International NIR Workshop, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Luis M. Correia
Future Internet Assembly, Aalborg, Denmark

António Serrador, “Joint Radio Resource Management in Heterogeneous Networks”
GROWing meeting

Luis M. Correia, “A Perspective of the Networks of the Future and Smart Cities”
Seminários de Eng. Eletrotécnica, IPL, Leiria, Portugal

Luis M. Correia
20as. Palestras sobre Comunicações Móveis, Lisboa, Portugal

Luis M. Correia, Daniel Sebastião, João Gonçalves
SAIL meeting, Helsinki, Finland


4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.

COST IC1004 –
Carla Oliveira is preparing a contribution to the next MCM meeting, to be held in Lyon, France, in May.

Filipe Cardoso and António Serrador delivered the contributions to the next Deliverables, D3.3 “Final report on green network technologies”, D4.3 “Final report on green radio technologies”, and D6.4 “Final integrated concept”.

Net!Works –
Luis M. Correia is preparing contributions to the FIA workshop, as well as to the next edition of the Strategic Research Agenda.

monIT –
Four actions were held in secondary schools during April, and more are scheduled for the upcoming month. A continuous measurement equipment was installed in Reguengos de Monsaraz (in cooperation with the local Centro de Novas Oportunidades). Regarding Prémio monIT, the training actions on the measurement equipment were finalised. The next deadline is the delivery of the final report, by May 18th.

João Gonçalves and Daniel Sebastião are preparing contributions to the next Deliverable, D.A.8 “Evaluation of business models”. Lúcio Ferreira and Luisa Caeiro are working on the refinement of the Open Connectivity Services (OConS) Architectural Framework, namely the OConS Orchestration function and its procedures, a contribution to deliverable D.C 2 “Architecture and Mechanisms for Connectivity Services”.


GROW News Mar/2012

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Vol. 7, No. 03, Mar. 2012

In this issue:
1. Publications
2. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars
3. Projects


1. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.

Carla Oliveira, Michal Mackowiak and Luis M. Correia, “A Comparison of Phantom Models for On-Body Communications”, submitted to PIMRC’2012 – 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, Mobile and Radio Communications, Sydney, Australia, Sep. 2012.

Michal Mackowiak and Luís M. Correia, “Correlation Analysis in Off-Body Radio Channels in a Street Environment”, submitted to PIMRC’2012 – 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, Mobile and Radio Communications, Sydney, Australia, Sep. 2012.

Lúcio S. Ferreira, Ramón Agüero, Luisa Caeiro, Avi Miron, Michael Soellner, Peter Schoo, Lucian Suciu, Andreas Timm-Giel, Asanga Udugama, “Open Connectivity Services for the Future Internet”, submitted to Springer Tecommunication Systems Special Issue: Mobility Management for Flat Networks.

António Serrador and Luís M. Correia, “Energy Efficiency Gains Using VHOs in Heterogeneous Networks”, accepted to Future Heterogeneous Network Workshop 2012, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2012.

Carla Oliveira, Michal Mackowiak and Luís M. Correia, “Correlation Analysis in On-Body Communications”, in Proc. of EuCAP’2012 – 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Prague, Czech Republic, Mar. 2012.

Michal Mackowiak, Carla Oliveira and Luís M. Correia, “Signal Correlation between Wearable Antennas in Body Area Networks in Multipath Environment”, in Proc. of EuCAP’2012 – 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Prague, Czech Republic, Mar. 2012.


2. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.

Marco Antunes, “Estimation of exclusion regions in LTE base stations co-located with GSM/UMTS”
André Pires, “Coverage and Efficiency Performance Evaluation of LTE in Urban Scenarios”
GROWing Meeting
Luis M. Correia, Filipe Cardoso, António Serrador
EARTH meeting, Sophia-Antipolis, France

Armanda Martins, “Evaluation of data applications quality of service over UMTS”
Michal Mackowiak, “Towards a Radio Channel Model for Off-Body Communications in a Multipath Environment”
GROWing meeting

Carla Oliveira, “Correlation Analysis in On-Body Communications”
Michal Mackowiak, Carla Oliveira and Luís M. Correia, “Signal Correlation between Wearable Antennas in Body Area Networks in Multipath Environment”
Luis M. Correia
EuCAP’2012 – 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Prague, Czech Republic

Filipe D. Cardoso, “MIMO Gain and Energy Efficiency in LTE”
Luísa Caeiro, “Adaptive Allocation of Virtual Radio Resources over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks”
GROWing meeting

Filipe Cardoso, “MIMO Gain and Energy Efficiency in LTE”,
WCNC’2012 – IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Paris, France

Diogo Silva, “Energy efficient solutions in GSM/UMTS based on traffic profiling models”
GROWing meeting

Luis M. Correia, “Aplicação de Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação nos Municípios”
8ª Urbaverde – Cidades do Futuro, Porto, Portugal

Michal Mackowiak, “Towards a Radio Channel Model for Off-Body Communications in a Multipath Environment”,
Luisa Caeiro, “Adaptive allocation of virtual radio resources over heterogeneous wireless networks”, Luís M. Correia
EW’2012 – 18th European Wireless Conference, Poznan, Poland

Daniel Sebastião, Carla Oliveira, Luís M. Correia
COST BM0704 Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal


3. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.

COST IC1004 –
Carla Oliveira is preparing a contribution to the next MCM meeting, to be held in Lyon, France, in May.

Filipe Cardoso and António Serrador are preparing contributions to the next Deliverables.

Net!Works –
Luis M. Correia is preparing contributions to the FIA workshop.

monIT –
Thirteen actions were held in secondary schools during March, and more are scheduled for the upcoming month. Three continuous measurement networks were installed in Setúbal (in cooperation with the Setúbal Polytechnic Institute), Braga (in the Alberto Sampaio Secondary School), and in São João da Madeira (in the João da Silva Correia Secondary School). In the meantime, 5 measurement stations were removed from Pombal. Regarding Prémio monIT, 37 teams continue still in the competition, after the delivery of the 2nd progress report. Training actions on the measurement equipment are still being carried on with some of the groups.

João Gonçalves and Daniel Sebastião are preparing contributions to the next Deliverable, D.A.8 “Evaluation of business models”. Lúcio Ferreira and Luisa Caeiro are working on the OConS architecture, being responsible for the orchestration, a contribution for deliverable D.C 2 “Architecture and Mechanisms for Connectivity Services”.


GROW News Feb/2012

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Vol. 7, No. 02, Feb. 2012

In this issue:
1. People
2. Publications
3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars
4. Projects


1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.

Eduardo Sá left GROW, to embrace a career in a company. We wish him good luck in his professional career.

Mónica Branco had a baby, Beatriz. We wish her all the best in the world.


2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.

Carla Oliveira, Michal Mackowiak and Luis M. Correia, “Statistical Characterisation of Antennas in BANs”, in LTE Advanced and Beyond Wireless Networks: Channel Modelling and Propagation, Guillaume de la Roche, Andres Alayon-Glazunov and Ben Allen (eds.), John Wiley, Chichester, UK, accepted 2012.

Carla Oliveira and Luis M. Correia, contribution to “Body Communications”, in Pervasive Mobile & Ambient Wireless Communications, Roberto Verdone and Alberto Zanella (eds.), Springer, London, UK, 2012

Luis M. Correia, “Wrapping Up and Looking at the Future”, in Pervasive Mobile & Ambient Wireless Communications, Roberto Verdone and Alberto Zanella (eds.), Springer, London, UK, 2012

Luisa Caeiro, Filipe Cardoso, and Luis M. Correia, “Adaptive allocation of virtual radio resources over heterogeneous wireless networks”, accepted to EW’2012 – 18th European Wireless Conference, Poznan, Poland, Apr. 2012.

Michal Mackowiak and Luís M. Correia, “Towards a Radio Channel Model for Off-Body Communications in a Multipath Environment”, accepted to EW’2012 – 18th European Wireless Conference, Poznan, Poland, Apr. 2012.

Filipe Cardoso, Sven Petersson, Mauro Boldi, Shinji Mizuta, Guido Dietl, Rodolfo Torrea-Duran, Claude Desset, Jouko Leinonen, Luis M. Correia, “Energy Efficient Transmission Techniques for LTE”, submitted to IEEE Communications Magazine, Feb. 2012.


3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.

Lucio Studer Ferreira “Radio Resource Management in Self-Organised Multi-Radio Wireless Mesh Networks”
Michal Mackowiak “Towards a Radio Channel Model for Off-Body Communications in a Multipath Environment”
Carla Oliveira “Radiation Pattern of Wearable Antennas: A Statistical Analysis of the Influence of the Human Body”
Luís M. Correia
COST IC 1004 Meeting, Barcelona, Spain

Luis M. Correia
Net!Works Steering Board, Stuttgart, Germany

Luis M. Correia, Filipe Cardoso, António Serrador
EARTH meeting, Sophia-Antipolis, France

Carla Oliveira, “Correlation Analysis in On-Body Communications”
Michal Mackowiak, Carla Oliveira and Luís M. Correia, “Signal Correlation between Wearable Antennas in Body Area Networks in Multipath Environment”
Luis M. Correia
EuCAP’2012 – 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Prague, Czech Republic


4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.

COST IC1004 –
The book “Pervasive Mobile and Ambient Wireless Communications”, with the main findings from the COST 2100 action has been published by Springer. The book contains contributions from Carla Oliveira and Luis M. Correia, on Chapter 15 (Body Communications) and Chapter 16 (Wrapping Up and Looking at the Future). More information can be found at:

Filipe Cardoso has edited a document entitled “Beamforming and Energy Efficiency in LTE” to be presented in the next EARTH meeting in Sophia Antipolis. A joint paper in the scope of WP4/T41 was submitted to IEEE Communications Magazine. António Serrador performed simulations using the proposed new scenarios (multi-sites and multi-RAT RRM) and parameters for low, medium, high traffic loads.

Net!Works –
Luis M. Correia is preparing contributions to the FIA workshop.

monIT –
During this month, there were still some news in the media about the monIT study on the usage of mobile phones by Portuguese youngsters. Nine actions were held in secondary schools during February, and more are scheduled for the upcoming month. The monIT team is also giving talks to secondary schools students visiting the electrical engineering department. Two continuous measurement networks were installed in Sines (in cooperation with the municipalities) and Castro Verde (in the secondary school). In the meantime, 5 measurement stations were removed from Lisbon and Macedo de Cavaleiros. Regarding Prémio monIT, training actions on the measurement equipment are being carried on with some of the groups. The groups are now preparing their 2nd progress report, to be submitted by March, 16th.

The interim report of taskT.A.4, addressing business models, has been finished and circulated by the project partners. Lúcio Ferreira and Luisa Caeiro are working on the redefinition of the OConS architectural framework; they are preparing a paper for “Springer Telecommunication Systems Special Issue: Mobility Management for Flat Networks” journal.