GROW News Jan/2012

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GROW News Jan/2012

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Vol. 7, No. 01, Jan. 2012

In this issue:
1. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars
2. Projects


1. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.

Luis M. Correia, Daniel Sebastião, João Gonçalves, Lúcio Studer Ferreira, Luisa Caeiro
SAIL Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal

Carla Oliveira and Michal Mackowiak
Winter School on Technology Challenges for the Internet of Things, Aveiro, Portugal

Lucio Studer Ferreira “Radio Resource Management in Self-Organised Multi-Radio Wireless Mesh Networks”
Michal Mackowiak “Towards a Radio Channel Model for Off-Body Communications in a Multipath Environment”
Carla Oliveira “Radiation Pattern of Wearable Antennas: A Statistical Analysis of the Influence of the Human Body”
Luís M. Correia
COST IC 1004 Meeting, Barcelona, Spain


2. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.

COST IC1004 –
Lúcio Ferreira, Carla Oliveira and Michal Mackowiak presented their work at the meeting in Barcelona.

Filipe Cardoso is preparing a contribution, based on the work developed by Tiago Gonçalves. António Serrador is progressing the work on multi-RAT networks.

Net!Works –
Luis M. Correia is preparing contributions to the FIA workshop.

monIT –
Six actions were held in secondary schools during January, and more are scheduled for the upcoming months. The monIT team is also giving talks to secondary schools students visiting the electrical engineering department. A cooperation agreement with the municipality of Pombal has been signed. A new continuous measurement network will be installed in Sines, in cooperation with the municipality. Regarding Prémio monIT, 25 teams were excluded from the competition after the 1st report stage. The remaining 58 groups are now working for the chance to be in the final competition. In the meantime, training actions on the measurement equipment are being carried on with some of the groups.

Lúcio Ferreira and Luisa Caeiro are working on the redefinition of the OConS architectural framework. Daniel Sebastião and João Gonçalves are working on the interim report of WP-A in the business modelling of the use cases.



GROW News Dec/2011

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Vol. 6, No. 11, Dec. 2011

In this issue:
1. People
2. Publications
3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars
4. Projects


1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.

One more GROW member finalised his M.Sc. thesis, Tiago Gonçalves. We wish him good luck as well in his professional career.


2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.

Carla Oliveira, Michal Mackowiak and Luís M. Correia, “Correlation Analysis in On-Body Communications”, accepted to EuCAP’2012 – 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Prague, Czech Republic, Mar. 2012.

Michal Mackowiak, Carla Oliveira and Luís M. Correia, “Signal Correlation between Wearable Antennas in Body Area Networks in Multipath Environment”, accepted to EuCAP’2012 – 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Prague, Czech Republic, Mar. 2012.

Filipe Cardoso and Luís M. Correia, “MIMO Gain and Energy Efficiency in LTE”, accepted to WCNC’2012 – IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Paris, France, Apr. 2012.

Michal Mackowiak and Luís M. Correia, “Statistical Characterisation of Antennas in BANs”, submitted to EW’2012 – 18th European Wireless Conference, Poznan, Poland, Apr. 2012.

António Serrador has submitted his Ph.D. thesis for evaluation.


3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.

Luis M. Correia
Net!Works Steering Board, Munich, Germany

Tiago Gonçalves, “Energy efficient solutions based on beamforming for UMTS and LTE”
GROW meeting

Luis M. Correia, “ICT for ITS”
Seminar on Transports Ecosystems, Lisbon, Portugal

Luis M. Correia, “A View into the Participation in EC Framework R&D Projects”
EC Digital Agenda going Local, Lisbon, Portugal

Luis M. Correia, “A Perspective of the Networks of the Future and Smart Cities”
Palestras do DEEC/IST, Lisbon, Portugal

Luis M. Correia, Daniel Sebastião, João Gonçalves, Lúcio Studer Ferreira, Luisa Caeiro
SAIL Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal

Carla Oliveira and Michal Mackowiak
Winter School on Technology Challenges for the Internet of Things, Aveiro, Portugal


4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.

COST IC1004 –
Papers are being prepared for the incoming meeting, in Feb. 2012, in Barcelona.

Filipe Cardoso was followed the Power Model ongoing discussions and phone conferences. António Serrador is progressing the work on multi-RAT networks.

Net!Works –
Luis M. Correia is preparing contributions to the FIA workshop.

monIT –
Three actions were held in secondary schools during December, and more are scheduled for the upcoming months. Regarding Prémio monIT, 58 teams delivered the first progress report. The updated participants list is published Jan. 6th. Also, training actions on the measurement equipment are being carried on with the interested groups.

Lúcio Ferreira and Luisa Caeiro are working for the next milestone report on the redefinition of the OConS architecture. Daniel Sebastião and João Gonçalves are working on the interim report of WP-A in the business modelling of the use cases.


GROW News Nov/2011

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Vol. 6, No. 10, Nov. 2011

In this issue:
1. People
2. Publications
3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars
4. Projects


1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.

GROW is seeing the departure of some of its members this month, i.e., the M.Sc. students graduating with their theses: Ricardo Batista (in collaboration with Vodafone), João Pinto (in collaboration with NAV), Pedro Tareco, and Pedro Carreira (in collaboration with Optimus). We wish them good luck in their professional career.


2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.

Carla Oliveira, Michal Mackowiak and Luís M. Correia, “Correlation Analysis in On-Body Communications”, submitted to EuCAP’2012 – 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Prague, Czech Republic, Mar. 2012.

Michal Mackowiak, Carla Oliveira and Luís M. Correia, “Signal Correlation between Wearable Antennas in Body Area Networks in Multipath Environment”, submitted to EuCAP’2012 – 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Prague, Czech Republic, Mar. 2012.

Michal Mackowiak, and Luís M. Correia, “Statistical Model of the Influence of Body Dynamics on the Radiation Pattern of Wearable Antennas in Off-Body Radio Channels”, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation.

Carla Oliveira, Michal Mackowiak and Luís M. Correia, “Statistical Characterisation of Antennas in BANs”, in Guillaume de La Roche, Ben Allen, and Andres Alayon Glasunov (eds.), LTE Advanced and Beyond Wireless Networks: Channel Modelling and Propagation, John Wiley, Chichester, UK (submitted).


3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.

Ricardo Batista, “Performance Evaluation of UMTS/HSPA + Data Transmission for Indoor Coverage”
João Pinto, “Assessment of Multilateration Telecommunications Systems installed in NAV”
GROW Meeting

António Serrador
EARTH meeting, Caen, France

Carla Oliveira, “Characterisation of On-Body Communications at 2.45 GHz”,
BodyNets’2011, Beijing, China

Daniel Sebastião, Eduardo Sá
International EC Scientific Conference on EMF and Health, Brussels, Belgium

Pedro Tareco, “Study on WiMAX Capacity vs. Channel Bandwidth”
Pedro Carreira, “Data Rate Performance Gains in UMTS Evolution to LTE at the Cellular Level”
GROW Meeting

Luis M. Correia, “A Perspective into the Networks of the Future”
Seminars of the University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy

Lúcio Studer Ferreira, Luisa Caeiro
SAIL Meeting, Paderborn, Germany

Luis M. Correia
Ph.D. Jury at Free University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium

Luis M. Correia
Net!Works Steering Board, Munich, Germany

Tiago Gonçalves, “Energy efficient solutions based on beamforming for UMTS and LTE”
GROW meeting

Luis M. Correia, “ICT for ITS”
Seminar on Transports Ecosystems, Lisbon, Portugal

Luis M. Correia, “A View into the Participation in EC Framework R&D Projects”
EC Digital Agenda going Local, Lisbon, Portugal

Luis M. Correia, “A Perspective of the Networks of the Future and Smart Cities”
Palestras do DEEC/IST, Lisbon, Portugal


4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.

COST IC1004 –
Papers are being prepared for the incoming meeting, in Feb. 2012, in Barcelona.

Filipe Cardoso and Monica Branco are developing a new version of analytical power model for LTE Base Stations, to be delivered by the end of the year. Filipe Cardoso is actively involved in Power Model related activities in EARTH. António Serrador has contributed to EARTH Deliverables D3.2, on energy savings gains using vertical handovers in heterogeneous networks, and D6.2b, on how this technique can be integrated with others.

Net!Works –
Luis M. Correia is preparing contributions to workshops. A link has been established with the PARADISO project.

monIT –
Information actions in schools and hospitals have been resumed, with several actions already scheduled for the coming months. New monitoring continuous networks were installed in two schools in Amadora, and Agualva (Sintra), and in cooperation of the municipality of Pombal. Results can be seen in the monIT Project website.

Lúcio Ferreira and Luisa Caeiro are working for the next milestone, due Jan. 2012, on the interfaces of the OConS architecture. Daniel Sebastião and João Gonçalves are working for the interim report of WP-A.


GROW News Oct/2011

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Vol. 6, No. 9, Oct. 2011

In this issue:
1. People
2. Publications
3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars
4. Projects


1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.

GROW will be seeing the departure of some of its members around these months, i.e., the M.Sc. students graduating with their theses. This month, Vasco Fradinho has completed his thesis (in collaboration with Ericsson). We wish him good luck in his professional career.


2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.

Several papers were presented at the COST IC 1004 meeting, in Lisbon.


3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.

Luis M. Correia
Net!Works Steering Board and General Assembly Meeting, Brussels, Belgium

Lúcio Studer Ferreira, “Radio Resource Management for Optimising Multi-Radio Wireless Mesh Networks Deployments “,
WPMC’2011 – 14th International Symposium on Wireless Personal and Mobile Communications, Brest, France

Luis M. Correia
EC INFSO Concertation Meeting, Brussels, Belgium

Luis M. Correia
Ph.D. Jury at Free University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium

Michal Mackowiak, “Statistical Model of the Influence of Body Dynamics on the Radiation Pattern of Wearable Antennas in Off-Body Radio Channels”
Luísa Caeiro, “Adaptive Allocation of Virtual Radio Resources over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks”
Rathapon Saruthirathanaworakun, “Opportunistic Primary-Secondary Spectrum Sharing with a Rotating Radar”
Carla Oliveira, “Correlation Analysis in On-Body Communications”
Tiago Gonçalves, “Energy efficient solutions based on beamforming for UMTS and LTE”
GROW meeting

Luis M. Correia
SmartSantander Project Review, Santander, Spain

Michal Mackowiak, “Statistical Model of the Influence of Body Dynamics on the Radiation Pattern of Wearable Antennas in Off-Body Radio Channels”
Lúcio Studer Ferreira, “Radio Resource Management for Optimising Multi-Radio Wireless Mesh Networks Deployments”
Luísa Caeiro, “Adaptive Allocation of Virtual Radio Resources over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks”
Filipe Cardoso, “MIMO Gain and Energy Efficiency in LTE”
Rathapon Saruthirathanaworakun, “Opportunistic Primary-Secondary Spectrum Sharing with a Rotating Radar”
Carla Oliveira, “Correlation Analysis in On-Body Communications”
Tiago Gonçalves, “Energy efficient solutions based on beamforming for UMTS and LTE”
Daniel Sebastião, Mónica Branco, Sina Khatibi, Cesaltina Ricardo, Eduardo Sá, Antonio Serrador, Luis M. Correia
COST IC1004 Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal

Vasco Fradinho, “Advanced Performance Analysis of GSM and UMTS Radio Networks”
GROW meeting

Mónica Branco
COST BM0704 Meeting, Vienna, Austria

Ricardo Batista, “Performance Evaluation of UMTS/HSPA + Data Transmission for Indoor Coverage”
João Pinto, “Assessment of Multilateration Telecommunications Systems installed in NAV”
GROW Meeting

Carla Oliveira, “Characterisation of On-Body Communications at 2.45 GHz”,
BodyNets’2011, Beijing, China

Daniel Sebastião, Eduardo Sá
International EC Scientific Conference on EMF and Health, Brussels, Belgium

Pedro Tareco, “Study on WiMAX Capacity vs. Channel Bandwidth”
Pedro Carreira, “Data Rate Performance Gains in UMTS Evolution to LTE at the Cellular Level”
GROW Meeting

Luis M. Correia, “A Perspective into the Networks of the Future”
Seminars of the University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy

Lúcio Studer Ferreira, Luisa Caeiro
SAIL Meeting, Paderborn, Germany


4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.

COST IC1004 –
Many of the GROW members presented their work in the meeting held at IST hosted by GROW.

Filipe Cardoso and Monica Branco are developing a new version of analytical power model for LTE Base Stations, to be delivered to the EARTH project by the end of the year.

Net!Works –
Luis M. Correia is preparing contributions to workshops.

monIT –
Applications for the 2012 edition of the Prémio monIT competition went on October 3-14, and 84 teams (from 57 schools) are now in the contest. Good luck to them! Information actions in schools and hospitals have been resumed in October, with several actions already scheduled for the coming months. Also, a new monitoring continuous network was installed in Macedo de Cavaleiros Secondary School, and more will be installed in the next few days. Results can be seen in the monIT Project website.

Lúcio Ferreira and Luisa Caeiro are working for the next milestone, due Jan. 2012, on the interfaces of the OConS architecture. Daniel Sebastião and João Gonçalves are working for the interim report of WP-A.


GROW News Sep/2011

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Vol. 6, No. 8, Sep. 2011

In this issue:
1. People
2. Publications
3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars
4. Projects


1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.

GROW has 3 more people on board. Sina Khatibi started his Ph.D. studies, and André Pires and Marco Antunes started their M.Sc. Theses. A warm welcome, and good luck.


2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.

Luísa Caeiro, Filipe Cardoso and Luís M. Correia, “Adaptive Allocation of Virtual Radio Resources over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks”, submitted to WCNC’2012 – IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Paris, France, Apr. 2012.

Filipe Cardoso and Luís M. Correia, “MIMO Gain and Energy Efficiency in LTE”, submitted to WCNC’2012 – IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Paris, France, Apr. 2012.

Carla Oliveira, Carlos Lopes, Michal Mackowiak and Luis M. Correia, “Characterisation of On-Body Communications at 2.45 GHz”, accepted to BodyNets’2011, Beijing, China, Nov. 2011.

Ramón Aguero, Luisa Caeiro, Luis M. Correia, Lúcio Studer Ferreira, Marta Garcia-Arranz, Lucian Suciu and Andreas Timm-Giel, “OConS: Towards Open Connectivity Services in the Future Internet”, in Proc. of MONAMI – 3rd International ICST Conference on Mobile Networks & Management, Aveiro, Portugal, Sep. 2011.

Lúcio Studer Ferreira and Luis M. Correia, “Energy-Efficient Radio Resource Management in Self-Organised Multi-Radio Wireless Mesh Networks”, in Proc. of PIMRC’2011 – 22nd IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor, Mobile and Radio Communications, Toronto, Canada, Sep. 2011.

Michal Mackowiak, Carla Oliveira, Carlos Lopes and Luis M. Correia, “A Statistical Analysis of the Influence of the Human Body on the Radiation Pattern of Wearable Antennas”, in Proc. of PIMRC’2011 – 22nd IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor, Mobile and Radio Communications, Toronto, Canada, Sep. 2011.


3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.

Luis M. Correia
VTC Fall’2011 – IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, San Francisco, CA, USA

Michal Mackowiak, “A Statistical Analysis of the Influence of the Human Body on the Radiation Pattern of Wearable Antennas”
Lúcio Studer Ferreira, “Energy-Efficient Radio Resource Management in Self-Organised Multi-Radio Wireless Mesh Networks”
Luis M. Correia
PIMRC’2011 – 22nd IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor, Mobile and Radio Communications, Toronto, Canada

Luis M. Correia
NetWorld Meeting, Brussels, Belgium

Lúcio Studer Ferreira, Luisa Caeiro, Luis Correia
SAIL Meeting, Paderborn, Germany

Filipe Cardoso, Luis Correia
EARTH Meeting, Dresden, Germany

Luis M. Correia
Net!Works Steering Board and General Assembly Meeting, Brussels, Belgium

Lúcio Studer Ferreira, “Radio Resource Management for Optimising Multi-Radio Wireless Mesh Networks Deployments “,
WPMC’2011 – 14th International Symposium on Wireless Personal and Mobile Communications, Brest, France

Luis M. Correia
EC INFSO Concertation Meeting, Brussels, Belgium

Luis M. Correia
Ph.D. Jury at Free University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium

Luis M. Correia
SmartSantander Project Review, Santander, Spain

Michal Mackowiak, “Statistical Model of the Influence of Body Dynamics on the Radiation Pattern of Wearable Antennas in Off-Body Radio Channels”
Lúcio Studer Ferreira, “Radio Resource Management for Optimising Multi-Radio Wireless Mesh Networks Deployments”
Luísa Caeiro, “Adaptive Allocation of Virtual Radio Resources over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks”
Filipe Cardoso, “MIMO Gain and Energy Efficiency in LTE”
Rathapon Saruthirathanaworakun, “Opportunistic Primary-Secondary Spectrum Sharing with a Rotating Radar”
Carla Oliveira, “Correlation Analysis in On-Body Communications”
Tiago Gonçalves, “Energy efficient solutions based on beamforming for UMTS and LTE”
Daniel Sebastião, Mónica Branco, Sina Khatibi, Cesaltina Ricardo, Eduardo Sá, Antonio Serrador, Luis M. Correia
COST IC1004 Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal

Mónica Branco
COST BM0704 Meeting, Vienna, Austria


4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.

COST IC1004 –
Many of the GROW members are preparing their presentations for the next meeting to be held at IST hosted by GROW.

Filipe Cardoso and Monica Branco have finished the work on the analytical power model for LTE Base Stations, and the results were presented in the EARTH meeting in Dresden

Net!Works –
Luis M. Correia contributed to the project review.

monIT –
The 2012 edition of the Prémio monIT competition is about to start, themed “Radiofrequencies in the Daily Life”, applications will be open from October 3-14. All high schools will receive posters and leaflets in the meantime. An update on the global measurement results was prepared as a press-release, and so, several references to the project have appeared in the media. Information actions in schools and hospitals will be resumed in October. The scheduled actions can be found at the project website, in the calendar section.

Lúcio Ferreira and Luisa Caeiro have started the work for the next milestone, due Jan. 2012, and are working on the interfaces of the OConS architecture. Daniel Sebastião and João Gonçalves are starting the work for the interim report of WP-A.


GROW News Aug/2011

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Vol. 6, No. 7, Aug. 2011

In this issue:
1. Publications
2. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars
3. Projects


1. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.

R. Aguero, L. Caeiro, L.M. Correia, L. Ferreira, M. Garcia-Arranz, L. Suciu and A. Timm-Giel, “OConS: Towards Open Connectivity Services in the Future Internet”, accepted to MONAMI – 3rd International ICST Conference on Mobile Networks & Management, Aveiro, Portugal, Sep. 2011.


2. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.

Luis M. Correia
NEWCOM++ Review, Brussels, Belgium.

Michal Mackowiak, Carla Oliveira, Carlos Lopes and Luis M. Correia, “A Statistical Analysis of the Influence of the Human Body on the Radiation Pattern of Wearable Antennas”, Proc. of PIMRC’2011 – 22nd IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor, Mobile and Radio Communications, Toronto, Canada,

Lúcio Studer Ferreira and Luis M. Correia, “Energy-Efficient Radio Resource Management in Self-Organised Multi-Radio Wireless Mesh Networks”, PIMRC 2011 – 22nd IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor, Mobile and Radio Communications, Toronto, Canada

Luis M. Correia
NetWorld, Brussels, Belgium

Lúcio Studer Ferreira, Luisa Caeiro, Luis Correia
SAIL Meeting, Paderborn, Germany

Filipe Cardoso, Luis Correia
EARTH Meeting, Dresden, Germany


3. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.

Filipe Cardoso and Monica Branco finished the work on the analytical power model for LTE Base Stations.

Net!Works –
Contributions to the review were prepared.

monIT –
The final ceremony of Prémio monIT was held on July 9th, where all finalists presented their work, and the awards were delivered. The 2012 competition is about to start, themed “Radiofrequencies in the Daylife”, applications will be open from October 3-14. All schools will receive posters and leaflets in the meantime. After the installation of the continuous measurement network in Vila Real, an agreement was signed with the local authorities. An update on the global measurement results was prepared as a press-release, and so, several references to the project have appeared in the media.

Daniel Sebastião and João Gonçalves finalised their work on Deliverable D.A.7 “New business models and business dynamics of the future networks”. Work for the next deliverable and for the meeting in Paderborn, Germany, has already started. Lúcio Ferreira and Luisa Caeiro prepared contributions to the meeting in Paderborn, Germany.


GROW News Jun/2011

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Vol. 6, No. 6, June 2011

In this issue:
1. People
2. Publications
3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars
4. Projects


1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.

Episode XI of STAR WARM (STill AnotheR Wonderful Annual Reunion in Monsaraz) took place on June 25th, gathering around 50 people (including around a dozen of kids). It was fun, again, enabling GROWers, and their families to enjoy themselves in the relaxed environment of Monsaraz.


2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.

R. Aguero, L. Caeiro, L.M. Correia, L. Ferreira, M. Garcia-Arranz, L. Suciu and A. Timm-Giel, “OConS: Towards Open Connectivity Services in the Future Internet”, submitted to MONAMI – 3rd International ICST Conference on Mobile Networks & Management, Aveiro, Portugal, Sep. 2011

Michal Mackowiak, Carla Oliveira, Carlos Lopes and Luis M. Correia, “A Statistical Analysis of the Influence of the Human Body on the Radiation Pattern of Wearable Antennas”, accepted to PIMRC’2011 – 22nd IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor, Mobile and Radio Communications, Toronto, Canada, Sep. 2011.

Lúcio Ferreira and Luis M. Correia, “Energy-Efficient Radio Resource Management in Self-Organised Multi-Radio Wireless Mesh Networks”, accepted to PIMRC’2011 – 22nd IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor, Mobile and Radio Communications, Toronto, Canada, Sep. 2011.

Luis M. Correia, “An overview of SAIL”, Proc. of SESERV Workshop on Building the Future Internet, Oxford, UK, June 2011.


3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.

Luis M. Correia
Future Networks and Mobile Summit, Warsaw, Poland

Luis M. Correia
Net!Works Steering Board meeting, Warsaw, Poland

Luis M. Correia
Net!Works Expert Group meeting, Warsaw, Poland

Michal Mackowiak, “Modelling the Influence of Body Dynamics on the Radiation Pattern of Wearable Antennas in Off-Body Radio Channels”
Luis M. Correia
COST Action IC1004 meeting, Lund, Sweden

Luis M. Correia
SmartSantander Review, Santander, Spain

Luis M. Correia, “An overview of SAIL”
Daniel Sebastião, João Gonçalves
SESERV Workshop on Building the Future Internet, Oxford, UK

Luis M. Correia
NEWCOM++ Review, Brussels, Belgium.


4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.

Filipe Cardoso has started the work on writing a Joint Paper on Energy Efficient Multi-Antenna Techniques. António Serrador prepared a set of simulation scenarios and variations by exploring all available RATs (WCDMA, HSPA and LTE) and all EARTH services and traffic loads, including the new M2M service.

Net!Works –
An update of the White Paper on Smart Cities Applications and Requirements has been circulated as a contribution to the SARA (Strategic Applications and Research Agenda).

monIT –
The 10 finalists from Prémio monIT 2011 will present their work at the final, which will be held at IST on July 9th. Measurements have been made in some locations in Madeira and Porto Santo Islands, and a new continuous measurements network composed by 5 stations has been installed in Vila Real. As usual, all results can be checked at the Project’s website.

Daniel Sebastião and João Gonçalves are finalising their work on Deliverable D.A.7 “New business models and business dynamics of the future networks”. Luisa Caeiro and Lúcio Ferreira have been working on the detailed review of Deliverable D.C.1 “Architectural Concepts of Connectivity Services”. They have contributed to a poster at FuNeMS’2011. Lúcio Ferreira has been also reviewing D.A.7 from WP-C viewpoint.


GROW News May/2011

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Vol. 6, No. 5, May 2011

In this issue:
1. Publications
2. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars
3. Projects


1. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.

Manos Sifalakis, Christian Tschudin, Sylvain Martin, Lúcio S. Ferreira and Luis M. Correia, “A Generic Service Interface for Cloud Networks”, Proc. of CLOSER’2011 – 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, Noordwijkerhoud, The Netherlands, May 2011.

Daniel Sebastião, Diana Ladeira, Mónica Branco, Carla Oliveira and Luis M. Correia, “Projecto monIT – monitorização de radiação electromagnética em comunicações móveis”/”The MonIT Project- electromagnetic radiation monitoring in mobile Communications” (in Portuguese), Actas do II Congresso de Protecção contra Radiações dos Países de Língua Portuguesa – Radio 2011, Recife, Brazil, May 2011

Carla Oliveira, Daniel Sebastião, Diana Ladeira, Mónica Branco and Luis M. Correia, “Electromagnetic Fields Measurements in Portuguese Schools”, Proc. of ICNIRP International Conference on Non-Ionizing Radiation and Children’s Health, Ljubljana, Slovenia, May 2011


2. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.

Luis M. Correia
SAIL POET meeting, Madrid, Spain

Luis M. Correia, Filipe Cardoso, António Serrador
EARTH meeting, Stockholm, Sweden

Daniel Sebastião, “The MonIT Project- electromagnetic radiation monitoring in mobile Communications”
Radio2011, Recife, Brazil

Carla Oliveira, “Electromagnetic Fields Measurements in Portuguese Schools”
International Conference on Non-Ionizing Radiation and Children’s Health, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Luis M. Correia
COST IC1004 kick-off meeting, Brussels, Belgium

Luisa Caeiro and Lúcio Ferreira
SAIL WPC Meeting, Paris, France

Luis M. Correia
Future Networks and Mobile Summit, Warsaw, Poland

Luis M. Correia
Net!Works Steering Board meeting, Warsaw, Poland

Luis M. Correia
Net!Works Expert Group meeting, Warsaw, Poland

Michal Mackowiak, “Modelling the Influence of Body Dynamics on the Radiation Pattern of Wearable Antennas in Off-Body Radio Channels”
Luis M. Correia
COST Action IC1004 meeting, Lund, Sweden

Luis M. Correia, “An overview of SAIL”
Daniel Sebastião, João Gonçalves
SESERV Workshop on Building the Future Internet, Oxford, UK


3. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.

Filipe Cardoso has presented the conclusion of the work on MIMO at the meeting. António Serrador has presented the latest results on energy savings using multi-RAT RRM at the meeting.

Net!Works –
The White Paper on Smart Cities Applications and Requirements has been finalised, and circulated.

monIT –
The final deadline of Prémio monIT was on May 13th, and 46 groups delivered the final report. The selection jury is evaluate the works, and will choose the 10 finalists that will present their work on the grand final, on July 9th. The monIT team presented its work with 2 posters, on Radio 2011 and Joint ICNIRP Workshop on Non-Ionising Radiation & Children’s Health conferences, held in Brazil and Slovenia, respectively.

Daniel Sebastião and João Gonçalves are finalizing their work on Deliverable D.A.7 “New business models and business dynamics of the future networks”. Luisa Caeiro and Lucio Ferreira are working on the preparation of Deliverable D.C.1 “Architectural Concepts of Connectivity Services”. They have contributed to several sections as well as acted as reviewers of the document. Lucio Ferreira has been also reviewing D.A.7 from WP-C viewpoint.


GROW News Apr/2011

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Vol. 6, No. 4, Apr. 2011

In this issue:
1. People
2. Publications
3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars
4. Projects


1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.

GROW lost one member: Diana Ladeira has left the team, and started a career at one of the major telecom manufacturers. We wish her good luck.


2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.

Bengt Ahlgren, Pedro A. Aranda, Prosper Chemouil, Luis M. Correia, Holger Karl, Sara Oueslati, Michael Söllner and Annikki Welin, “Content, Connectivity, and Cloud: Ingredients for the Network of the Future”, accepted to IEEE Communications Magazine.

Luis M. Correia, “Addressing Challenges in Propagation and Channels in the Networks of the Future”, Proc. of EuCAP’2011 – 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Rome, Italy, Apr. 2011

Carla Oliveira, Michal Mackowiak and Luis M. Correia, “Challenges for Body Area Networks Concerning Radio Aspects”, Proc. of EW’2011 – 17th European Wireless Conference, Vienna, Austria, Apr. 2011

Jorge Venes and Luis M. Correia, “Performance of a Heterogeneous Network with UMTS, Wi-Fi and WiMAX”, Proc. of EUROCON’2001 – International Conference on Computer as Tool Joint with ConfTele’2011 – VII Conference on Telecommunications, Lisbon, Portugal, Apr. 2011


3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.

Michal Mackowiak, “Modelling MIMO Systems in Body Area Networks in Outdoors”
GROW meeting

Luis M. Correia, “Future Telecommunication Networks and their Applications”
Ministry of Defence Workshop on Software Defined Radio, Lisbon, Portugal

Luis M. Correia, “Addressing Challenges in Propagation and Channels in the Networks of the Future”
EuCAP’2011 – 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Rome, Italy

Michal Mackowiak, “Modelling MIMO Systems in Body Area Networks in Outdoors”
Ph.D. Board Evaluation

Luis M. Correia
NEWCOM++ Executive Board meeting, Barcelona, Spain

Carla Oliveira, “Challenges for Body Area Networks Concerning Radio Aspects”
European Wireless 2011 – 17th European Wireless Conference, Vienna, Austria

Luis M. Correia
SAIL POET meeting, Madrid, Spain

Luis M. Correia
EARTH meeting, Stockholm, Sweden

Daniel Sebastião, “The MonIT Project- electromagnetic radiation monitoring in mobile Communications”
Radio2011, Recife, Brasil

Carla Oliveira, “Electromagnetic Fields Measurements in Portuguese Schools”
International Conference on Non-Ionizing Radiation and Children’s Health, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Luis M. Correia
COST IC1004 kick-off meeting, Brussels, Belgium

Luisa Caeiro and Lúcio Ferreira
SAIL WPC Meeting, Paris, France


4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.

Filipe Cardoso and Mónica Branco finished a document on MIMO Energy Efficiency to be presented in the next meeting in Stockholm. António Serrador has worked on the multi-RAT simulator by implementing fundamental features for the LTE RF interface; a machine-to-machine traffic model was also defined and circulated in the project. Standardisation inputs related with Energy Efficiency metrics are also being discussed.

Net!Works –
Work on a Smart Cities white paper is being finalised.

monIT –
The information actions continued with four more actions, and a couple more scheduled for the upcoming months. Regarding Prémio monIT, the final deadline is approaching (May 13th), students being requested to deliver the complete projects. The activities section of the monIT website is now fully available (, with a Google Maps based platform allowing the user to track the different activities held by monIT, like measurements and public actions.

Within the Open Connectivity WP, Luísa Caeiro and Lúcio Ferreira contributed to Deliverable D.C.1 “Architectural Concepts of Connectivity Services” with sections on radio resource management for virtual connectivity and for wireless mesh connectivity. Also, a section mapping the proposed architecture onto a use case dealing with creating and sustaining the connectivity in wireless challenged networks was edited. Daniel Sebastião and João Gonçalves are working on Deliverable D.A.7 “New business models and business dynamics of the future networks”.


GROW News Mar/2011

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Vol. 6, No. 3, Mar. 2011

In this issue:
1. Publications
2. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars
3. Projects


1. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.

António Serrador and Luís M. Correia, “Energy Efficiency Gains Using VHOs in Heterogeneous Networks”, submitted to PIMRC’2011 – 22nd IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor, Mobile and Radio Communications, Toronto, Canada, Sep. 2011.

Michal Mackowiak, Carla Oliveira, Carlos Lopes and Luis M. Correia, “A Statistical Analysis of the Influence of the Human Body on the Radiation Pattern of Wearable Antennas”, submitted to PIMRC’2011 – 22nd IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor, Mobile and Radio Communications, Toronto, Canada, Sep. 2011.

Lúcio Ferreira and Luis M. Correia, “Energy-Efficient Radio Resource Management in Self-Organised Multi-Radio Wireless Mesh Networks”, submitted to PIMRC’2011 – 22nd IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor, Mobile and Radio Communications, Toronto, Canada, Sep. 2011.

Luísa Caeiro, Filipe Cardoso and Luís M. Correia, “Adaptive Allocation of Virtual Radio Resources over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks”, submitted to PIMRC’2011 – 22nd IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor, Mobile and Radio Communications, Toronto, Canada, Sep. 2011.

Lúcio Ferreira and Luis M. Correia, “Radio Resource Management for Optimisation of Wireless Mesh Networks Deployments”, submitted to WPMC’2011 – Wireless Personal Mobile Communications, Brest, France, Oct. 2011.

Luísa Caeiro, Filipe Cardoso and Luís M. Correia, “Adaptive Radio Resource Allocation for Virtual Connectivity”, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.

Filipe Cardoso, Luis M. Correia, Petteri Mannersalo, Tapio Franti, António Serrador, Giorgio Nunzi, Naveena Genay and Esther Le Rouzic, “Physical Layer Aware Network Architecture for the Future Internet”, accepted to IEEE Communications Magazine.

Michal Mackowiak and Luis M. Correia, ”Modelling the Influence of Body Dynamics on the Radiation Pattern of Wearable Antennas in Off-Body radio channels”, in Proc. of 12th URSI Commission F Triennial Open Symposium on Radio Wave Propagation and Remote Sensing, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.

Luis M. Correia, “Challenges in Propagation and Channels in the Networks of the Future”, in Proc. of IWPCM’2010 – International Workshop on Propagation and Channel Modelling, Lyon, France

Luis M. Correia, “Applications in the Future Internet and their Impact on Mobile and Wireless Networks”, in Proc. of Canada-EU Future Internet Workshop, Waterloo, Canada

Luis M. Correia, “Smart Cities: Applications and Challenges”, in Proc. of CELTIC PLUS Event, Heidelberg, Germany


2. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.

Luis M. Correia
COST2100/NEWCOM++ Workshop, Paris, France

Luis M. Correia, “Challenges in Propagation and Channels in the Networks of the Future”,
IWPCM’2010 – International Workshop on Propagation and Channel Modelling, Lyon, France

Michal Mackowiak, ”Modelling the Influence of Body Dynamics on the Radiation Pattern of Wearable Antennas in Off-Body radio channels”,
12th URSI Commission F Triennial Open Symposium on Radio Wave Propagation and Remote Sensing, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany

Luis M. Correia, Diana Ladeira
Net!Works White Paper on Smart Cities Applications meeting, Brussels, Belgium

Luis M. Correia
Net!Works Steering Board meeting, Brussels, Belgium

Luis M. Correia
SAIL review meeting, Brussels, Belgium

Luis M. Correia, “Applications in the Future Internet and their Impact on Mobile and Wireless Networks”,
Canada-EU Future Internet Workshop, Waterloo, Canada

Luis M. Correia, “Smart Cities: Applications and Challenges”,
CELTIC PLUS Event, Heidelberg, Germany

Michal Mackowiak, “Modelling MIMO Systems in Body Area Networks in Outdoors”
GROW meeting

Luis M. Correia, “Future Telecommunication Networks and their Applications”
Ministry of Defence Workshop on Software Defined Radio, Lisbon, Portugal

Luis M. Correia, “Addressing Challenges in Propagation and Channels in the Networks of the Future”
EuCAP’2011 – 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Rome, Italy

Michal Mackowiak, “Modelling MIMO Systems in Body Area Networks in Outdoors”
Ph.D. Board Evaluation

Luis M. Correia
NEWCOM++ Executive Board meeting, Barcelona, Spain

Carla Oliveira, “Challenges for Body Area Networks Concerning Radio Aspects”
European Wireless 2011 – 17th European Wireless Conference, Vienna, Austria


3. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.

Filipe Cardoso and Mónica Branco are preparing a document with additional results on MIMO Energy Efficiency. António Serrador is working on VHOs in a multi-cell and multi-RAT RRM scenario.

Net!Works –
Work on a Smart Cities white paper is ongoing.

The project has finished its technical activities.

monIT –
The information actions continued with ten more actions held this month, and more scheduled for the upcoming months. Regarding Prémio monIT, training actions on the measurement equipment were given to some groups. After the second progress report deadline, 64 groups are still competing. The final deadline for the complete work is on May 13th.

Daniel Sebastião and João Gonçalves are working on the Deliverable D.A.7 “New business models and business dynamics of the future networks”. Within the Open Connectivity WP, Luísa Caeiro and Lúcio Ferreira are currently working on the preparation of Deliverable DC1 “Architectural Concepts of Connectivity Services”.