GROW News Mar/2010

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GROW News Mar/2010

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Vol. 5, No. 3, Mar. 2010

In this issue:
1. Publications
2. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars
3. Projects
4. Training Courses


1. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.

António Serrador, Andrea Carniani, Virginia Corvino and Luís M. Correia, “Radio Access to Heterogeneous Wireless Networks through JRRM Strategies”, accepted to NEWCOM++ Workshop at the Future Network & Mobile Summit, Florence, Italy June 2010.


2. Conferences, Meetings and Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.

Luís M. Correia, Carla Oliveira, Cesaltina Ricardo, Michal Mackowiak
iWAT2010 – International Workshop on Antenna Technology, Lisbon, Portugal

Luís M. Correia
4WARD Review, Aachen, Germany

Michal Mackowiak, A Statistical Approach to Model Antenna Radiation Patterns in Off-Body Radio Channels,
11th RTCM Workshop, Coimbra, Portugal

Luís M. Correia
NEWCOM++ Review, Brussels, Belgium

Luisa Caeiro, “Radio Resource Management in Multiple Virtual Networks”
GROWing meeting

Luis M. Correia, “Mathematics in Mobile Communications”
Pavilhão do Conhecimento, Lisbon, Portugal

Daniel Sebastião
Celtic MEVICO Project Kick-off Meeting, Helsinki, Finland.


3. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.

Daniel Sebastião and João Gonçalves are working on the next deliverable from WP1 (D1.4) and on some book chapters. Lúcio Ferreira was in the University of Basel (15-18 March) working with Manolis Sifalakis on the implementation of the Wireless Mesh Network research using the GP architecture. António Serrador and Luisa Caeiro have contributed to WP3 on Integration Scenario description and Storyline about Virtual Networks instantiation. António Serrador, as WP3 Physical Layer Awareness contact person, has contributed to the PLA paper final version. Filipe Cardoso has finished editing a paper on Physical Layer Awareness to be submitted to IEEE Communications Magazine. Also, a new project deliverable, D5.5, addressing Physical Layer Awareness aspects is being prepared to be delivered by the end of May.

COST2100 –
Carla Oliveira and Luis Correia are working on Chapter 16 (Body Communications) of the COST2100 Final Report.

António Serrador has contributed to WP3 reference scenarios inputs to WP2 with a list of topics related with cellular traffic load statistics and users mobility models. Filipe Cardoso has edited a contribution for IM4.1 within the scope of T4.1 leadership.

eMobility –
Work on the next applications workshop (to be held on the 19th May in Athens, Greece) is ongoing.

monIT –
Public information actions in schools continued, and several actions were also conducted for schools visiting IST (DEEC-Telecommunications and in the course of the “À Descoberta das Rotas da Matemática da UTL” event) facilities. Regarding Prémio monIT, the next deadline is 29th of March, when the second report progress must be delivered by the groups still competing.

The paper submitted to the NEWCOM++ Workshop was accepted.


4. Training Courses

News about training courses organised and attended by people from GROW

Carla OIiveira and Michal Mackowiak attended a Short Course on CST Simulation Software and Near-Field Simulations, at IST facilities, on 2010-03-22.

Luis M. Correia lectured a course for environmental technicians on “Exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation from Mobile Communications Systems”, on 2010-03-26.


GROW News Feb/2010

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Vol. 5, No. 2, Feb. 2010

In this issue:
1. Publications
2. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars
3. Projects
4. Training Courses


1. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.

Luis M. Correia, Thomas R. Banniza, Anna M. Biraghi, João Gonçalves, Mario Kind, Thomas Monath, Daniel Sebastião, Klaus Wuenstel, Jukka Salo, “Evaluation of Business Use Cases in the Future Internet”, accepted to Future Network and Mobile Summit, Florence, Italy, June 2010.

Daniel Sebastião, Diana Ladeira, Mónica Antunes, Carla Oliveira, Luís M. Correia, “Estimation of Base Stations Exclusion Zones”, submitted to VTC’2010 Fall –72nd IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Ottawa, Canada, Sep. 2010

Carla Oliveira, Luís M. Correia, “A Statistical Model to Characterise User Influence in Body Area Networks”, submitted to VTC’2010 Fall –72nd IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Ottawa, Canada, Sep. 2010

António Serrador, Luís M. Correia, “A Model to Evaluate Vertical Handovers on JRRM”, submitted to PIMRC’2010 – 21st IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Istanbul, Turkey, Sep. 2010

Micha? Ma?kowiak, Luís M. Correia, “A Statistical Approach to Model Antenna Radiation Patterns in Off-Body Radio Channels”, submitted to PIMRC’2010 – 21st IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Istanbul, Turkey, Sep. 2010


2. Conferences, Meetings and Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.

Luis M. Correia, Daniel Sebastião, João Gonçalves, António Serrador, Luísa Caeiro, Lúcio Ferreira, Filipe Cardoso,
4WARD meeting, Paris, France

Micha? Ma?kowiak, “A statistical approach to model antenna radiation pattern in Off-Body Radio Channels”
Carla Oliveira, “Statistical Model to Characterize User Influence in Body Area Networks”
COST2100 meeting, Athens, Greece

Luís M. Correia
NEWCOM++ EB meeting, Pisa, Italy

Rathapon Saruthirathanaworakun, “Dynamic Primary-Secondary Spectrum Sharing with Cellular Systems”
GROWing meeting

Luís M. Correia
4WARD PMT meeting, Darmstadt, Germany

Luís M. Correia
eMobility SB meeting, Brussels, Belgium

Luís M. Correia, Daniel Sebastião, Diana Ladeira, Mónica Antunes
COSTBM0704 meeting, Lisbon, Portugal

Luís M. Correia, Carla Oliveira, Cesaltina Ricardo, Michal Mackowiak
iWAT2010 – International Workshop on Antenna Technology, Lisbon, Portugal

Luís M. Correia
4WARD Review, Aachen, Germany

Luís M. Correia
NEWCOM++ Review, Brussels, Belgium

Luisa Caeiro, “Radio Resource Management in Multiple Virtual Networks”
GROWing meeting

Luis M. Correia, “Mathematics in Mobile Communications”
Pavilhão do Conhecimento, Lisbon, Portugal


3. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.

Daniel Sebastião and João Gonçalves are working on some of the book chapters, looking at traffic and business aspects. Lúcio Ferreira presented, in the Paris meeting, his current work on WMN and its implementation using the GP architecture; he also coordinated the WP4&5 cross-meeting, where several cooperative activities where established.

COST2100 –
Carla Oliveira and Luís M. Correia will start working on Chapter 16 (Body Communications) of the COST2100 Final Report.

António Serrador as contributed to WP3 with a list of 3GPP network metrics and concepts.

eMobility –
Work on the next applications workshop (to be held on the 19th May in Athens, Greece) is ongoing.

monIT –
Public information actions in schools continued, and several actions were also conducted for schools visiting IST (DEEC-Telecommunications) facilities. Regarding Prémio monIT, 37 groups are still competing in this challenge, and training courses on measurements are being provided to some groups. More actions are scheduled to the next month. The team participated in the COST BM0704 WG5 meeting.

António Serrador and Virginia Corvino (from Bologna University) have submitted a paper entitled “Radio Access to Heterogeneous Wireless Networks through JRRM Strategies” to the NEWCOM++ Workshop, co-located with Future Network & Mobile Summit,Florence, Italy June 2010.


4. Training Courses

News about training courses organised and attended by people from GROW

Luis M. Correia will lecture a course for environmental technicians on “Exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation from Mobile Communications Systems”, on 2010-03-26.


GROW News Jan/2010

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Vol. 5, No. 1, Jan. 2010

In this issue:
1. Publications
2. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars
3. Projects


1. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.

António Serrador, Luís M. Correia, “A Cost Function Model for CRRM over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks”, accepted to Wireless Personal Communications, Jan. 2010.

Luis M. Correia, Thomas R. Banniza, Anna M. Biraghi, João Gonçalves, Mario Kind, Thomas Monath, Daniel Sebastião, Klaus Wuenstel, Jukka Salo, “Evaluation of Business Use Cases in the Future Internet”, submitted to Future Internet Assembly Conference, Valencia, Spain, Apr. 2010.

Luis M. Correia, Thomas R. Banniza, Anna M. Biraghi, João Gonçalves, Mario Kind, Thomas Monath, Daniel Sebastião, Klaus Wuenstel, Jukka Salo, “Evaluation of Business Use Cases in the Future Internet”, submitted to Future Network and Mobile Summit, Florence, Italy, June 2010.


2. Conferences, Meetings and Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.

Luís M. Correia
4WARD PMT meeting, Brussels, Belgium

Luis M. Correia, Filipe Cardoso, António Serrador
EARTH kick-off meeting, Stuttgart, Germany

Micha? Ma?kowiak, “A statistical approach to model antenna radiation pattern in Off-Body Radio Channels”
Carla Oliveira, “Statistical Model to Characterize User Influence in Body Area Networks”
António Serrador, “A Model to Evaluate Vertical Handovers on Joint Radio Resource Management”
GROWing meeting

Luis M. Correia, Daniel Sebastião, João Gonçalves, António Serrador, Luísa Caeiro, Lúcio Ferreira, Filipe Cardoso,
4WARD meeting, Paris, France

Micha? Ma?kowiak, “A statistical approach to model antenna radiation pattern in Off-Body Radio Channels”
Carla Oliveira, “Statistical Model to Characterize User Influence in Body Area Networks”
COST2100 meeting, Athens, Greece

Luís M. Correia
NEWCOM++ EB meeting, Pisa, Italy

Rathapon Saruthirathanaworakun, “Dynamic Primary-Secondary Spectrum Sharing with Cellular Systems”
GROWing meeting

Luís M. Correia
4WARD PMT meeting, Darmstadt, Germany

Luís M. Correia
eMobility SB meeting, Brussels, Belgium

Luís M. Correia, Daniel Sebastião, Diana Ladeira, Mónica Antunes
COSTBM0704 meeting, Lisbon, Portugal


3. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.

Daniel Sebastião and João Gonçalves are working on some of the book chapters, looking at traffic and business aspects. Within WP4 & WP5 joint task, Lúcio Ferreira has been driving cross-WP cooperation among partners, identifying working groups that will present a unified vision of the key achievements of both work packages.

COST2100 –
Contributions from Carla Oliveira, Micha? Ma?kowiak, and António Serrador were submitted to the next meeting, to be held on Athens, Greece, on Feb. 2010.

This is a new project that just started, addressing aspects of energy efficiency in mobile and wireless radio networks. The kick-off meeting took place at Alcatel-Lucent, and the detailed planning of the work has been done.

eMobility –
Revision of the 3rd version of the SAA is being conducted. Preparations for the next workshop have been initialised.

monIT –
Public information actions in schools and municipalities continued, and several actions were also conducted for schools visiting IST (Telecommunications) facilities. As far as measurements are concerned, 10 locations have continuous measurements stations installed. Regarding Prémio monIT, after the first progress report, 3 groups were disqualified, 38 being the current number of groups competing in this challenge.

Carla Oliveira and Luis M. Correia contributed to the 2nd Annual WP R.1 report. António Serrador and colleagues from Bologna University are preparing a joint paper about JRRM simulation framework, to be submitted to the NEWCOM++ Workshop, co-located with the Future Network & Mobile Summit 2010 conference in Florence, Italy.


GROW News Dec/2009

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Vol. 4, No. 10, Dec. 2009


In this issue:

1. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

2. Projects



1. Conferences, Meetings and Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.



Luís M. Correia

eMobility Steering Board meeting, Brussels, Belgium



António Serrador, Luísa Caeiro

4WARD WP3 Meeting, Karlsruhe, Germany



Luis M. Correia

Jury in Yves Lostanlen’s “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches”

University of Rennes, Rennes, France



Luís M. Correia

4WARD PMT meeting, Brussels, Belgium



Luis M. Correia, Filipe Cardoso, António Serrador

EARTH kick-off meeting, Stuttgart, Germany



GROWing meeting



2. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.



Daniel Sebastião and João Gonçalves are working on the WP1 uses-cases, looking at traffic and business aspects. António Serrador and Luisa Caeiro concluded the contributions to WP3 Deliverable D3.2.0 “Virtualisation Approach: Evaluation and Integration”. Within WP5’s Deliverable D5.2“Mechanisms for Generic Paths”, Lucio Ferreira has finalised the edition of a chapter on the use of the Generic Path architecture in Wireless Mesh Networks, as well as a section on Task TC45 describing the cooperative work that has been established between WP4 and WP5. Within task TC45, he has been editing an internal report detailing TC45 activity until now.


COST2100 –

Contributions are being prepared for the next meeting.


eMobility –

Work on the third version of the SAA was concluded.


monIT –

Public information actions in schools continued, and several actions were conducted for schools visiting IST (Telecommunications) facilities. Information actions were scheduled for the next two months. Regarding measurements, 2 new stations were installed in Lisbon, totalising now 8 continuous monitored locations. monIT’s annual report of activities was concluded, being available in the website. Regarding Prémio monIT, students were asked to submit the first evaluation report until Dec. 21st. Those reports are evaluated by the monIT team and an updated list of participants will be published on Jan. 11th.



Luis M. Correia has contributed to the Vision Book, and concluded the review of all Deliverables of Integration WPs.



GROW News Nov/2009

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Vol. 4, No. 09, Nov. 2009


In this issue:

1. People

2. Publications

2. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

3. Projects




1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.


As usual, this month has witnessed the discussions of the M.Sc. theses of the previous academic year. Jorge Venes, João Araújo, Nuno Jacinto and Gonçalo Carvalho have all graduated. Congratulations to all of them, and good luck to their professional career, which has already started for all of them.


Christmas and New Year are here. Season’s Greetings to all the readers of this Newsletter.



2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.


Carla Oliveira, Daniel Sebastião, Diana Ladeira, Mónica Antunes, Luís M. Correia, “Sources of Electromagnetic Fields in Radiofrequencies” (in Portuguese), Primeiro Congresso de Protecção Contra Radiações de Países e Comunidades de Língua Portuguesa, Lisboa, Portugal, Nov. 2009



3. Conferences, Meetings and Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.



Luis M. Correia

3.º Congresso do Comité Português da URSI, Lisboa, Portugal



Carla Oliveira

“Sources of Electromagnetic Fields in Radiofrequencies” (in Portuguese),

Primeiro Congresso de Protecção Contra Radiações de Países e Comunidades de Língua Portuguesa, Lisboa, Portugal



Luis M. Correia

Jury in Laurent Clavier’s “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches”

University of Lillle, Lille, France



Luís M. Correia

eMobility Steering Board meeting, Brussels, Belgium



António Serrador, Luísa Caeiro

4WARD WP3 Meeting, Karlsruhe, Germany



Luis M. Correia

Jury in Yves Lostanlen’s “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches”

University of Rennes, Rennes, France



4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.



Daniel Sebastião and João Gonçalves are working on the WP1 uses-cases, looking at traffic and business aspects. António Serrador edited the Conclusions section of WP3 Deliverable D3.2.0 “Virtualisation Approach: Evaluation and Integration”, and contributed, as WP3 contact person, to the new version of the Physical Layer Awareness paper. Within WP5, Lucio Ferreira has contributed to the edition of Deliverable D5.2 “Mechanisms for Generic Paths”, with a chapter on the use of the Generic Path architecture in Wireless Mesh Networks. Regarding the common task TC45 (synergies between the In-network Management and the Formux WPs) which he is co-leader, he has edited a section for D5.2 describing the cooperative work that has been established coming from this task, an internal report detailing this activity being also under finalisation.


COST2100 –

Contributions are being prepared for the next meeting.


eMobility –

Work on the next version of the SAA is ongoing.


monIT –

All students (more than 150) that have applied to Prémio monIT, the national contest for secondary schools, were accepted. A cooperation agreement was signed in a public ceremony with the municipality of Lisbon, in order to make continuous and localised measurements in several places of the city (mainly primary schools). It had a good coverage by the media, with several news stories appearing in newspapers and national TV. Following this agreement, Lisbon has now 6 active probe stations, summing to the ones installed in secondary schools of Moita and Évora. Daily results from these networks can be seen in monIT’s website. Public information actions in schools have been resumed, with several actions in schools being held during the month.



António Serrador has issued the WG1 reviewed contribution to WP-R.9 Deliverable D-R.9.2 “Definition and evaluation of JRRM and ASM algorithms”.



GROW News Oct/2009

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Vol. 4, No. 08, Oct. 2009


In this issue:

1. Publications

2. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

3. Projects



1. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.


Luísa Caeiro, António Serrador, Filipe D. Cardoso, Luís M. Correia, “Radio Resource Management in Multiple Virtual Networks”, submitted to WCNC’2010 – IEEE Wireless Communications and Networks Conference, Sydney, Australia, Apr. 2010.


António Serrador, Luís M. Correia, Giulio Dainelli, Marco Moretti, “A statistical approach for radio resource management in OFDMA based networks”, submitted to WCNC’2010 – IEEE Wireless Communications and Networks Conference, Sydney, Australia, Apr. 2010.


Carla Oliveira, Daniel Sebastião, Diana Ladeira, Mónica Antunes, Luís M. Correia, “Sources of Electromagnetic Fields in Radiofrequencies” (in Portuguese), accepted to Primeiro Congresso de Protecção Contra Radiações de Países e Comunidades de Língua Portuguesa, Lisboa, Portugal, Nov. 2009



2. Conferences, Meetings and Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.



Luís M. Correia

NEWCOM++ Executive Board, Athens, Greece



Luís M. Correia, “Applications we are likely to see on the Future Internet”

WWRF/eMobility Workshop on Future Networking, Beijing, China



António Serrrador

NEWCOM++ WP R.9 Meeting, IST, Lisbon, Portugal



Carla Oliveira,

“Sources of Electromagnetic Fields in Radiofrequencies” (in Portuguese),

Primeiro Congresso de Protecção Contra Radiações de Países e Comunidades de Língua Portuguesa, Lisboa, Portugal




3. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.



Daniel Sebastião and João Gonçalves contributed to Deliverable D-1.2 “Project-wide Evaluation of Business Use Cases”. António Serrador has contributed, as WP3 contact person, to the Physical Layer Awareness paper. Lucio Ferreira has contributed within WP5 to the edition of Deliverable D5.2 “Mechanisms for Generic Paths”, with a section on wireless mesh networks; he is currently working on the integration of Generic Path architectural concepts within the wireless mesh networks strategies under development. Regarding TC45 activity, identification of synergies between WP4 and WP5 research topics is undergoing.Filipe Cardoso is editing a paper on “Physical Layer Awareness in the Future Internet” to be submitted to IEEE Communications Magazine.


COST2100 –

Contributions are being prepared for the next meeting.


eMobility –

Work on the next version of the SAA is ongoing.


monIT –

Public actions in shopping centres continued in Campus São João (Porto) on Oct. 16/18, and in Odivelas Parque (Odivelas) on Oct. 30/Nov. 01. Regarding Prémio monIT, the national contest for secondary schools, the registration period occurred on Oct. 19/30. Lisbon has joined the continuous monitoring programme. Daily results from this network, as well as of those installed in Gavião (Portalegre), Ourique (Beja), and Bragança can be seen in monIT’s website. Public information actions in schools have been resumed, with several actions in schools all across the country already scheduled.




António Serrador had several contacts with CNIT-Pisa University, to prepare a joint paper to be submitted to WCNC 2010. IST hosted the WPR9 meeting in Lisbon, where António Serrador presented the WG1 contribution to Deliverable DR9.2 “Definition and evaluation of JRRM and ASM algorithms”.



GROW News Sep/2009

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Vol. 4, No. 07, Sep. 2009


In this issue:

1. People

2. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

3. Projects




1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.


GROW has 3 more members, which started their M.Sc. thesis in September: José Trindade, Carlos Lopes and Dominik Sarapata. A special welcome to Dominik, coming from Poland to join us.


Indirectly, GROW has also gained 2 more members: Michal and Lúcio were fathers once more. Congratulations to them, and their wives.



2. Conferences, Meetings and Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.



Carla Oliveira

4th NEWCOM++ WP.R1 workshop, Ankara, Turkey



Luís M. Correia, Diana Ladeira

eMobility Steering Board, General Assembly, and Working Group meeting, Brussels, Belgium



Luís M. Correia

PIMRC, Tokyo, Japan



Diana Ladeira, “As TIC como forma de acelerar a recuperação económica: estratégias de desenvolvimento regional e utilização dos fundos estruturais”

SFERA Conference, Faro, Portugal



Luís M. Correia, Daniel Sebastião, João Gonçalves, António Serrador, Luísa Caeiro, Filipe Cardoso, Lúcio Ferreira

4WARD Meeting, Aachen, Germany



Mónica Antunes

PNAAS meeting with Direcção Geral da Saúde, Lisbon, Portugal



Luís M. Correia, Daniel Sebastião, João Gonçalves

4WARD BIRD Workshop, Brussels, Belgium



Luís M. Correia

NEWCOM++ Executive Board, Athens, Greece



Luís M. Correia, “Applications we are likely to see on the Future Internet”

WWRF/eMobility Workshop on Future Networking, Beijing, China



3. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.



Daniel Sebastião contributed to deliverable D-1.2 “Project-wide Evaluation of Business Use Cases”, together with João Gonçalves. Final contributions to D3.1.1 “Virtualisation Approach: Concept (Final)” by António Serrador and Luísa Caeiro have been issued. Lúcio Ferreira is coordinating the work within Joint Task ForMux/InNetMgmt TC45.


COST2100 –

Unfortunately, for several reasons, no one from GROW attended the meeting in Vienna by the end of September.


eMobility –

A document is being compiled on the discussions held on the General Assembly parallel sessions (Health and Inclusion, Transport, Environment). Diana Ladeira was a speaker at the SFERA conference in Faro, where an overview of the work being developed in the eMobility platform was given.


monIT –

Public actions in shopping centres continued in Spacio Shopping (Lisbon) from Sep. 11 to 13, in Arena Shopping (Torres Vedras) from Sep. 18 to 20, and then in Oeiras Parque (Oeiras) from Sep. 25 to 27. New actions are scheduled for October. Also, the promotion of Prémio monIT national contest continues, information being sent to youth entities, as Instituto Português da Juventude. Daily results from continuous monitoring networks installed in Gavião (Portalegre), Ourique (Beja), and Bragança can be seen in monIT’s website. Mónica Antunes attended a meeting with Direcção Geral da Saúde, under the scope of the national plan for health and environment.



Carla Oliveira contributed to the WP.R1 workshop held in Ankara, with an overview of the activities to be developed by the IST group until the end of 2010. António Serrador had a Skype meeting with CNIT-Bologna University, Italy, where the WPR9 WG1 joint work was discussed, further revisions will be made on the current contribution. António Serrador has issued the NEWCOM++ WPR9 Working Group 1 contribution to the next Deliverable DR9.2, on Joint Radio Resource Management results, involving also colleagues from Pisa University. In addition, in the NEWCOM++ Joint Activities António Serrador, Luis M. Correia, Giulio Dainelli and Marco Moretti has issued a paper named “A statistical approach for radio resource management in OFDMA based networks”.


GROW News Aug/2009

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Vol. 4, No. 05, Aug. 2009


In this issue:

1. People

2. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

3. Projects




1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.


On July 18th, one more STAR WARM (Still Another Wonderful Annual Reunion in Monsaraz) took place, the 9th. Most of GROW members got the chance to enjoy themselves, with their families, in the cosy environment of Monsaraz.



2. Conferences, Meetings and Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.



Luís M. Correia, “Applications we are likely to see on the Future Internet”

WWRF/eMobility Workshop on Future Networking, Vancouver, Canada



Luís M. Correia

4WARD PMT Meeting, Bilbao, Spain



Luís M. Correia

ICT Mobile Summit, Santander, Spain



Luís M. Correia, “Towards Applications and Services in 4G” (Panel on “3G to 4G: towards full mobility IP services”)

ICC’2009 – IEEE International Conference on Communications, Dresden, Germany



Daniel Sebastião, Diana Ladeira, Mónica Antunes

BioEM 2009 – BioElectromagnetics Society Annual Meeting, Davos, Switzerland



Daniel Sebastião, Diana Ladeira, Mónica Antunes

COST Action BM 0704 MC and WG5 meeting, Davos, Switzerland



António Serrador

NEWCOM++ Visit, U. Pisa, Pisa, Italy



Luís M. Correia

eMobility Steering Board Meeting, Brussels, Belgium



Luís M. Correia

SupCom, Tunis, Tunisia



Lúcio Ferreira

4WARD WP 5 Meeting, Madrid, Spain



Lúcio Ferreira

OPNET Training Course, Paris, France



Daniel Sebastião, João Gonçalves

2nd EURO-NF Summer School on Socio-Economic and Governance Issues, Meissen, Germany



Carla Oliveira

4th NEWCOM++ WP.R1 workshop, Ankara, Turkey



Luís M. Correia, Diana Ladeira

eMobility Steering Board, General Assembly, and Working Group meeting, Brussels, Belgium



Luís M. Correia

PIMRC, Tokyo, Japan



Luís M. Correia, Daniel Sebastião, João Gonçalves, António Serrador, Luísa Caeiro, Filipe Cardoso, Lúcio Ferreira

4WARD Meeting, Aachen, Germany



Luís M. Correia

COST 2100 Meeting, Vienna, Austria



Luís M. Correia, Daniel Sebastião, João Gonçalves

4WARD BIRD Workshop, Brussels, Belgium



3. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.



Daniel Sebastião is working on new dissemination ideas and in the development of the use-cases together with João Gonçalves. Luísa Caeiro and António Serrador have further contributed to D3.1.1 “Virtualisation Approach: Concept (Final)”, António Serrador being a reviewer as well.Lúcio Ferreira is coordinating the work within Joint Task ForMux/InNetMgmt TC45; a meeting was held in Madrid, where the status of this joint task was presented and discussed.


COST2100 –

Contributions to the next meeting are being prepared.


eMobility –

The SAA (Strategic Applications Agenda) was reviewed and the 2nd version was circulated. The Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on “Shaping the Future of Mobile and Wireless Communications”, held in Madrid, Spain, were finalised and circulated.


monIT –

The main highlight was the launch of Prémio monIT, a contest on radiofrequency for the secondary schools pupils at a national level; more information on Prémio monIT can be found at Also, the Prémio monIT national contest is being promoted on schools, libraries, science centres, and so on. Moreover, part of the team attended a meeting of the COST BM0704 ( and a presentation on the “Electromagnetic Field Radiated by Compact Fluorescent Lamps” was made at the BioEM conference in Davos, Switzerland. Also, the public actions in shopping centres are coming back, starting in Amoreiras (Lisbon) from June 26 to 28, and then on Braga Parque (Braga) from July 03 to 05. New actions are scheduled for September and October. Continuous monitoring networks are being installed again, with networks already operational in Gavião (Portalegre), Ourique (Beja) and Bragança. Daily results can be seen in monIT’s website.



A joint contribution to the WPR.1 Deliverable R1.2 “Intermediate short report on activities and results” was delivered, edited by Carla Oliveira. Additionally, Carla Oliveira is preparing a contribution for the next WP.R1 workshop, to be held in Ankara next September. António Serrador made a Short Term Mission to CNIT-U. Pisa, Pisa, Italy, the focus being on the work on how to collect the statistical characterisation of radio transmitted power by multicarrier base stations, and results are being stated in the STM report. António Serrador had a Skype meeting with CNIT-Bologna University, Italy, where the WPR9 WG1 joint work was discussed; further simulations and results are expected to be issued soon.




GROW News May/2009

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Vol. 4, No. 05, May 2009


In this issue:

1. People

2. Publications

3. Conferences, Meetings & Seminars

4. Projects

5. Training Courses




1. People

Information about incoming and outgoing people, besides other related news.


This month, GROW got two new members:

— João Gonçalves started working in 4WARD, being involved in WP 1, i.e., use cases and business models;

— Ema Catarré joins Vera in supporting the group in all secretariat tasks.



2. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.


Lúcio S. Ferreira, Marcelo Dias de Amorim, Luigi Iannone, Lars Berlemann and Luis M. Correia, “Opportunistic Management of Spontaneous and Heterogeneous Wireless Mesh Networks”, accepted to IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, May 2009.


Daniel Sebastião, Carla Oliveira, Gonçalo Carpinteiro, Diana Ladeira, Mónica Antunes, Luís M. Correia, Carlos Fernandes, “Electromagnetic Fields Radiated by Fluorescent and Compact Fluorescent Lamps”, Proc. of Conftele’2009 – 7th Conference on Telecommunications, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal, May 2009.


Armando J. Marques, Luís M. Correia and Sérgio Pires, “Modelling of Building Height Interference Dependence in UMTS”, Proc. of Conftele’2009 – 7th Conference on Telecommunications, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal, May 2009.


Ricardo Preguiça, Luís M. Correia and Carlos Caseiro, “Comparison between UMTS/HSPA+ and WiMAX/IEEE 802.16e in Mobility Scenarios”, Proc. of Conftele’2009 – 7th Conference on Telecommunications, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal, May 2009.


Sara Duarte, Luís M. Correia and Luís Santo, “Analysis of Technologies for Long Term Evolution in UMTS”, Proc. of Conftele’2009 – 7th Conference on Telecommunications, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal, May 2009.


Vikash M. Laxmidas, Luís M. Correia and Sérgio Pires, “Modelling of Linear Coverage in UMTS Applied to Tunnels and Bridges”, Proc. of Conftele’2009 – 7th Conference on Telecommunications, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal, May 2009.


Filipe Leonardo and Luís M. Correia, “A Statistical 3D MIMO Radio Channel Model for UMTS”, Proc. of Conftele’2009 – 7th Conference on Telecommunications, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal, May 2009.



3. Conferences, Meetings and Seminars

List of Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.



Mónica Antunes

ConfTele’2009 – 7th Conference on Telecommunications, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal



António Serrador, Luisa Caeiro

4WARD WP3 Meeting, Heidelberg, Germany



Luis M. Correia, Panel on “Future Networking Applications”

WWRF 22nd Meeting, Paris, France



Luis M. Correia, “As Comunicações do Futuro”

Escola Secundária Prof. Herculano de Carvalho, Lisboa



Carla Oliveira, António Serrador, Luis M. Correia

COST2100 MCM Meeting, Valencia, Spain.



Diana Ladeira, Luís M. Correia

eMobility Applications WG Meeting and Workshop, Madrid, Spain.



Carla Oliveira

COST2100 Short Term Scientific Mission, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium.



Luis M. Correia

ICT’2009 – International Conference on Telecommunications, Marrakech, Morocco



Luís M. Correia, “Applications we are likely to see on the Future Internet”

WWRF/eMobility Workshop on Future Networking, Vancouver, Canada



Luís M. Correia

4WARD PMT Meeting, Bilbao, Spain



Luís M. Correia

ICT Mobile Summit, Santander, Spain



Luis M. Correia, “Towards Applications and Services in 4G” (Panel on “3G to 4G: towards full mobility IP services”)

ICC’2009 – IEEE International Conference on Communications, Dresden, Germany



Daniel Sebastião, Diana Ladeira, Mónica Antunes

BioEM 2009 – BioElectromagnetics Society Annual Meeting, Davos, Switzerland



Daniel Sebastião, Diana Ladeira, Mónica Antunes

COST Action BM 0704 MC and WG5 meeting, Davos, Switzerland



Luis M. Correia

eMobility Steering Board Meeting, Brussels, Belgium



Luis M. Correia

SupCom, Tunis, Tunisia



4. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.



Daniel Sebastião prepared a list of ideas for disseminate the project results. Luisa Caeiro and António Serrador have issued a contribution to D3.1.1 “Virtualisation Approach: Concept (Final)”; in this contribution, the CRRM and CVRRM role in the network virtualisation process was described.Filipe Cardoso has finished analysing all the deliverables that were already delivered and circulated a draft document within WP5 entitled “A Cross WP View of Physical Layer Awareness in 4WARD”. Within Deliverable D5.2.1 “Updated version of the functional architecture”, Lucio Ferreira was named editor of a section on “Wireless Mesh Access”; concluding remarks were edited for this section, congregating the contributions from the different partners. A new Joint Task ForMux/InNetMgmt TC45 was defined by the project board to address the EC review comments on superposition of WP4 and WP5 work on different areas; Lúcio Ferreira was named co-leader from WP5, together with Slawomir Kulinsky, from WP4 (TPSA); his activity has been already started, the Description of Work having been defined and contributions to partners requested.


COST2100 –

António Serrador presented a Temporary Document, entitled “A Model to Evaluate CRRM QoS Parameters”, at the meeting in Valencia. Lúcio Ferreira, although not attending the meeting, has prepared a presentation on the status of SIG A for the meeting in Valencia, which was delivered by Luis M. Correia. The activity is proceeding as expected; two papers using the reference scenarios were presented.


eMobility –

The Applications Group Meeting and Workshop was held in Madrid, Spain, and a document is being compiled of the discussions held.


monIT –

The team continues the information activities, with actions being held in schools, health care centres and in collaboration with some of the Centros de Ciência Viva in the country. Contacts were established with Mundicenter Shopping Centres in order to make some public information actions in the next few months. Prémio monIT, a pioneer contest on radiofrequency at national level for the secondary schools students, will be launched in the next weeks.



A joint contribution to the WPR.1 Deliverable R1.2 “Intermediate short report on activities and results” is being finalised by Carla Oliveira. António Serrador, as WPR9-WG1 responsible, had a meeting with Virginia Corvino from CNIT, Bologna University in Valencia, Spain; in this meeting the next WG1 contribution to DR.9.2 was discussed and defined.Lúcio Ferreira contributed to Deliverable DR 11.2 “State of the art of research on opportunistic networks, and definition of a common framework for reference models and performance metrics”, both on the JRA on “Heterogeneous and opportunistic wireless mesh networks” and on the JRA on “Resource Description Language”.



5. Training Courses

News about training courses organised and attended by people from GROW


Luis M. Correia lectured a course for technicians at INA (Instituto Nacional de Administração) on “Technologies for Wireless Networks”, on 2009-05-13.



GROW News Apr/2009

Posted by


Vol. 4, No. 04, Apr. 2009


In this issue:

1. Publications

2. Conferences & Seminars

3. Projects

4. Training Courses



1. Publications

Information about publications, at both national and international levels, concerning papers submitted, accepted, or published in the period.


Daniel Sebastião and Luis M. Correia, “Towards an Optimisation of Parameters Setting in WLANs”, Proc. of VTC’2009 Spring – IEEE 69th Vehicular Technology Conference, Barcelona, Spain, Apr. 2009.


João Lopes, Luis Santo and Luis M. Correia, “Performance Analysis of UMTS/HSPA at the Cellular Level”, Proc. of VTC’2009 Spring – IEEE 69th Vehicular Technology Conference, Barcelona, Spain, Apr. 2009.



2. Conferences and Seminars

List of Conferences, Seminars, meetings, and other events held and attended during this period, and to be held the following month.



Luis M. Correia

NEWCOM++ review, Barcelona, Spain



Luisa Caeiro, “Cooperative Radio Resource Management in Virtual Networks”

GROWing meeting



Daniel Sebastião, “Towards an Optimisation of Parameters Setting in WLANs”

Mónica Antunes, “Electromagnetic Fields Radiated by Fluorescent and Compact Fluorescent Lamps”,

GROWing meeting



Carla Oliveira, Michal Mackowiak

Course on “Antennas and Propagation for Body-Centric Wireless Communications”, European School of Antennas, London, UK.



Luis M. Correia, Daniel Sebastião

4WARD WP1 meeting, Helsinki, Finland



Luis M. Correia

PRESTO meeting, Turin, Italy



Daniel Sebastião, “Towards an Optimisation of Parameters Setting in WLANs”

João Lopes, “Performance Analysis of UMTS/HSPA at the Cellular Level”,

Luis M. Correia

VTC’2009 Spring – IEEE 69th Vehicular Technology Conference, Barcelona, Spain



Armando J. Marques, “Modelling of Building Height Interference Dependence in UMTS”,

Ricardo Preguiça, “Comparison between UMTS/HSPA+ and WiMAX/IEEE 802.16e in Mobility Scenarios”,

Sara Duarte, “Analysis of Technologies for Long Term Evolution in UMTS”,

Vikash M. Laxmidas, “Modelling of Linear Coverage in UMTS Applied to Tunnels and Bridges”,

Filipe Leonardo, “A Statistical 3D MIMO Radio Channel Model for UMTS”

GROWing meeting



Mónica Antunes

ConfTele’2009 – 7th Conference on Telecommunications, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal



António Serrador, Luisa Caeiro

4WARD WP3 Meeting, Heidelberg, Germany



Luis M. Correia, Panel on “Future Networking Applications”

WWRF 22nd Meeting, Paris, France



Luis M. Correia, “As Comunicações do Futuro”

Escola Secundária Prof. Herculano de Carvalho, Lisboa



Carla Oliveira, António Serrador, Luis M. Correia

COST2100 MCM Meeting, Valencia, Spain.



Diana Ladeira, Luís M. Correia

eMobility Applications WG Meeting and Workshop, Madrid, Spain.



Carla Oliveira

COST2100 Short Term Scientific Mission, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium.



Luis M. Correia

ICT’2009 – International Conference on Telecommunications, Marrakech, Morocco



3. Projects

News about the several projects in which GROW is involved.



Daniel Sebastião continued the work on the use-cases and is preparing a list of ideas for disseminate the project results. Luisa Caeiro and António Serrador have send to WP3 colleagues a working document concerning Cooperative Virtual Resource Management concepts and algorithms. Filipe Cardoso has prepared and delivered a document with the Physical Layer Awareness contribution for deliverable D5.2.1. Within deliverable D5.2.1, Lucio Ferreira was named editor of a section on “Wireless Mesh Access”, which congregates contributions from several partners, having been finalised in the meantime. Lucio Ferreira issued an internal report on the work carried out until now within Task T5.4, presenting a channel management strategy for heterogeneous Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs), containing a state of the art and a description of the proposed idea. Lucio Ferreira also established a contact with task TC45 in order to identify a collaboration with WP4 – In Network Management.


COST2100 –

António Serrador will be presenting a Temporary Document, entitled “A Model to Evaluate CRRM QoS Parameters”, at the next meeting in Valencia. Lúcio Ferreira, although not attending the meeting, has prepared a presentation on the status of SIG A for the meeting in Valencia.


eMobility –

Organisation of the next Workshop being held in Madrid was finalised. The email lists of the WG and wiki access were updated. The work concerning the SAA is ongoing.



monIT –

The team continued the information activities, with several actions being held in schools, health care centers and in collaboration with some of the Centros de Ciência Viva in the country. The preparation of the next years’ activities is ongoing.



Contributions to the next WP R.1 Deliverable are being prepared by Carla Oliveira and Michal Mackowiak. António Serrador will perform by the 4th week of June a short time mission at Pisa University, Italy together with Prof. Marco Moreti. This mission will be devoted to WLAN interference models, and the train station scenario will be. Lúcio Ferreira prepared a report and a presentation on the JRA on “Heterogeneous and opportunistic wireless mesh networks” for the WP.R11 meeting.



4. Training Courses

News about training courses organised and attended by people from GROW


Luis M. Correia lectured a course for judges, medical doctors, architects, and environmental technicians on “Exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation from Mobile Communications Systems”, on 2009-04-17 and 2009-04-24.


Luis M. Correia will be lecturing a course for technicians at INA (Instituto Nacional de Administração) on “Technologies for Wireless Networks”, on 2009-05-13.